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Portfolio2Keyword (p2k) is an algorithm written in python for automatic keyword extraction from a collection of documents and was developed for the project in the text mining course (732A92) at Linköping University. The goal of the algorithm is to provide users with a simple and interactive tool with the intention to aid the user in the process of information retrieval. The algorithm is by no means a complete toolset but can nonetheless introduce time-savings and valuable insights to the user.

P2k also introduce an efficient ranking algorithm that, despite its simplicity, extracts semantic coherent keywords to be used as building blocks for future queries. The proposed algorithm, HarmonicRank, is compared to the widely used PageRank algorithm

For a detailed description of the algorithm, read the project report


The following python modules have been used in the implementation of the algorithm

nltk 3.2.2
networkx 2.0
spacy 2.0.5
scipy.stats 1.0.0

You may also need to download certain module dependent assets

python -m spacy download en
python -m nltk.downloader stopwords

Portfolio2Keyword Usage


The p2k algorithm takes three arguments:

            The corpus represented as a python list
            A python set of stopwords (optional). If not provided, the function 
            algorithm will use the standard set of stopwords from the nltk module.
            A python set of Part-of-Speech (POS) tags. Default is None, used if 
            the user only wants to include keywords of a certain word-type`


In the following example, the algorithm will be run in two setups for demonstrating the use of POS-tags.

  • Setup 1: All POS-tags
  • Setup 2: Subset of POS-tags, namely adjectives, nouns and verbs
import nltk
import portfolio2keyword as p2k
import networkx as nx

stopwords = set(nltk.corpus.stopwords.words('english'))
pos_tags = set(['NOUN', 'VERB', 'ADJ'])

Alternatively, the user can choose to extend the set of stopwords by adding domain-specif stopwords using the union method.

stopwords = stopwords.union(set('hello'))

The portfolio can consist of text strings of any sort, ranging from simple sentences to full-text documents.

In this example, we will use the following texts:

“Text mining, also referred to as text data mining, roughly equivalent to text analytics, is the process of deriving high-quality information from text.”


portfolio = ["Text mining, also referred to as text data mining, roughly equivalent to text analytics, is the process of deriving high-quality information from text"]

# Setup 1
portfolio_posAll = p2k.portfolio2keyword(portfolio, stopwords= stopwords)

# Setup 2
portfolio_posSubset = p2k.portfolio2keyword(portfolio, stopwords= stopwords, tags=pos_tags)


The user can also extract some useful summary to get some useful insights using the get_summary() method.

In this example, we can see that by using a subset of POS-tags we avoid generating two additional candidate keywords.

Number of Keyword Candidates 13
Number of Documents 1
Number of Keyword Candidates 11
Number of Documents 1

Ranking and Keywords Extraction

The extraction of relevant keywords can be done using a ranking algorithm of choice.

The two ranking algorithms included in p2k are, as of this moments, the PageRank and the HarmonicRank algorithm.

# Setup 1
keywords_posAll_PR = portfolio_posAll.extract_keywords_pagerank()
keywords_posAll_HR = portfolio_posAll.extract_keywords_harmonic()

# Setup 2
keywords_posSubset_PR = portfolio_posSubset.extract_keywords_pagerank()
keywords_posSubset_HR = portfolio_posSubset.extract_keywords_harmonic()

All POS-tags (Setup 1):

print("{0:15}  {1:15}".format("PageRank","HarmonicRank"))
for i in range(10):
    print("{0:15} | {1:15}".format(keywords_posAll_PR[i][0],keywords_posAll_HR[i][0]))
PageRank         HarmonicRank   
text            | text           
high            | datum          
quality         | high           
also            | mining         
roughly         | quality        
equivalent      | also           
refer           | roughly        
datum           | analytic       
mining          | equivalent     
information     | derive         

Subset of POS-tags (Setup 2):

print("{0:15}  {1:15}".format("PageRank","HarmonicRank"))
for i in range(8):
    print("{0:15} | {1:15}".format(keywords_posSubset_PR[i][0],keywords_posSubset_HR[i][0]))
PageRank         HarmonicRank   
text            | text           
high            | high           
quality         | datum          
mining          | mining         
datum           | quality        
information     | derive         
derive          | analytic       
analytic        | information    

Algorithm Interaction

The P2K algorithm also allows users for interaction through the following methods

  • getNeighbor()
  • remove_nodes()

Creating multi-word keyword:

In cases when the user wants to create multi-word keywords, the user can do so by using the getNeighbor() method and thereby extracting candidate keywords that co-occur with the word of interest. As seen in the example below, the keyword 'text' co-occur with the words such as mining and datum (singular form of data).

['mining', 'analytic', 'datum']

Removing undesired keywords:

The user can also choose to remove undesired keywords and thereafter rerun the ranking algorithm


keywords_posAll_PR_update = portfolio_posAll.extract_keywords_pagerank()
keywords_posAll_HR_update = portfolio_posAll.extract_keywords_harmonic()

print("{0:15}  {1:15}".format("PageRank","HarmonicRank"))
for i in range(10):
    print("{0:15} | {1:15}".format(keywords_posAll_PR_update[i][0],keywords_posAll_HR_update[i][0]))
PageRank         HarmonicRank   
text            | text           
also            | mining         
roughly         | datum          
information     | quality        
equivalent      | refer          
refer           | also           
quality         | roughly        
datum           | analytic       
mining          | equivalent     
analytic        | information    









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