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Sectioner is a hacky portfolio generator. It is suitable for static websites, that are updated once a while, with consequent updates. It is not suitable for blog like website, agendas, etc...


  • python 3


At first, you might want to setup a virtual environment with and activate it:

virtualenv -p python3 venv
. venv/bin/activate

It's usually a good idea to update this environment:

pip install -U pip

Then you're all good to install this package. Note that this package depends on Pillow, which in turn depends on Python development files and few other libraries to install properly, see

from the Python Package Index

pip install sectioner

or from this directory

python install

or from a distance

pip install git+

Quick start

You can start a new project with the project_new command:

sectioner project_new my-project

Which should results in the following tree:

├── data.xml
├── images
│   ├── image_0.jpg
│   └── image_1.jpg
├── js
│   ├── lodash.js
│   ├── sectioner.js
│   ├── velocity.js
│   └── zepto.js
├── pages
│   └── example.xml
├── styles
│   └── styles.css
└── templates
    ├── index.html
    ├── master.html
    ├── media.html
    └── page.html

Then generate the website with the build command:

sectioner build my-project my-build

To get a full overview of the generated website, you can run the simple HTTP server provided by Python's standard library:

cd my-build && python -m http.server 8000

The example project should be visible at http://localhost:8000

Pieces of documentation


Must have a section element at its root.

If a templates-dir attribute is found on the section element, it will take precedence over the default location for templates.

If a template-master attribute is found on the section element, it will override default template name (master).


Under section, asset elements instructs what to copy over target directory, in the form

    <from path="path/relative/to/source" />
    <to path="path/relative/to/target" />


Each screen of the website is represented by a page element, which have 2 optional attributes:

  • slug (takes precedence over the title child element)
  • template (use this template rather than the default template (relative to templates dir path) and without its ".html" extension)

If a page has an href attribute, it's value must be a path to an XML document with a page element at its root.

If not told otherwise, the sectioner program will process each page with templates/page.html.

Each child, except the gallery element, will be made available to the template associated to this page, in the form page.tag_name.


<page slug="index" template="templates/index">
    <title>Index page</title>
    This is your index page...
    you can navigate to <a href="/ex-am-ple.html">Ex Am Ple</a> by pressing KEY_DOWN or wheeling.



The special gallery element is what the sectioner reads to generate a gallery attached to a page. It looks like:

    <gallery root="images">
        <media name="image_0.jpg">
                a caption.
        <media name="image_1.jpg">
                another caption

Each media element will be processed with the templates/media.html template to produce an HTML fragment which will be attached to what can be selected by [data-role="media.meta"] in the page.html template.

Each image is transformed in a collection of target images at different scales to adapt to different device sizes. The process is done only once if images in the build directory are already present.