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Flask Microservices on Kubernetes(k8s)

This is a POC to check if microservices can be made using flask with proper API documentation and openAPI 2.0 support and can be deployed on a kubernetes cluster on local machines using minikube and kubectl .

Installation and running flask server

  1. Make a python3.x virtual environment using virtualenvwrapper
  2. pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. export
  4. flask run

Building a docker image using Dockerfile and running the container

  1. Build docker image:docker build -f Dockerfile --rm -t flask_micro_docker:latest .
  2. Running in interactive mode: docker run docker run -it -p 8000:5000 flask_micro_docker:latest

Setting up minikube and kubectl:

  1. To setup minikube follow official minikube installation guide.
  2. To setup kubectl follow kubectl installation guide.

Making a service and deployment over kubernetes

  1. kubectl apply -f kubertoy.yaml
  2. Get the url of your service by using minikube service flaskr-service --url
  3. Access swagger ui at http://{base-url}/ui/ in your browser.
  4. To see the services running and health check use command minikube dashboard

Automated tests for each micro-service:

  1. Using pytest to run automated tests.
  2. To run the tests cd into the project root and run pytest -v
  3. to run specific test method use pytest tests/ -v
  4. More pytest usage reference.


Installing VirtualBox on MacOS

If you want to run minikube on a Mac, you need to install a virtual machine. The most common VM is VirtualBox. Some recent versions of MacOS don’t allow VirtualBox to be installed (the OS doesn’t recognize Oracle’s Developer ID). Here’s a solution for that (not simple):

Based on these instructions: installation fails for vbox 6.0.8 on osx 10.14.5

  • In Terminal, run:
    • sudo spctl --master-disable
    • sudo kextcache --clear-staging
  • Restart the Mac in Recovery Mode
    • Restart, hold down Command-R until the Mac starts up
  • In Recovery Mode, go to the Utilities menu and launch the Terminal
  • Enter the command: spctl kext-consent add VB5E2TV963
  • Restart the Mac
  • Mount the VirtualBox drive image (the .dmg file)
  • Run the Uninstall script, to clean up the environment
  • Run the VirtualBox installer
  • Restore security in Security & Privacy by entering this in a terminal:
    • sudo spctl --master-enable

Note: this was necessary on one developer's machine, running Mac OS 10.14.6 (Mojave)


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