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Have you noticed that Facebook has developed an uncanny ability to recognize your friends in your photographs? In the old days, Facebook used to make you to tag your friends in photos by clicking on them and typing in their name. Now as soon as you upload a photo, Facebook tags everyone for you like magic.This technology is called face recognition. Facebook’s algorithms are able to recognize your friends’ faces after they have been tagged only a few times. It’s pretty amazing technology — Facebook can recognize faces with 98% accuracy which is pretty much as good as humans can do!

Facial recognition step by step

Let’s tackle this problem one step at a time. For each step, we’ll learn about a different machine learning algorithm. I’m not going to explain every single algorithm completely to keep this from turning into a book

Step 1: Finding all the Faces

The first step in our pipeline is face detection. Obviously we need to locate the faces in a photograph before we can try to tell them apart! To find faces in an image, we’ll start by making our image black and white because we don’t need color data to find face.Then we’ll look at every single pixel in our image one at a time. For every single pixel, we want to look at the pixels that directly surrounding it.If you repeat that process for every single pixel in the image, you end up with every pixel being replaced by an arrow. These arrows are called gradients and they show the flow from light to dark across the entire image.This might seem like a random thing to do, but there’s a really good reason for replacing the pixels with gradients. If we analyze pixels directly, really dark images and really light images of the same person will have totally different pixel values. But by only considering the direction that brightness changes, both really dark images and really bright images will end up with the same exact representation. That makes the problem a lot easier to solve!But saving the gradient for every single pixel gives us way too much detail. We end up missing the forest for the trees. It would be better if we could just see the basic flow of lightness/darkness at a higher level so we could see the basic pattern of the image.To do this, we’ll break up the image into small squares of 16x16 pixels each. In each square, we’ll count up how many gradients point in each major direction (how many point up, point up-right, point right, etc…). Then we’ll replace that square in the image with the arrow directions that were the strongest.The end result is we turn the original image into a very simple representation that captures the basic structure of a face in a simple way.

Step 2: Posing and Projecting Faces

We isolated the faces in our image. But now we have to deal with the problem that faces turned different directions look totally different to a computer.To account for this, we will try to warp each picture so that the eyes and lips are always in the sample place in the image. This will make it a lot easier for us to compare faces in the next steps.To do this, we are going to use an algorithm called face landmark estimation. There are lots of ways to do this, but we are going to use the approach invented in 2014 by Vahid Kazemi and Josephine Sullivan.The basic idea is we will come up with 68 specific points (called landmarks) that exist on every face — the top of the chin, the outside edge of each eye, the inner edge of each eyebrow, etc. Then we will train a machine learning algorithm to be able to find these 68 specific points on any face.Now that we know were the eyes and mouth are, we’ll simply rotate, scale and shear the image so that the eyes and mouth are centered as best as possible. We won’t do any fancy 3d warps because that would introduce distortions into the image. We are only going to use basic image transformations like rotation and scale that preserve parallel lines (called affine transformations).Now no matter how the face is turned, we are able to center the eyes and mouth are in roughly the same position in the image. This will make our next step a lot more accurate.If you want to try this step out yourself using Python and dlib, here’s the code for finding face landmarks and here’s the code for transforming the image using those landmarks.

Step 3: Encoding Faces

Now we are to the meat of the problem — actually telling faces apart. This is where things get really interesting!The simplest approach to face recognition is to directly compare the unknown face we found in Step 2 with all the pictures we have of people that have already been tagged. When we find a previously tagged face that looks very similar to our unknown face, it must be the same person. Seems like a pretty good idea, right?There’s actually a huge problem with that approach. A site like Facebook with billions of users and a trillion photos can’t possibly loop through every previous-tagged face to compare it to every newly uploaded picture. That would take way too long. They need to be able to recognize faces in milliseconds, not hours.What we need is a way to extract a few basic measurements from each face. Then we could measure our unknown face the same way and find the known face with the closest measurements. For example, we might measure the size of each ear, the spacing between the eyes, the length of the nose, etc.

Step 4: Finding the person’s name from the encoding

This last step is actually the easiest step in the whole process. All we have to do is find the person in our database of known people who has the closest measurements to our test image.You can do that by using any basic machine learning classification algorithm. No fancy deep learning tricks are needed. We’ll use a simple linear SVM classifier, but lots of classification algorithms could work.All we need to do is train a classifier that can take in the measurements from a new test image and tells which known person is the closest match. Running this classifier takes milliseconds. The result of the classifier is the name of the person!


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