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Run local actions when new items are added to MixCloud.

Example uses include:

  • Autoplay newly published things in a new browser window
  • Send a notification email
  • Feed item to an IM bot
  • Tweet a link

Why? Because...

  1. I kept missing new uploads by my favourite DJ
  2. The MixCloud API makes it easy

You'll probably want to run this from a cron, so it has built-in locking to ensure no more than one instance runs at once.


  • Python 3 & (probably included) pyvenv. On OSX with homebrew, brew install python3


  • Record successful processing so that item won't be touched again
  • Retry failed actions on the next run
  • Limit to N most recent items


Needs a virtualenv and a few requirements.

$ cd mixcloud-trigger
$ pyvenv _venv3/
$ . _venv3/bin/activate
$ pip install --upgrade pip
$ pip install -r code/requirements.txt


Supports .ini files plus include dirs so config is easy to manage & machine-generate.

Example config tree:

$ tree conf
├── main.conf
└── sources
    └── outsidetrance.conf
$ cat cat conf/main.conf
sources_dir = conf/sources/

metadata_path = data/

$ cat conf/sources/outsidetrance.conf
item_action = /bin/echo -n {name}
max_items = 3

Global config follows the format:

Section Key Default Description
sources sources_dir - Directory to look in for per-source configs. If it starts with a / it's treated as an absolute path; without and it's relative to the dir the main config file was in.
metadata metadata_path - Directory in which locks & per-source metadata will be stored in SQLite format.

Per-source config must be:

  • Within the sources_dir directory. It is not valid to store per-source config in the main config file.
  • Filename ending with .conf
  • In a section headed with the source name

Inside, the following fields are valid:

Key Default Description
max_items 5 Maximum number of items to process in a single run against this feed. Mostly to prevent all-of-the-items-ever getting processed on the first run. Set to 0 if you really want this.
want_types upload,favorite Comma-separated list of item types you want to process; others will be ignored. No spaces!
item_action - Shell command to be called on every matching item, with item values substituted. See below for format.
all_action - Shell command to be called once for this feed with all matching items. Not called if zero items matched. Not yet supported

item_action Format

Python's String.format() is used to interpolate variables into your command for the specific feed item. Variables are:

Variable Meaning
name Item name, e.g. "DJ AlexMock's Awesome Mix"
url Direct MixCloud URL to the item
type The type of feed item, e.g. upload, favorite
created_time Time the item was created on MixCloud

Variables are escaped with shlex.quote(). Your command isn't; be careful with it.

Anything /bin/sh can handle, item_action can handle. Your action is written to a temporary file and passed to the local /bin/sh for execution. This means...

  • ; can be used to separate multiple commands. e.g. cd /path/to/somewhere; do_something_with {url}
  • Pipes work just fine
  • Environment vars work - e.g. cd $HOME; do_something_with {url}
  • sudo if you want to, but secure it properly

Python's subprocess module has problems handling very large amounts of output from a command. This includes basically anything that prints a progress bar. If you're calling some utility and it has a --quiet option, try to use it.

all_action format



$ tree conf
├── main.conf
└── sources
    └── outsidetrance.conf

$ . _venv3/bin/activate

(_venv3) $ ./code/ -h    # display help

(_venv3) $ ./code/ -c examples/conf/main.conf

Implementation Notes

  • To ensure no item gets processed twice, once handled media item keys are written to a small SQLite DB is maintained under data/. I tried a simpler approach (ignoring anything from before the script's last run) but it seems there's sometimes a delay between media uploads and the item becoming available, and this meant unseen items could fall before the script's previous run.
  • Coloured/indented output with clint
  • Some test coverage via basic Python unittest module



  • MixCloud's API returns 20 items per page and we don't yet support pagination. Thus if there are more than 20 new items since the last scrape (and you set max_items > 20), the oldest ones will be overlooked.



$ python -m unittest discover code/


  • Better input-checking on config
  • Make all_action work
  • Mutleythreading for shell actions

Pull Requests

Yes please!




Run local actions when new items are added to MixCloud







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