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This is the wedding website for Daven Quinn and Beth Sams. Our marriage on October 14, 2014 was a great success, which is at least 2% attributable to the code right here. Definitely.

This package is a simple Flask blueprint that provides a static site plus RSVP functionality (with emails notifications). There's also a custom Google Maps style in our wedding colors. I implemented it as part of my website but have lately pulled it out into a modular component. A frozen version is available at

This was a fun project (both building the site and packaging it up as a standalone app)! I'd encourage you to fork the code and make it your own. It provides a basic starting point for a wedding or any sort of simple site with a contact form.


The blueprint can be used either at the root of a website or as part of a larger Flask app. An example of the former setup is contained in On my website, I mounted the entire package at the /wedding endpoint.

As this is a standard Python package, the installation is best accomplished via pip:

> pip install git+

If you're modifying this for your own use, it might be a better idea to fork the code, clone the repository to a local directory, and install using pip install -e <your repo dir> so you can change things at will.

The website includes a basic testing server ( In general, serving should be accomplished via a performant web + WSGI server stack (e.g. nginx + gunicorn), with specific provisions for handling static files. Tutorials abound on how to make this happen.

Frontend development

The website uses sass/compass for stylesheet compilation and coffeescript for coming up with Javscript. I fully acknowledge that these are kind of over-complex tools for this small project, but they are easy enough to implement if desired.

The Makefile contains recipes for installing and using these tools: simply make install to bootstrap the tools (requires Ruby, Node.js and npm), and make to compile.