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This repo contains the source code for an example implementation of a single-region application for the fictional vehicle-sharing company MovR, as used by the CockroachDB for Python Developers course.

  • Overview gives a high-level overview the MovR application stack.


The application stack consists of the following components:

  • A CockroachCloud instance
  • Python class definitions that map to the table(s) in the database.
  • A backend API that defines the application's connection to the database and the database transactions.
  • A Flask server that handles requests from client web browsers.
  • HTML templates that define web pages that the Flask server renders.

new table

  • break original vehicles table into 1:many relationship child table: location_history.
    1. update database:
    # Create location_history table
    CREATE TABLE location_history (
        id UUID PRIMARY KEY,
        vehicle_id UUID REFERENCES vehicles(id) ON DELETE CASCADE,  # FK, and parent row delete policy
        longitude FLOAT8 NOT NULL,
        latitude FLOAT8 NOT NULL
    # Migrate the data
    INSERT INTO movr.location_history (id, vehicle_id, ts, longitude, latitude)
    SELECT gen_random_uuid(), id, last_checkin, last_longitude, last_latitude
    FROM vehicles;
    # Remove the columns from parent table
    SET sql_safe_updates = false;
    ALTER TABLE vehicles DROP COLUMN last_checkin,
        DROP COLUMN last_longitude,
        DROP COLUMN last_latitude;


Use single-node lcoal cockroachdb

# fxrc @ popos in ~/Tools [18:55:16] C:130
$ cockroach start-single-node --insecure
CockroachDB node starting at 2021-02-11 02:55:42.459646733 +0000 UTC (took 0.1s)
build:               CCL v20.2.4 @ 2021/01/21 00:08:24 (go1.13.14)
webui:               http://popos:8080
sql:                 postgresql://root@popos:26257?sslmode=disable
RPC client flags:    cockroach <client cmd> --host=popos:26257 --insecure
logs:                /home/fxrc/Tools/cockroach-data/logs
temp dir:            /home/fxrc/Tools/cockroach-data/cockroach-temp687873191
external I/O path:   /home/fxrc/Tools/cockroach-data/extern
store[0]:            path=/home/fxrc/Tools/cockroach-data
storage engine:      pebble
status:              restarted pre-existing node
clusterID:           f50518bb-b723-4859-85f1-c70762955ee7
nodeID:              1

Tried CockroachCloud (beta)

  • failed to import csv:> IMPORT TABLE movr.vehicles (                                                            
        id UUID PRIMARY KEY,                                                                                                                          
        last_longitude FLOAT8,                                                                                                                        
        last_latitude FLOAT8,                                                                                                                         
        battery INT8,                                                                                                                                 
        last_checkin TIMESTAMP,                                                                                                                       
        in_use BOOL,                                                                                                                                  
        vehicle_type STRING NOT NULL                                                                                                                  
CSV DATA ('')                                                                   
    WITH delimiter = '|';                                                                                                                             
ERROR: creating importTables: restoring table desc and namespace entries: failed to lookup parent DB 52: RangeIterator failed to seek to /Table/3/1/52
/2/1: rpc error: code = Unauthenticated desc = requested key /Table/3/1/52/2/1 not fully contained in tenant keyspace /Tenant/7{5-6}

Database and Environment Setup

You'll need to connect to a CockroachCloud cluster.

  1. Configure environment variables

    When running your server, it's easiest if your CockroachCloud connection string is assigned to the DB_URI variable in the .env file. You can paste it in with the editor of your choice.

  2. Initialize the database

    You can do this with

    $ cat dbinit.sql | cockroach sql --url <cockroachcloud_url>

Application setup

  1. To run the application, use the following command in the shell:

    $ ./ run
  2. Navigate to the url provided (defaults to http://localhost:36257) to use the application.

Clean up

  1. To shut down the application, Ctrl+C out of the Python process.

Note: Testing

We are still building out the testing suite. Please use at your own risk.


CockroachDB for Python Developers






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