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sQ1 Kafka Integration with Storm

a. Multi-node Kafka Cluster Setup.


# download and config kafka
tar -zxvf kafka_2.11-2.0.1.tgz
vim ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

# download and config zookeeper
tar -zxvf zookeeper-3.4.13.tar.gz
cd zookeeper-3.4.13/conf
cp zoo_sample.cfg zoo.cfg
vim zoo.cfg

# add into zoo.cfg

# sync configs and packages
for i in {2,3}; do scp -r ./zookeeper-3.4.13 instance-$i:~/pkgs; done
for i in {2,3}; do scp -r ./configs instance-$i:~/; done

# set myid in each zookeeper node
echo "1" > ~/configs/zookeeper/data/myid
echo "2" > ~/configs/zookeeper/data/myid
echo "3" > ~/configs/zookeeper/data/myid

# start zookeeper service start
# check status status # enter zookeeper client  

# modify kafka config
vim kafka_2.11-2.1.0/config/

# start kafka now -daemon ./config/ # if stop --create --zookeeper --replication-factor 2 --partitions 2 --topic my-test-topic

# In instance 1 --broker-list --topic my-test-topic

# In instance 2 --bootstrap-server --topic my-test-topic --from-beginning

netstat -plnt | grep 9092 # check port


# In producer machine
yongbiaoai@instance-1:~/pkgs/kafka_2.11-2.0.1$ --broker-list --topic my-test-topic

>my test message from producer

# In consumer machine
yongbiaoai@instance-2:~/pkgs/kafka_2.11-2.0.1$ --bootstrap-server --topic my-test-topic --from-begiing

my test message from producer

b. Find the most Frequently used Words: Using Kafka to Guarantee Message/Tuple Processing (At-least-once mode).

Commands: -daemon ~/pkgs/kafka_2.11-2.0.1/config/

# Create wordcount topic --create --zookeeper --replication-factor 2 --partitions 2 --topic wordcount

# Kafka producer read from local StormData.txt file
cat StormData.txt | --broker-list --topic wordcount

# testing --bootstrap-server --topic wordcount --from-beginning  --delete --zookeeper --topic wordcount

# compile and run wordcount program
mvn compile
mvn assembly:assembly -DdescriptorId=jar-with-dependencies

storm jar target/hw2-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar  wordcount.WordCountTopology WordCount

Top 10 most frequently used words

the	80777
and	52754
of	47002
to	25474
I	23545
in	19697
that	18188
And	18141
a	17507
his	13299


Do they generate the same result? Why or why not?

The at most-once and at least-once models generate the same top used words result.

This is because KafkaSpout have implement ack and fail methods for fault tolerance. When the tuple have been failed processing in SplitSentenceBolt, the KafkaSpout is able to re-emit to tuple to SplitSentenceBolt. Since I have use tuple-anchoring in the SplitSentenceBolt, which will assgin a MessageId to the tuple and KafkaSpout is able to re-emit the tuple even when WordCountBolt have failed on tuple processing.

Compare the performance of these two models (including running time, num of tuple emitted, number of tuples acked, etc.).

Type Running Time Num of Emitted Num of Acked
At Most-Once Model 51s 1710120 1710020
At Least-Once Model 82s 1709100 1905500


  • At Most-Once model is faster, there are mainly two reasons:
    1. The spout was implements with FileReadSpout, which have less latency and overhead on the read phase. Since the StormData.txt is not a large dataset, which make this option a time-consuming phase.
    2. At Most-Once Model do not need to process ack, fail and re-emit operations, which can save a lot of time.
  • At Least-Once Model need more ack operations, since in the FileReadSpout, I haven't implement the ack and fail operations. In the KafkaSpout, the spout will do more ack operatins for fault tolerance.

c. Scaling the topology.

Screenshots of 4 settings:

Setting 1


Setting 2


Setting 3


Setting 4


# of KafkaSpout # of SplitBolt # of CountBolt Running Time Num of Emitted Num of Acked
1 3 3 3 72s 1709160 1905540
2 1 3 3 51s 1710540 1905540
3 1 1 3 65s 1707420 1905540
4 3 10 10 67s 1709760 1905540

Explain your findings.

  1. The parallelism degree will not change the total number of acked tuples in the topology.
  2. The total number of emited tuples is around 1709000, which is not fixed. The reason for this is bolts may have some failed tuples, so the spout have to re-emit tuple and this will cause the increase of the emit count. In this test, setting3 have 20 failed ack and setting4 have 40 failed ack.
  3. Setting 2 have the shortest running time, which is because:
    • Have less spout number compared with Setting 1, which will have less time consuming overhead.
    • Have more SentenceSplitBolt compared with Setting 3, which means there will be more threads to processing tuples from the spout, the paraellism is suitable and the running time will be reduced.
    • The parallelism looks more reasonable than the Setting 4, the overall cluster resouces were limited, the configuration for setting 4 will have much more overhead compared with setting 3.

d. Find popular hashtags: Using Kafka to Guarantee Message/Tuple Processing (At-least-once model)


# Create wordcount topic --create --zookeeper --replication-factor 2 --partitions 2 --topic twitter

# compile and run application
mvn compile
mvn assembly:assembly -DdescriptorId=jar-with-dependencies
storm jar target/hw2-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar  twitter.TwitterHashTagTopology TwitterHashTag

# testing --bootstrap-server --topic twitter --from-beginning

I have executed this program with TwitterHashTag and TwitterProducer topologies about 2 days:


Part of Resutls:

Popular HashTag:Acte17	Frequency:329 (at 2019/03/10 16:55:08)
Popular HashTag:Trump	Frequency:488 (at 2019/03/10 16:55:08)
Popular HashTag:Quimper	Frequency:329 (at 2019/03/10 16:55:08)

Popular HashTag:Acte17	Frequency:323 (at 2019/03/10 17:05:08)
Popular HashTag:Trump	Frequency:482 (at 2019/03/10 17:05:08)
Popular HashTag:Quimper	Frequency:323 (at 2019/03/10 17:05:08)

Popular HashTag:Acte17	Frequency:325 (at 2019/03/10 17:15:08)
Popular HashTag:Trump	Frequency:473 (at 2019/03/10 17:15:08)
Popular HashTag:Quimper	Frequency:325 (at 2019/03/10 17:15:08)

Popular HashTag:Acte17	Frequency:326 (at 2019/03/10 17:25:08)
Popular HashTag:Trump	Frequency:470 (at 2019/03/10 17:25:08)
Popular HashTag:Quimper	Frequency:326 (at 2019/03/10 17:25:08)


Name Detail
Running Time 1d 22h 52m 32s
Num of Emitted 3951400
Num of Acked 4999720
Num of Failed 59802

TwitterHashTag Summary:


TwitterProducer Summary:


Q2 PageRank Algorithm on GraphLab Create

a. Install GraphLab Create on one single machine. In your homework submission, show the key steps.


# install conda and GraphLab
conda create -n py27 python=2.7
source activate py27
conda update pip
pip install --upgrade --no-cache-dir
conda install ipython-notebook

b. Read the code, understand how it works and write your own PageRank program or modify the code to compute the Top 100 nodes for the given dataset.

The result for the Top-100 nodes:

|  __id  |    pagerank   |      l1_delta     |
| 597621 | 564.270596318 | 6.56425527268e-08 |
| 41909  | 562.686194661 | 8.51960066939e-08 |
| 163075 |  552.22403529 | 2.96643065667e-08 |
| 537039 | 549.064264229 | 5.95294977757e-08 |
| 384666 | 480.684503412 | 6.53718075228e-08 |
| 504140 | 467.382084177 | 5.21148990629e-08 |
| 486980 | 442.840154736 | 7.91470711192e-09 |
| 605856 | 438.573242895 | 7.23275661585e-09 |
| 32163  | 435.284706147 | 4.72654164696e-08 |
| 558791 | 433.216372319 | 1.22695382743e-08 |
| 551829 | 428.841584036 | 7.70995711719e-09 |
| 765334 | 417.213198757 | 8.96556571206e-08 |
| 751384 | 403.904034867 | 1.17111653708e-08 |
| 425770 | 380.577691948 | 2.30544969781e-08 |
| 908351 | 379.204344079 | 3.63850745089e-08 |
| 173976 |  372.10491987 | 9.91559545582e-09 |
|  7314  | 365.657011704 | 1.81207155947e-08 |
| 213432 | 363.672307797 | 1.50967593981e-08 |
| 885605 | 358.624602009 | 1.97803728952e-09 |
| 819223 | 355.695810701 | 3.08767198476e-08 |
| 691633 | 354.738879949 | 1.54465169544e-08 |
| 452291 | 349.521284086 | 4.60057663076e-08 |
| 407610 | 346.156635944 | 5.91393245486e-09 |
| 905628 |  344.02950701 | 9.53506855694e-08 |
| 459074 | 343.923236123 | 3.42533326148e-08 |
| 687325 | 338.160096556 | 3.98960082748e-08 |
| 396321 | 336.475102638 |  2.6488066851e-08 |
| 828963 | 334.949200109 | 4.31373337051e-09 |
| 226374 | 324.520785064 | 5.01146359966e-08 |
| 172133 |  323.23839106 | 1.71191913978e-08 |
| 277876 | 321.536152794 | 1.32383775053e-08 |
| 599130 | 310.389768204 | 1.44340788211e-08 |
| 448961 | 310.196546929 | 1.48726257976e-08 |
| 324502 | 304.824598715 |  2.4587450298e-08 |
| 804489 | 299.762249103 | 1.19941887533e-08 |
| 726490 | 297.979939501 | 3.89461547456e-08 |
| 486434 | 295.618609471 | 8.05380295787e-09 |
| 182121 | 291.732362552 | 3.44629711435e-08 |
| 323129 | 290.238558437 | 2.89907120532e-09 |
| 54147  | 289.827725514 | 6.84281076246e-10 |
| 621670 | 284.778678258 | 1.87563955478e-08 |
| 555924 |  282.38369521 | 6.09776407146e-09 |
| 587935 | 277.338504661 | 1.99733563022e-08 |
| 245186 | 277.135628242 | 1.14708313959e-08 |
| 721816 | 276.854810151 | 4.05583477914e-09 |
| 57791  | 274.755178788 | 1.52445522872e-08 |
| 185067 | 269.101026078 | 3.88075704905e-09 |
| 402132 | 265.738492426 | 2.62905359705e-08 |
| 74397  | 265.193802155 | 4.24836343882e-09 |
| 434134 |  263.27072434 | 1.88653075384e-08 |
| 185821 | 260.995336751 | 1.89924094229e-08 |
| 870811 | 260.882437173 | 2.24525820158e-09 |
| 191990 | 260.714848454 | 1.38940094985e-08 |
| 21682  | 260.705514372 | 5.59828094993e-09 |
| 399699 | 258.875290251 | 4.38637925981e-09 |
| 438491 | 248.200491416 | 2.28712337957e-09 |
| 614831 | 240.429665476 | 2.40191013745e-08 |
| 183501 | 239.060645124 | 4.77507455798e-09 |
| 846221 | 237.235623036 | 5.92251581111e-10 |
| 36292  | 236.587344574 | 1.26798056499e-08 |
| 666882 | 234.976026249 | 1.39650069286e-09 |
|  1536  | 232.405902519 |  8.3987600874e-08 |
| 468736 | 231.886549247 | 1.28403883082e-08 |
| 699754 | 229.741580344 | 5.44642375644e-09 |
| 354640 | 226.636267191 | 2.53294274444e-09 |
| 187242 | 221.184680153 | 5.83381165598e-09 |
| 715883 | 220.725485173 |  3.745583399e-09  |
| 596972 | 219.229688219 | 4.52433823739e-09 |
| 232639 |  215.81671379 | 7.57835891818e-08 |
| 626893 | 215.008908514 |  7.1478297059e-08 |
| 587721 | 210.617604691 | 3.59966634278e-09 |
| 557124 | 207.993754406 | 2.11775841308e-09 |
| 818382 | 207.702171646 | 8.61439275468e-09 |
| 466323 | 202.038560458 | 1.09532436454e-08 |
| 495084 | 200.626762931 |  2.6222409133e-08 |
| 798584 |  199.96277118 | 5.67140148178e-08 |
| 438493 | 197.907898312 | 4.05938749282e-09 |
| 522190 | 194.694389645 | 3.66949279851e-08 |
| 483532 | 194.525311381 |  6.4607661443e-09 |
| 637936 | 192.899220044 | 1.00155261862e-08 |
| 223236 | 192.696284386 | 8.17303202894e-09 |
| 837478 | 191.372046033 | 2.02973637897e-09 |
| 227675 | 190.580382966 | 2.51192773248e-08 |
| 138746 | 189.752245614 | 2.43900046826e-08 |
| 812640 | 184.393122699 | 2.31221406466e-08 |
| 298511 | 183.297685266 | 7.44014982956e-09 |
| 369102 | 179.009139917 | 5.67491724723e-08 |
| 772466 | 177.905595922 | 1.76979426669e-08 |
| 427629 | 177.854276593 | 1.52253392116e-08 |
| 655158 | 173.659939765 | 3.39227597124e-08 |
| 717644 | 166.161639065 | 2.01347916118e-08 |
| 133962 | 166.134131862 | 4.93731135975e-08 |
| 260644 | 162.435653211 | 4.27601776209e-09 |
| 704396 | 162.364053751 | 2.29277929975e-09 |
| 914474 |  160.90338044 | 4.48733783287e-06 |
| 673065 |  160.78087098 | 1.66801328305e-09 |
| 48888  | 160.062488433 | 1.95063023511e-08 |
|  8316  | 157.926984603 | 4.66275196231e-09 |
| 564521 | 157.681336574 | 5.96907057115e-09 |
| 839863 | 156.166810576 | 1.90820165074e-05 |
[875713 rows x 3 columns]

c. Change the threshold for convergence and maximum iterations in your code and run at least three times with different parameters.


nohup python --threshold 0.001 --max_iteration 20 > log_1.txt &
nohup python --threshold 10 --max_iteration 20 > log_2.txt &
nohup python --threshold 1 --max_iteration 100 > log_3.txt &
nohup python --threshold 0.001 --max_iteration 1000 > log_4.txt &
nohup python --threshold 0.1 --max_iteration 1000 > log_5.txt &
nohup python --threshold 10 --max_iteration 1000 > log_6.txt &

nohup python --threshold 10 --max_iteration 30 > log_7.txt &
nohup python --threshold 10 --max_iteration 35 > log_8.txt &
nohup python --threshold 10 --max_iteration 40 > log_9.txt &
nohup python --threshold 10 --max_iteration 45 > log_10.txt &


Threshold Max Iterations Num of Iterations Time Cost Final Loss
Setting 1 0.001 20 20 8699s 1207
Setting 2 10 20 20 8598s 1207
Setting 3 1 100 61 12464s 0.867
Setting 4 0.001 1000 102 16785s 0.0009
Setting 5 0.1 1000 74 17045s 0.098
Setting 6 10 1000 47 14210s 9.374
Setting 7 10 30 30 12406s 186
Setting 8 10 35 35 14041s 76
Setting 9 10 40 40 15139s 31
Setting 10 10 45 45 15603s 13
  1. The threshold and max iteration may influence the final loss, however, in each settings, the total loss at the same iteration is the same.
  2. The actual number of iterations will influence the result of final loss.
  3. The top-100 nodes will not change after iteration 25.


  1. Threshold will limit the the stopped loss and max iteration number will limit the actual number of iterations. The calculate proceduces for pagerank is fixed for each settings, so the total loss for the same iteration will be the same.
  2. Since the total loss at same iteration will be same, so the actual iteration number is the only factor that may related to the total loss.
  3. After certain iterations, the updated delta for each node will be too small to change the rank of the top-100 nodes. So the top-100 nodes will keep the same after certain iteration.


  • Kafka should install version below or equals to 2.0.1, otherwise there will exist LEADER_NOT_AVAILABLE problem in the produce phase, which I haven't idea about how to fix.
  • For higher Kafka (version higher and equals to 2.0.1), the storm should use higher version library. Otherwise, there will be connection problem between kafka and storm.


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