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Aberowl is a framework for ontology-based data access that consists of an ontology repository that can be queried through an OWL 2 EL reasoner. Aberowl is hosted on

API Documentation

The Aberowl API is organized around Open API specifications. Our API is a RESTful API that has predictable resource URIs, accepts form-encoded, request bodies, returns JSON responses. The complete API documentation is available here.


You will need the following list of tools installed before we could run aberowl framework.

  • Linux debian or RHEL
  • Python 3..
  • Groovy
  • PostgreSQL
  • RabbitMq
  • Redis
  • Memcached
  • Elasticsearch
  • Supervisor

Installing Aberowl

Firstly, you will need to download aberowl from github and extract the source to opt/aberowl folder. Aberowl directory path will look like the following:


Configure Virtual environment

To install aberowl we will first setup a virtual enviroment to install framework dependencies in an isolated environment. Run the following commands to install:

pip install virtualenv

After installing the virtual environment, we will create the virtual environment in application folder.

# Navigate to aberowl application folder 
cd /opt/aberowl/aberowlweb

# Create a virtual environment with name 'venv'
virtualenv venv

# Run the virtual environment
source venv/bin/activate

Install aberowl dependencies

To install aberowl dependencies, you can run simply the following command:

pip install -r .\requirements.txt

Create a database in PostgreSQL

Create a database with name aberowlweb.

Running Aberowl modules

Aberowl is currently consist of two of modules:

Modules Description
Aberowl Web Web application
Ontology API An API to manage ontology repository and executing queries.

Running Celery

Aberowl Web module uses Celery to distribute tasks to ontology API module. Here is the command to run the celery module:

celery -A aberowlweb -l INFO worker

Running Ontology API

To run ontology API, run the following command. By default, the ontology API runs on 8080 port:

python runontapi

Running Aberowl Web

To run Aberowl web application, run the following command. By default, it runs on 8000 port:

python runserver

You can now use the URL: http://localhost:8000 to access Aberowl.