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Manage and query predicate knowledge produced by a variety of sensors and scripts for creating complex robot behaviors with ROS.


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Predicator is the CoSTAR package for logical statements.

This software is further described and used in these papers:

    1. Guerin, K., Lea, C., Paxton, C., & Hager, G.D. (2015).
       A Framework for End-User Instruction of a Robot Assistant for Manufacturing.
       In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA).
    2. Paxton, C., Bohren, J., & Hager, G. D. (2014).
       Standards for Grounding Symbols for Robotic Task Ontologies.
       At IROS 2014 workshop on Standardized Knowledge Representation and Ontologies for Robotics and Automation.

So please cite if you find it useful!

Starting Predicator

Using Launch Files

There is a package called predicator_bringup that will start different predicator modules and the predicator core.

Launch the Core Only

roslaunch predicator_bringup core.launch

This will launch the predicator_params module as well if params:=true is set (it is set by default). This is the service which lets other programs manually configure predicator parameters.

UPDATE 2014-08-11: As of today, predicator_params has been folded into predicator_core and this is no longer necessary.

Launch the Peg Simulation Example

This launch file uses the configuration included to test predicator in the simulation. It depends on having lcsr_collab and optionally lcsr_spacenav running, so that there is a Gazebo world containing two Barrett WAM arms, two pegs, a stage, and a ring.

roslaunch predicator_bringup pegs_sim_test.launch

Starting Predicator from Rosrun

Start predicator_core to listen to predicate statements from modules:

rosrun predicator_core

Once the core is up and running, you can launch different modules to produce predicates. Keep in mind that for our purposes, predicates are always true statements about the world.

It may be best to build custom launch files for the different predicator modules instead of launching with rosrun since each module needs to be carefully configured.

Querying Predicator

The Predicator core just aggregates predicates from a number of different topics.

Predicator works through a few different services, described below.

Instructor Support

Instructor plugins are in the predicator_plugins package. The user interfaces may require predicator_core to be running to get a list of possible predicates.

Provided Services

  • predicator/test_predicate: determines if a predicate is true
  • predicator/get_assignment: return the set of possible values for a single missing field
  • predicator/get_possible_assignment: list the set of all possible values, if you provide an empty id. List of all possible values for a valid single-term predicate (a type) if you provide an id.
  • predicator/get_predicates: list the set of all predicates currently considered valid
  • predicator/get_value_predicates: list values published by Predicator modules
  • predicator/update_param: manually set a predicator or remove a predicate; these are intended to be parameters that can be fixed and updated dynamically.
  • predicator/get_sources: list the possible sources, the ROS nodes that Predicator has heard from
  • predicator/get_predicate_names_by_source: list the names of predicates from each source ROS node
  • predicator/get_all_predicates_by_source: return a list of all predicates that might be valid, and a truth assignment, for a given source (BY REQUEST FROM KEL)
  • predicator/get_assignment_names_by_source: list the assignments to the predicate produced by a given source
  • predicator/get_predicate_names_by_assignment: list the possible predicates for a given assignment, based on ValidPredicates messages received. Will only report predicates reported from one source.
  • predicator/get_assignment_length returns the number of parameter assignments for a given predicate, if available. Returns -1 if no length has been reported.

Common usage is to call test_predicate with a certain predicate to see if it exists, or get_assigment with a certain predicate to see what possible values there are for one of its arguments. To use get_assignment in this way, fill out a predicator_msgs::PredicateStatement object, but replace one argument with an asterisk (*). Predicates will be returned for all possible values of this argument.

I provided a helper function in get_possible_assignments for one-parameter predicates, which returns all possible values as a string. This is used for classes (ex: getting all possible locations or objects).

Getting all matches to a predicate

$ rosservice call predicator/get_assignment "statement:
  predicate: 'is_closed'
  value: 0.0
  confidence: 0.0
  num_params: 0
  params: ['*', '', '']
  param_classes: ['']" 
found: True
    predicate: is_closed
    value: 0.0
    confidence: 0.0
    num_params: 0
    params: ['wam2', '', '']
    param_classes: []

Getting a list of sources

$ rosservice call predicator/get_sources
data: ['/predicator_fake_class_node', '/predicator_wam2_joint_states_node', '/release_collab_frame2_creator', '/predicator_robot_interaction_node', '/predicator_geometry_node', '/predicator_wam_joint_states_node', '/collab_frame2_creator', '/predicator_movement_node', '/drop_points_publisher']

Getting predicates by source

$ rosservice call predicator/get_predicate_names_by_source "id: '/predicator_wam2_joint_states_node'" 
data: ['is_closed']

Getting assignments by source

$ rosservice call predicator/get_assignment_names_by_source "id: '/predicator_wam2_joint_states_node'" 
data: ['wam2']

Getting all predicates by source

This is an example from the peg demo.

$ rosservice call predicator/get_all_predicates_by_source "id: '/predicator_wam2_joint_states_node'" 
    predicate: is_closed
    value: 0.0
    confidence: 0.0
    num_params: 1
    params: ['wam2', '', '']
    param_classes: []
is_true: [True]

Note that since Predicator doesn't use class information, not all predicates produced by this are guaranteed to be valid!

Getting assignment length for a predicate

$ rosservice call /predicator/get_assignment_length "predicate: 'is_closed'" 
length: 1


Predicator modules are the ROS packages that actually perform some kind of analysis and publish that analysis as predicates. They are the source of all information used by Predicator.

List of Modules

  • predicator_dummy_module: publishes a bunch of dummy information for testing purposes
  • predicator_collision: collisions between objects; uses URDFs of objects to determine spatial relationship information.
  • predicator_geometry: determine object spatial relationships based on positions (TF frames).
  • predicator_occupancy_module: select a volume, determine if anything enters that volume.
  • predicator_fake_classification: publish known object class information. For use with a simulator, when a real object detector isn't in use.
  • predicator_movement: publish movement information, such as whether an object is approaching another object.
  • predicator_params: provides a service so that you can set predicates at runtime to save information [REMOVED 2014-08-11].
  • predicator_planning: computes many of the same predicates as predicator_geometry and predicator_collision, but also offers a simple randomized motion planning service that attempts to satisfy or negate predicates.

Module Setup

Geometry Module

Geometry Module Configuration Example

Nodes like the predicator_geometry module can be configured from the ROS parameter server. It may be best to start them from a launch file, like the example launch file in predicator_geometry/launch/pegs_geometry_predicates_test.launch.

<node name="predicator_geometry_node"
  output="$(arg output)">

  <param name="height_threshold" value="0.1"/>
  <param name="rel_x_threshold" value="0.1"/>
  <param name="rel_y_threshold" value="0.1"/>
  <param name="rel_z_threshold" value="0.1"/>
  <param name="near_2D_threshold" value="0.2"/>
  <param name="near_3D_threshold" value="0.25"/>

  <rosparam param="frames">
    - ring1/ring_link
    - peg1/peg_link
    - peg1/base_link
    - peg2/peg_link
    - peg2/base_link
    - wam/shoulder_yaw_link
    - wam/shoulder_pitch_link
    - wam/upper_arm_link
    - wam/forearm_link
    - wam/wrist_yaw_link
    - wam/wrist_pitch_link
    - wam/wrist_palm_link
    - wam2/shoulder_yaw_link
    - wam2/shoulder_pitch_link
    - wam2/upper_arm_link
    - wam2/forearm_link
    - wam2/wrist_yaw_link
    - wam2/wrist_pitch_link
    - wam2/wrist_palm_link
    - stage_link

Writing a Module

Start with:

catkin_create_pkg predicator_custom_module predicator_msgs

New modules should publish a list of predicates (a predicator_msgs/PredicateList message) to the appropriate topic. By default, predicator_core will listen to the predicator/input topic for information from modules.

Modules need to set the pheader.frame_id field to their node name, indicating where messages are coming from.

Creating a Predicate

Create a predicator_msgs::PredicateStatement object and add it to the list of items in the predicator_msgs::PredicateList published by each module.

Make sure to fill out the fields:

  • predicate: the name of the predicate to publish
  • params: 3-tuple containing the arguments to this predicate
  • num_params: number of these parameters you are actually using
  • param_classes: descriptions of the parameters you are using (i.e., "object", "robot" -- class information)
  • confidence: how accurate this predicate is believed to be (currently not really used for anything)
  • value: the value associated with a predicate.

Boolean predicates can be given the values predicator_msgs::PredicateStatement::TRUE, predicator_msgs::PredicateStatement::FALSE, and predicator_msgs::PredicateStatement::UNKNOWN.

Specifying Valid Predicates

You can send a predicator_msgs::ValidPredicates object to help specify what types of predicates your modules can publish that are valid.

Fill out the following fields:

  • assignments: the possible parameter arguments to your predicates (a union of any predicates you publish)
  • predicates: the normal, boolean predicates you send out
  • valid_predicates: floating point valued features such as distance, etc. that your module may compute.

Example Module

Look at predicator_dummy_module for an example of how a module should publish predicate statements.



Predicator is maintained by Chris Paxton (


Manage and query predicate knowledge produced by a variety of sensors and scripts for creating complex robot behaviors with ROS.







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