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Flask Boilerplate

This is a boiler plate flask application for larger applications. I have created this project because I have found that working examples of larger flask based applications to be somewhat lacking.


To use this for your flask application some requirements must be meet. I highly recommend the use of the use of virtualenv!

1. You have Python 2.7.x installed
2. You have Python PIP installed
3. You have Node Package Manager installed (npm)    

What is included

I have baked in flask extensions that I find to be useful for nearly all my flask projects. Node asset management with bootstrap-sass and font-awesome. I have also extended some of the extensions to make them slightly easier to use (in my humble opinion), and some customizations I make to every flask application. I have also setup a directory structure that I find to be easy to work with that helps to organize my projects better.

Baked In:

1. SQLAlchemy, Flask-SQLAlchemy, and SQLAlchemy-Utils
2. Alembic (for database migrations)
3. Celery, Flask-Celery, Flask-Celery-Helper, a Custom Task Router
4. Flask-Script; with some custom commands to wrap running gulp tasks and some database commands
5. Flask-DebugToolbar
6. Flask-Classy; with a custom base view class for class based views
7. Flask-Admin
8. Flask-Security
9. WTForms, Flask-WTForms
10. PyYAML, used here for database seeds
11. Gunicorn, for application server with gevent
12. Bootstrap-sass
13. Font-Awesome

Work in Progress

This project is a work in progress, documentation and base are not yet fully developed. Support form the community is welcome!