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What does this tool do?

The set of tools in this repository serve a common purpose: the analysis of Software Defined Networks with a particular focus on those using the fast-failover mechanism that is part of the recent OpenFlow standards. There are two parts of this repository:

  • The python frontend is used to synthesize various network configuration and specify the type and details of analysis that is to be performed. This code is located under the src folder.
  • The C++ backend (SDNSim) simulates the network and allows rapid, parallel analysis. This code is located under the sdnsim folder.

How do I setup?

  • This project been tested with Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (ISO available here:
  • If you want to install it on a VM, make sure you have at least 4 GB RAM and 2 CPU cores assigned to the VM. You can get VirtualBox here:
  • On your machine, clone this repo in your home folder:
    pushd ~/
    git clone
  • Make sure you have openvswitch 2.3.0 or higher. The version can be checked using:
    ovs-ofctl --version
  • Install mininet version 2.2 from the source by following instructions here:
  • Get RYU version 4.3 from their repo at:
  • Install Ubuntu Python package dependencies:
    sudo apt install python-pip python-scipy python-numpy python-matplotlib
  • Install pip packages:
    sudo pip install grpcio-tools sortedcontainers networkx netaddr httplib2
  • Setup PYTHONPATH to src folder by adding following line to your ~/.bashrc:
    export PYTHONPATH=${PYTHONPATH}:/home/flow/flow_validator/src/
  • Allow PYTHONPATH to be retained by sudo by modifying sudoers configuration using visudo and adding the following line:
    sudo visudo
    Defaults env_keep += "PYTHONPATH"
  • Install bazel version 0.22, here:
  • Generate the proto files for the python code
    pushd ~/flow_validator/src/rpc/
    sudo python -m grpc_tools.protoc -I../../sdnsim/proto --python_out=. --grpc_python_out=. ../../sdnsim/proto/sdnsim.proto

How do I try some examples?

  • First the C++ backend (i.e. SDNSim) needs to be started. In order to do so, follow these steps:
    cd ~/flow_validator/sdnsim
    bazel run :sdnsim
  • Try the Python frontend Playground module. In order to run it, follow these steps:
    cd ~/flow_validator/src
    sudo mn -c; sudo killall ryu-manager
    sudo python experiments/
  • Try a more complex network with a random topology:
    cd ~/flow_validator/src
    sudo mn -c; sudo killall ryu-manager
    sudo python experiments/ --input_file experiments/failovers_64_switch.json --output_file experiments/output.json


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  • Python 94.9%
  • C++ 4.6%
  • Other 0.5%