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A deep generative model to instil prior knowledge on discrete domains in the form of constraints into Boundary-seeking Generative Adversarial Networks.


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Constrained Adversarial Networks

A deep generative model to instil prior knowledge on discrete domains in the form of constraints into Boundary-seeking Generative Adversarial Networks. This repository contains both the TensorFlow model and the testing suite to generate data sets, run experiments, train Constrained Adversarial Networks and collect results.

Please refer to the thesis for additional details on the project goal, structure and results.


Status: Completed

Type: Academic project

Course: Master's degree

Development year(s): 2017-2018

Author(s): andreapasserini, paolomorettin, ShadowTemplate

Notes: This project is being actively developed by the Structured Machine Learning Group at the University of Trento, Italy. The ongoing project can be found here (at the time of writing this repository is private for research concerns). This repository is a snapshot of the original one, performed on March 2018, when I stopped working on the project.

Getting Started

The provided code can be used to train and test both traditional BGANs and new CANs. In the first case the model will be roughly equivalent to the original BGANs implementation with Lasagne, in the second case user-defined functions will be used as constraints to guide the learning procedure.

Experiments can be configured by creating an appropriate JSON file in the src/in/experiments folder. Many examples are already provided and one should be able to design new experiments by looking at the one already present.

Each experiment JSON is made up of three parts:

  1. Data set. Here one can specify which data set should be used for the experiment. If it is missing, it will be created according to the defined characteristics.
  2. ANN parameters. Here one can specify the discriminator and generator architectures, as well as other hyperparameters, such as learning rate and epochs number.
  3. Constraints. Optional user-defined functions to be used while training the model.

For example, the bgan_S0.json experiment can be used to train and test a BGANs model. It defines:

  1. Data set:
  "DATASET_TYPE": "polygons",
  "IMG_WIDTH": 20,
  "IMG_HEIGHT": 20,

  "DATASET_SIZE": 23040,
  "POLYGONS_PROB": [0.3, 0.3, 0.4],
  "AREA": 25,
  "SUFFIX_ID": "",

A data set of 23,040 squared black-and-white images (18,944 training, 4,096 test) of 20x20 pixels each. Each image contains two random polygons with given probabilities (30% triangles, 30% squares, 40% rhombi) in random valid positions, each one with a white area of 25 pixels. The seed 42 is used for repeatable data set generation. The output data set will be generated in src/out/datasets.


Further details on this data set can be found in the thesis (§ 4.1).

  1. ANN parameters:
  "ANN_SEED": 0,
  "GENERATOR": "_gan20_gen",
  "DISCRIMINATOR": "_gan20_discr_32layer",
  "GENERATOR_LOSS": "_bgan_gen_loss",
  "DISCRIMINATOR_LOSS": "_bgan_discr_loss",

  "BATCH_SIZE": 64,
  "NUM_SAMPLES": 20,
  "LEARNING_RATE": 1e-4,
  "LEAKINESS": 0.2,
  "z_dim": 64,
  "h_dim": 64,



The generator network will be the one defined by the function _gan20_gen in and will be trained with the loss function _bgan_gen_loss in Similarly, the discriminator network will be the one defined by the function _gan20_discr_32layer in and will be trained with the loss function _bgan_discr_loss in The networks will be trained for 250 epochs, with a mini-batch size of 64 and estimates from 20 samples (further details on samples number can be found in the original paper on BGANs). Generator and discriminator will be trained with equally-balanced alternate steps (1 and 1). A visual evaluation of the network will be carried out over 60 images. The seed 0 is used for repeatable learning procedure. The seed 42 is used for repeatable evaluation data generation, to be used while comparing different experiments.

  1. Constraints:
  "CONSTRAINTS_FN_SINGLE_BATCH": "area_and_convexity_single_batch",
  "CONSTRAINTS_FN_MULTI_BATCH": "area_and_convexity_multi_batch",

Three penalty functions (_greater_area_inner, _smaller_area_inner, _convex) are defined in the JSON and can be found in, but will not be used, since the CONSTRAINED_TRAINING flag is false. CONSTRAINTS_FN_SINGLE_BATCH and CONSTRAINTS_FN_MULTI_BATCH are the two functions that combine the values computed by the penalty scores, both for a single batch and for a group of batches (for computational efficiency). Even if this constraints-related part is useless, it is kept for consistency with CANs.

On the contrary, an example for CANs can be seen in the can_pc_S0.json experiment. The data set is equivalent to the previous one, but for the usage of

"SUFFIX_ID": "_pc",

to differentiate between the two.


Networks and hyperparameters definitions are almost identical. In order to consider constraints, new hidden units are added to the discriminator, that is now built with _can20_discr_32layer_auto:

"DISCRIMINATOR": "_can20_discr_32layer_auto",

Further details on the architecture can be found in the thesis (§ 4.4).

Finally, a set of constraints is defined and they are introduced during learning since the starting epoch.

  "CONSTRAINTS_FN_SINGLE_BATCH": "area_and_parity_check_single_batch",
  "CONSTRAINTS_FN_MULTI_BATCH": "area_and_parity_check_multi_batch",



Clone the repository and install the required Python dependencies:

$ git clone
$ cd constrained-adversarial-networks/src/
$ pip install --user -r requirements.txt


To start the experiment can_pc_S0.json just run:

$ python -i src/in/experiments/can_pc_S0.json

You will notice that the compressed data set is already provided in the src/out/datasets folder, so there is no need to run

As soon as the training is started the data set will be extracted in src/out/datasets/23k_20x20_pol(0.3,_0.3,_0.4)_area25_S42_pc/ and it will also be pickled for future experiments in src/out/datasets/23k_20x20_pol(0.3,_0.3,_0.4)_area25_S42_pc_pickle/.

The folder src/out/images/can_pc_S0/ will be created and will contain images generated by CANs at each epoch. Similarly the log will be found in src/out/log/. A training checkpoint will be saved every 50 epochs in src/out/model_checkpoints/can_pc_S0/. To resume the training algorithm, just start the program as above and the latest checkpoint available will be automatically picked.

Finally, statistics are collected during training via TensorBoard. Data are collected in src/out/tensorboard/can_pc_S0/ and can be visualized by running:

$ tensorboard --logdir src/out/tensorboard/can_pc_S0/

This will start a server on your local machine (default port is 6006) and will provide you a link, for example: http://warmachine:6006/ to access the typical GUI. Here you will be able to monitor training parameters, loss functions and other statistics. I suggest you to select Wall Time in the SCALAR and DISTRIBUTIONS tabs and to disable values smoothing. In the IMAGES tab you will be able to see in real time how samples are being generated, epoch by epoch. The number of this samples is defined by the EVAL_SAMPLES constant defined in the experiment JSON. You will see both the binarized (black-and-white) samples and the original (greyscale) samples directly computed from the last layer logits.

An example of training progress can be seen here.

Samples drawn at different epochs from the BGANs generator:


Samples drawn at different epochs from the CANs generator:


This repository contains additional utility scripts to generate GIFs, graphs and manage the work environment.

Building tools


This project is not actively maintained and issues or pull requests may be ignored.


This project is licensed under the GNU GPLv3 license. Please refer to the file for details.

This complies with this project template. Feel free to adopt it and reuse it.


A deep generative model to instil prior knowledge on discrete domains in the form of constraints into Boundary-seeking Generative Adversarial Networks.







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