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App Engine application for the Udacity training course.




Setup Instructions

  1. Update the value of application in app.yaml to the app ID you have registered in the App Engine admin console and would like to use to host your instance of this sample.
  2. Update the values at the top of to reflect the respective client IDs you have registered in the Developer Console.
  3. Update the value of CLIENT_ID in static/js/app.js to the Web client ID
  4. (Optional) Mark the configuration files as unchanged as follows: $ git update-index --assume-unchanged app.yaml static/js/app.js
  5. Run the app with the devserver using DIR, and ensure it's running by visiting your local server's address (by default localhost:8080.)
  6. (Optional) Generate your client library(ies) with the endpoints tool.
  7. Deploy your application.

App project info:

APP-ID: link: API explorer:

Design choices for speakers/sessions:

I implemented session as a child of Conference. All fields are strings except for date and time. Speaker is a string field, however this design choice would force more logic in the rest of the app or on the end user to deal with and maintain consistency. E.g. speaker name: Chad and chad could be treated as different speakers even though they are one person. One alternative could have been to make the speaker field an instance of the profile class. Ultimately I went with my design selection due to the complexity of this project.


1st query: returns sessions less than user specified minutes. One possible enhancement to this query woule be to allow users to require a minimum time (example the app currently accepts 0 minute durations)

2nd query: returns sessions with a specified type. This for attendees who want to select sessions based on indicated type. Some attendees may desire only sessions with a type they are interested in

##Evan's 1st additional query """The purpose of this query is to find sessions less than user specified minutes for people who have limited time to attend sessions""" @endpoints.method(SPECIFIED_DURATION, SessionForms, path='sessionsDuration/lessthanspecified', http_method='GET', name="sessionsDurationLessThanSpecified") def sessionsDurationLessThanSpecified(self,request): """return sessions less than mins specified by user""" user = endpoints.get_current_user() if not user: raise endpoints.UnauthorizedException('Authorization is requied')

    print request.duration
    sessions = Session.query()

    #filter unspecified durations
    sessions = sessions.filter(Session.duration != None)
    sessions = sessions.filter(Session.duration < request.duration)
    return SessionForms(
        items=[self._copySessionToForm(session) for session in sessions]

Evan's 2nd additional query

"""The purpose of this query is to return sessions with specified types"""
@endpoints.method(message_types.VoidMessage, SessionForms,
    http_method='GET', name="sessionsWithType")
def sessionsWithType(self,request):
    """Return Sessions with specified Types"""
    user = endpoints.get_current_user()
    if not user:
        raise endpoints.UnauthorizedException('Authorization is requied')

    sessions = Session.query(Session.typeOfSession != 'NOT_SPECIFIED')

    return SessionForms(
        items=[self._copySessionToForm(session) for session in sessions]

Query problem - Sessions before 7 and not workshops

The problem is this query requires 2 inequality filters on separate properties. Datastore only allows this on the same property. My implementation of the query first queries based on sessions before 7 pm and then builds a list of a sessions that are not workshops and returns this list.


for API testing purposes: ahpzfnNjYWxhYmxlLWFwcC1sZWFybmluZy1wNHIyCxIHUHJvZmlsZSIVZWR1ZGVyZXdpY3pAZ21haWwuY29tDAsSCkNvbmZlcmVuY2UYAQw


Web app and APIs for managaing conferences







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