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Some pulp API/CLI testing automation


/deploy - thereis an ansible and ec2 pulp deployment

ansible deployment (temporarily) moved to

/tests - pulp api/cli testcases

/pulp_auto - our library

Requirements for running:

Please make sure that before running you have python2.7, python-devel, m2crypto and gcc installed!

python ./ install

Basic usage:

To run tests:

  • cd pulp-automation; cp tests/inventory.yaml ./ and update the template as needed (visit the file for instructions)

  • To run all tests:

      nosetests -vs
  • To run a particular test:

      nosetests -vs tests/

All testcases should pass. If something fails it means that:

  • there is a regression bug,
  • some bugs are on_qa state and expected failure decorator(used to mark automated BZ tests as pass) should be removed,
  • there is a problem in the framework

To do test coverage:

Docker usage

To run, set the env variable PULPHOST to override packaged inventory.yaml entries: docker run -it -e redhatqe/pulp-automation:latest The default pulp hostname used in the inventory is Setting up hostnames resolution should also make the tests run.

The pulp-automation image uses a volume--workdir to run nosetest in. You can find the test results in the workdir counterpart on your docker host, such as: /mnt/sda1/var/lib/docker/vfs/dir/<container ID>/ Having run the container, you should find e.g. nosetests.xml inside, which you could feed to your Jenkins server.

The pulp-automation image repo is hosted on the Docker Hub