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WhatsApp Stock Market Bot


Conversational chatbots are the trend of the modern world. Virtual assistants are as relevant these days as human assistants.

Whether it's:

  1. Ordering a Pizza or Ordering new clothes
  2. Playing music or a new movie
  3. Switching off lights or making coffee
  4. Checking stock price or a new bitcoin alert

Chatbots are everywhere.

This is a working WhatsApp conversational chatbot. This conversational chatbot uses Twilio, Python, and MarketStack. A conversational chatbot on WhatsApp which acts just like your personal finance assistant.

Technologies Used

  1. Twilio API to send messages to the subscribed bot users
  2. Marketstack API which provides stock data of 70+ stock exchanges across the world
  3. Python to program the backend processing of the messages using Python and integration of Twilio API and MarketStack API
  4. Flask app running on local machine
  5. NGROK to create a tunnel to the app from an HTTPS public endpoint

Python Dependencies Installed

pip install certifi
pip install chardet
pip install click
pip install Flask
pip install idna
pip install itsdangerous
pip install Jinja2
pip install MarkupSafe
pip install PyJWT
pip install pytz
pip install requests
pip install six
pip install twilio
pip install urllib3
pip install Werkzeug

Commands for Windows Terminal

  1. cd ~/Desktop/bot_stock/bot
  2. virtualenv bot
  3. Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
  4. bot\scripts\activate
  5. SET
  6. $env:TWILIO_ACCOUNT="-----"
  7. $env:TWILIO_TOKEN="-----"
  8. $env:MARKETSTACK_KEY="-----"
  9. Flask run

Demo of Bot

WhatsApp Stock Market Bot Demo


Programmed by Elyse Y. Robinson