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      (broken... SQLAlchemy changed the attributes of the Relationship class) 

 This is a basic Flask-based 'CMS' written specifically to service
the needs of a graduate student organization.

 Depends on:
    lessc                      (the lesscss compiler
    virtualenv or virtualenv2  ( 
    mod_wsgi                   (apache module for WSGI)

 --- Setting up the environment --------------------------------------------

To prepare the enviornment for deployment:

  $ make setup

This will create a directory 'env' in which a local 'virtual' 
python enviornment is setup, containing all the required packages
required for this 'webapp' to function.

 Once the environment is prepared, you will need to configure the 
database system you will be using. This amounts to editing the 
file 'website.conf' and setting DATABASE_URI to the proper URI
for the database system you will be using 
 To see the format of the uri and the supported databases goto:

(Note: the provided website.conf is setup to use sqlite3 by 

 --- Initialize the databasse ----------------------------------------------

To initialize the database call:

  $ make setup-db

This will call, which will create the database tables needed
by the various models used. Moreover, this will populate the tables with any
default entries which have been configured in website.conf.
 In addition, an admin user is created with login information

    Username: admin
    Password: burned

 --- Making sure it works --------------------------------------------------

In an effort to avoid later errors it might be a good idea to run

  $ make devel-server

Doing this will spawn a development server on the localhost, which can be 
accessed by navigating to:


From there you can configure any additional parameters using the admin
interface of the website before you 'deploy' it.

 --- Deploying the Application ---------------------------------------------

Before we deploy anything make sure the permissions are setup correctly.
You want whatever user:group pair you will be runing the app under to have 
access to the mgsa-website directory, and any other paths you may require.

 ------ Apache Config ------------------------------------------------------

Example Configuration: everything should be obvious

<VirtualHost *:80>

  ServerAdmin YOUR_EMAIL
  DocumentRoot /path/to/mgsa-website/extern/

  WSGIDaemonProcess application user=APPLICATION_USER group=APPLICATION_GROUP processes=2 threads=2
  WSGIScriptAlias / /path/to/mgsa-website/app.wsgi

  <Directory "/path/to/mgsa-website/">
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all
    WSGIProcessGroup application
    WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}

  <Directory /home/burned/website_base/extern/>
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all
    Options +Indexes

  ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/error-mgsa.wsgi.log

  LogLevel warn
  CustomLog /var/log/httpd/access-mgsa.log combined


 ------ The Final Deployment -----------------------------------------------

To complete the deployment run:
  $ make app.wsgi

this will create the entry point for mod_wsgi and everything "should" work
after you restart apache.

 --- Special Thanks --------------------------------------------------------

The authors of Flask Flask-SQLAlchemy Flask-WTF Flask-SiJax Flask-Bcrypt 

And the authors of Flask-Admin Flask-DebugToolbar Flask-LoginManager Flask-Less

  (the last have been modified and rolled into the project)

 --- Extending the code --------------------------------------------------

  The best place for documentation on extending base and writing new
modules can be found in:


and in the fully commented example module located:



Flask based 'CMS' for a student organization (includes calendar/news/seminars/articles modules)






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