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this web applicaton have features of youtube hotstar and site like netflix into it.

this application supports social registerations/login for eg google and facebook.

this site has email verification system which will verify the details entered by user and after verification only he/she will become active to use site.

Users get option to change the theme of the site ,they can choose either the dark or light theme from any page,so that they can watch videos in any kind of mood.

now the site have different features and functionalities for users and admin. user-> 1) user can watch free videos which are made available to them from links. 2)there are separate categories for videos which are only available after getting premium pack. 3) you need to get subscription pack by paying a definite amount using paypal service for 30 days. 4) videoplayer for free videos have all the features of youtube videoplayer. 5) videoplayer for Premium videos have features like quality adjustment,captions,playback speeds variety,keyboard control. 6) videoplayer for Premium videos also have some advance features like video resuming from the point where user left and autoplay all the videos in the playlist. 7) in both kind of videos,while watching he can like or dislike the video and can also add to his library for watching it later and can also flag the video if user find something wrong regarding the videos . he/she can also see the views of the video. 8)comment section is open to users where the can give remarks and show their feelings. 9)comment section have nested commenting(you can see your's and other's replies below the comment" , and you can like or dislike the comments also ,you can also flag the comments and the user can delte their own comments also. 10) user can see their liked videos and their favourite videos in their library ,which is also categorised into free and premium videos. 11) users can send feedbacks to the admin regarding complain,appreciation,etc. 12) user can search their videos according to video name and video tags also. 13)user will get genrewise divisions in the front page only. 14)they will also get RECOMMENDED videos which is based on ---> # recommendation algorithm is we are clubing all the videos which are liked by those users who liked the same video as user liked, # and then we are clubbing them with that genre videos which is most liked by this user, # and then we are slicing them according to the recent videos, # and then we are sorting them according to the toatal views of videos 15) admin-> 1) admin have all the features which are availabe to free users(but he don't need any kind of subscriptions). 2)admin can add videos from any static storage or through any youtube links,he can also delte them. 3)admin will have a notification panel where he can see the flagged videos(flagged by users) and admin can delete them accordingly. 4)admin can see the feedbacks provided by the users. 5)admin can also delete any comment of any user if he himself finds the comment inappropriate or flagged by the others. 6)videos added by through youtube links don't need any poster ,site finds the poster of the video available on youtube through the link.



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