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UFRGS Radiation Benchmarks Parsers

TODO: Write a project description

Setup example

Table of content

For developers

Parser classes

Support classes


1. Fork it!
2. Create your feature branch: `git checkout -b my-new-feature`
3. Commit your changes: `git commit -am 'Add some feature'`
4. Push to the branch: `git push origin my-new-feature`
5. Submit a pull request :D

For users



Before use keep in mind that all benchmarks parameters must be set in, on the contrary, this parser will crash.


<path>/ [-h]  --gen_database [GEN_DATA]  --out_database [OUT_DATA]  --database [ERROR_DATABASE]  --benchmarks [BENCHMARKS]  --parse_layers  --pr_threshold [PR_THRESHOLD]  --check_csv  --ecc  --is_fi

Parse logs for Neural Networks


-h, --help show this help message and exit

Flags for database generation

--gen_database <GEN_DATA>

                    If this flag is passed, the other flags will have no
                    effects, despite out_database.
                    --gen_data <path where the parser must search
                    for ALL LOGs FILES

--out_database <OUT_DATA>

                    The output database name. If gen_database is used,
                    this flag will set the filename for the generated database.
                    The default filename is ./error_log_database.

Flags for error parser

--database <ERROR_DATABASE>

                    Where database is located


                    A list separated by ',' (commas with no space) where
                    each item will be the benchmarks that parser will
                    process. Available parsers:

                    * Darknet --> needs --parse_layers and a Precision and Recall threshold value, only for DarknetV1 logs from 2016.
                    * DarknetV1 -->  needs --parse_layers and a Precision and Recall threshold value. For DarknetV1 logs after 2017
                    * DarknetV2 --> needs --parse_layers and a Precision and Recall threshold value.
                    * Lenet --> needs --parse_layers and a Precision and Recall threshold value.
                    * Hotspot
                    * GEMM,
                    * HOG --> needs a Precision and Recall threshold value.
                    * lavamd
                    * nw
                    * quicksort
                    * accl
                    * PyFasterRCNN --> needs a Precision and Recall threshold value.
                    * Lulesh
                    * LUD
                    * mergesort


                    If you want to parse Darknet layers, set it True, default
                    values is False

--pr_threshold <PR_THRESHOLD>

                    Precision and Recall threshold value,0 - 1, default
                    value is 0.5


                    This parameter will open a csv file which contains all
                    radiation test runs, then it will check if every SDC
                    is on a valid run, the default is false


                    If the boards have ecc this is passed, otherwise
                    nothing must be passed


                    if it is a fault injection log processing


                    This parameter will generate an histogram for a serie of error thresholds,
                    these error thresholds are calculated using ERROR_RELATIVE_HISTOGRAM dict values
                    (set on


TODO: Write history


TODO: Write credits


Copyright 2017 UFRGS HPC Reliability Group

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


Parsers for radiation-benchmarks data






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