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LikeAFalcon app

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LikeAFalcon is an event driven system, receives an event and then sent it to a NATS Stream.

After that watchers will receive notifications depending from the queue in which the event has been written, in this case like.a.falcon.

The watcher will then save the event inside a db.

You can access a real-time stream using websockets (/ws) or query the db for the events stored (/query).

This project uses rampante, a small collection of helpers to work with streams and aiohttp.

Main parts of this app are:

  • app/

    Create new events and query the db

  • app/

    Websocket offered through a webpage and websocket endpoint

  • app/

    Watch for new events


Python 3.6.3

How to test it

Tests are written using PyTest, there is also a linting part before running the tests using flake8 and isort.

make run-services
pip install tox
make stop-services

How to run it

docker-compose up -d

The service is then reachable at http://localhost:8080.

Create tables

Remeber to run just after you created the db. Env vars (user, password, db name) has to be set inside


How to stop it

docker-compose stop

How to remove it

docker-compose rm

Endpoints available


Accept post request with a json body. The content will be fired to the event stream and then saved inside the database.


Return json body with a list of events stored inside the database. You can specify an offset and limit, by default they are 0 and 10.


Connect to the websocket and receive real-time events sent to /v1/json.


An html web page that offers a connection to the /ws endpoint (websocket). You will see in real-time the event sent to /v1/json.


  1. Improve coverage to ~100% (basically add test for the websockets)


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