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The CHIRP Radio Machine

These are a bunch of scripts CHIRP Radio uses to maintain its music library and broadcast stream. For more general info about CHIRP software see the CHIRP Project page.


WARNING: Currently this is not a turnkey radio station solution. These are tailored for use at CHIRP. With that said, pull requests are welcome! Feel free to get in touch with any questions.

To deploy a new version of chirpradio-machine on the CHIRP studio server, you'll need to ssh into an account with sudo access to the musiclib user.

Enter into a musiclib shell:

sudo -u musiclib -i

This command activates a virtualenv used for all requirements. Next, change into the source directory:

cd ~/chirpradio-machine

Make a note of what tag you are on in case you need to roll back:

git describe --tags

Pull in the latest changes from master:

git pull

Now you are ready to deploy. Make sure all dependencies are up to date and re-install a symlink to the module, along with its scripts:

pip install -r requirements/prod.txt
python develop

Finally, tag the commit you just deployed with today's date (YYYY-MM-DD) and push it upstream:

git tag YYYY-MM-DD
git push --tags

Restart the command-center website so that the new scripts will be available.

For local development, you'll need Python 2.7+, Google App Engine SDK 1.9+, virtualenv and pip. Change into the source tree, activate a virtualenv, and type this to install all development requirements:

pip install -r requirements/dev.txt

Next, install the module as a symlink, install the scripts, and generate a local settings file:

python develop

Change the values of the settings variables in according to your own preferences and directory layout. Here are some of the crucial things to check in your settings:

You'll need to manually create empty directories for each setting. With the default settings, that would look like this:

mkdir ~/chirpradio-data/samba
mkdir ~/chirpradio-data/library
mkdir ~/chirpradio-data/tmp
mkdir ~/chirpradio-data/music_dropbox

Next, create the local SQL database with the following command:

python -c "from chirp.common.conf import LIBRARY_DB
from chirp.library import database
db = database.Database(LIBRARY_DB)

Please follow PEP8 when writing code.

To run the test suite, type:

nosetests -v

You can reach out to the CHIRP development community on our mailing list.


This requires a lot of manual sysadmin work and some of it is hard coded on our servers. The command-center project is a web app we're working on to help make it easier.

Here's how to import new music into the digital library so that it's available for DJs to play on our Traktor machine and also available in the online DJ Database.

To run an import you either need to install the app (instructions above) or have a server admin grant you permissions to run an import within the CHIRP studio servers. At CHIRP, all scripts are run as the musiclib user.

First, enter into a musiclib shell:

sudo -u musiclib -i

Next, change into the source directory:

cd ~/chirpradio-machine

IMPORTANT: You should always run an import with screen or tmux so that your SSH connection does not abort a running job.

Run this command to see a list of the artists from the dropbox who are not already in the music library:


Carefully proofread the list of new artists. If they are all correct, update the whitelist:

do_dump_new_artists_in_dropbox --rewrite

It's a rare possibility that you will get an error at this stage. Read on to the import section to see the options for resolving albums that produce errors.

If it ran without errors, proofread the whitelist by viewing the changes in context:

git diff chirp/library/data/artist-whitelist

If everything looks OK, commit the changes back to git:

git commit chirp/library/data/artist-whitelist -m "Adding new artists"
git push

Run the import script without any additional args, logging the output to a file:

do_periodic_import 2>&1 | tee ~/import.log

This might take a while to run.

Next, inspect the log file and see if any errors were reported. If they were, correct them and try again. Repeat this process until there are no more errors. Do not proceed if there are errors. If you can't resolve them, just move the culprit album aside temporarily.

There is a helper script to set aside albums when they are producing errors. This lets you continue with an import while the music director can correct the album and re-upload it. Let's say you hit an error with an album named Hair. Run this to set it aside:

sudo `which remove_from_dropbox` '/mnt/disk_array/public/Departments/Music Dept/New Music Dropbox/Hair'

After the problem albums have been set aside and you were able to do a dry-run without any errors, you can proceed with an additional flag to actually go ahead with the import.

However, it's really important that you don't interrupt this script while it's running. Be sure your SSH session will not timeout by using screen or something like that. Using screen is the best way to go through an import process.

do_periodic_import --actually-do-import

Again, do not interrupt the import script while it is running!

At this point everything in the dropbox has been imported, so it is safe to clean it out. This command will remove all files:

sudo `which empty_dropbox`

This command will create a file named output.nml in the current directory:


Note that for this command to work, you must have a `traktor group in your system, and the current user must be in that group. You also need to have set the settings variable TRAKTOR_NML_FILE to a valid path.

At this point Traktor can be switched over to the new collection whereby you shut down Traktor, rename new-collection.nml to collection.nml and restart Traktor.

First, upload the new artists:


To upload the album and track information, you must specify a "start timestamp" that tells the system which part of the library to upload. Each library import covers one or more timestamps, which are of the form "YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS". The timestamps are printed during the main import. It is usually OK to just use a timestamp corresponding to the date of the import with the time-of-day set to 0. For example, if you are importing on April 3rd 2011, you would use a start timestamp of "20110403-000000".

do_push_to_chirpradio --start-at=20120115-000000

If you don’t see any output from this command you probably entered the wrong timestamp. It should show you verbose output of all the new albums uploading to App Engine.

Remove audio files and their M3U tags based on a fingerprint id given.

After running an import, the SQLite database file (as set by the LIBRARY_DB settings variable) will contain metadata about the songs imported. The import process will have assigned each song a unique fingerprint.

If you wish to remove a song's metadata from the database, you can follow the steps below. You must provide the fingerprint of the song or songs that you wish to remove.

This does not delete the actual audio file from the filesystem or the ChirpRadio web app. It just removes the database entries in the SQLite database.

To delete the audio file from the ChirpRadio web app (source code), log in as an administrator, search for a track that was deleted, and click the red X to revoke the track.


First, find the fingerprint for a file you want to delete. One way to do it is to look in the NML file for the song you need to delete. For example:

    ARTIST="The Weather Station"
    <ALBUM OF_TRACKS="11" TITLE="The Weather Station" TRACK="1">

In this example, 8af53f41dc6532daef0cfe26a17c5af8dd95f851.mp3 is the filename and 8af53f41dc6532daef0cfe26a17c5af8dd95f851 (without the extension) is the fingerprint.

See what will be deleted:

do_delete_audio_file_from_db <fingerprint>

If that looks correct, you need to run it once more with --delete to perform the deletion:

do_delete_audio_file_from_db <fingerprint> --delete

If you need to delete multiple files at once, just specify each one as additional arguments:

do_delete_audio_file_from_db <fingerprint1> <fingerprint2> ...

The stream archiver no longer runs from this code repository. You can find the new archiver and read about how it works at chirpradio-archiver. The old archiver code is still available in chirp/stream/ for historic reasons.

To check if the stream is up and see some basic stats, there's a small web page you can take a look at. This daemon currently runs as the barix user in production.

To start the web server type:



Currently this assumes you installed into a virtualenv at ~/.virtualenvs/chirpradio-machine/


The CHIRP Radio Machine: management of our music library and broadcast stream







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