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MetExt : Metadata Extractor

MetExt (Metadata Extractor) is a Python library and CLI utility that allows to process data in different formats and extract data patterns of interest.


MetExt requires Python v3.5+.

You can install MetExt from PyPi.

$ python -m pip install metext

Or you can clone the repository install the project locally.

$ git clone
$ cd MetExt
$ python -m pip install -e .

Dependencies can also be installed from the requirements.txt file.

$ python -m pip install -r requirements.txt



metext --help


metext [-h] [-i INPUT] [-f FILE] [-r] [-o OUTPUT]
        [-d [{quopri,yenc,base58ripple,base64url,pem,base58btc,base85,hexdump,base91,binhex,percent,ascii85,base64,mime,base32,hex,z85,raw,base32crockford,gzip,uu,base32hex} [{quopri,yenc,base58ripple,base64url,pem,base58btc,base85,hexdump,base91,binhex,percent,
  ascii85,base64,mime,base32,hex,z85,raw,base32crockford,gzip,uu,base32hex} ...]]]
        [-e [{bch,xrp,sha256,bip32-xkey,url,ipv4,pem,sha512,ltc,email,chainlink,md5,uuid,btc-wif,sha1,urn,issn,eth,isbn,json,base64,ada,usdt,base32,doi,magnet,sha224,ipv6,uri,data_uri,btc,mac,dot,sha384} [{bch,xrp,sha256,bip32-xkey,url,ipv4,pem,sha512,ltc,email,
  chainlink,md5,uuid,btc-wif,sha1,urn,issn,eth,isbn,json,base64,ada,usdt,base32,doi,magnet,sha224,ipv6,uri,data_uri,btc,mac,dot,sha384} ...]]]
        [-F {text,csv,json}] [--version]

Input paths support wildcards. If no input is provided, standard input is processed, i.e. input can be piped into metext. MetExt process input data in best effort, i.e. it tries to decode the data if encoded. The range of decoding to consider can be set via the argument -d. The list of patterns to search for is set with the argument -e. If not set, all patterns are searched for.

If no decoding is wanted to apply, set -d raw.


List supported modules

from metext import list_decoders_names, list_extractors_names, list_printers_names

if __name__ == "__main__":

Analyse data for patterns

from metext import analyse, print_analysis_output

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # file-like object
    with open("filepath", "rb") as fp:
        result = analyse(fp, "raw")  # without decoding, find all supported patterns
        print_analysis_output(result)  # by default prints to STDOUT in JSON format
            result, "output_filepath", "csv"
        )  # prints to "output_filepath" in CSV format

    # input is list of filepaths
    # consider either no, or base64 encoding
    # extract ipv4 patterns
    result = analyse(["filepath"], ["raw", "base64"], "ipv4")

    # input is string
    # limit decoding to provided decoders with custom kwargs
    # limit patterns to extractors with custom kwargs
    input_data = "some string"
    result = analyse(
                    "charset": "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz+/"
        [("base64", {})],

    # input is bytes
    # decode data in best effort
    # extract all patterns
    input_data = "some byte string"
    result = analyse(input_data)


The tool's functionality is divided into individual modules (plugins) of a particular type. A new module can be created by inheriting from one of plugins' bases in file. A plugin must have defined a unique pair PLUGIN_TYPE, PLUGIN_NAME.

Supported decoders

Decoder Description
hex Hexadecimal values, optionally with delimiters or prefixes
hexdump Hexdump format produced by tools hexdump and xdd
base32 base32 encoding as defined in RFC 4648
base32hex base32hex encoding as defined in RFC 4648
base32crockford Crockford's Base 32 encoding
base58btc Base 58 encoding using Bitcoin alphabet
base58ripple Base 58 encoding using Ripple alphabet
base64 base64 encoding as defined in RFC 4648.
base64url base64url encoding as defined in RFC 4648
base85 base85 encoding as defined in RFC 1924
ascii85 Ascii85 encoding
z85 Z85 encoding
base91 Base 91 encoding
binhex BinHex 4.0 encoding
pem Decodes Base 64 data in PEM format
gzip Decompress GZIP data
mime Decodes MIME message body
percent URL-encoding as defined in RFC 3986
quopri Quoted-printable encoding as defined in RFC 2045
uu UUEncoding
yenc yEnc encoding

Supported pattern extractors

Extractor Description
base32 base32-encoded data
base64 base64-encoded data
btc Bitcoin P2PKH, P2SH and Bech32 mainnet addresses
btc-wif Bitcoin private key in wallet import format (WIF)
bip32-key Extended private and public keys as defined in BIP32
eth Ethereum address
ltc Litecoin legacy and Bech32 address
xrp XRP (Ripple) classic address
usdt Tether (Omni, Ethereum) address
bch Bitcoin Cash legacy and CashAddr address
chainlink Chainlink (Ethereum) address
ada Cardano address
dot Polkadot address
email E-mail address
uuid Universally unique identifier (UUID, GUID)
md5 MD5 hex digest
sha1 SHA-1 hex digest
sha224 SHA-224 hex digest
sha256 SHA-256 hex digest
sha384 SHA-384 hex digest
sha512 SHA-512 hex digest
ipv4 IPv4 address
ipv6 IPv6 address
isbn ISBN identifier
issn ISSN identifier
doi DOI identifier
json JSON non-empty object or array
mac MAC address
pem Data in PEM format
uri Generic URI with a registered scheme
url URL with http(s) or ftp scheme
urn URN
data_uri Data URI
magnet BitTorrent magnet link


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