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Metacademy's Source

This source is licensed under GPLv3, see LICENSE.txt (note: metacademy's content is CC BY SA 3.0).


Current installation instructions for *nix and OSX (6 Oct 2013), all commands are executed from the terminal

Preliminary requirements

  • Install python 2.7X. NB: install python-devel if you're using a package manager such as apt-get. The following command should print a path (if this command raises an exception, make sure that you have the python-devel version installed):

  •       python -c 'from distutils.sysconfig import get_makefile_filename as m; print m()'
  • Install gcc (OSX users: installing the OSX developer tools is probably the easiest way to do this). The following command should not throw an error:

      gcc -v  
  • Install pip; here are pip's installation instructions. The following command should not throw an error:

      pip -V

Setting up a virtual environment

We recommend using a virtual environment if you will be developing for the metacademy application, this way, metacademy won't conflict with your system libraries

  1. install virtualenv pip install virtualenv (you may need to instead run sudo pip install virtualenv)

  2. create a top-level metacademy directory in a desired location, e.g. mkdir -p ~/MyProjects/metacademy

  3. go to the top-level metacademy directory cd ~/MyProjects/metacademy

  4. initialize a virtual environment in this directory

     virtualenv --no-site-packages .
  5. activate your virtual environment

     source bin/activate 

Installing metacademy-application, metacademy-content, and dependencies

  1. from your top-level metacademy directory, clone the content and the application servers:

     git clone
     git clone
  2. create a local_dbs directory (note: you can move/change this directory as long as you update appropriately, see below)

     mkdir local_dbs
  3. create appropriate subdirectories (note: you can move/change these directories as long as you update appropriately, see below)

     mkdir local_dbs/django_db local_dbs/content_index local_dbs/app_index
  4. go to the metacademy-application directory

     cd metacademy-application
  5. install the metacademy-application dependencies

     pip install -r requirements.txt
  6. copy to

  7. copy app_server/ to app_server/

     cp app_server/ app_server/
  8. add the metacademy-application to your PYTHONPATH environmental variable (this assumes you're running a bash terminal, if you're not, set your PYTHONPATH to include the metacademy-application directory)

     echo "export PYTHONPATH=$PWD:$PYTHONPATH" >> ../bin/activate
     source ../bin/activate
  9. from metacademy-application project directory:

     python app_server/ syncdb # you'll be prompted to create an admin account -- simply follow the instructions
     python app_server/ migrate
  10. Open localhost:8080 with a modern javascript-enabled browser, preferably a webkit-based browser

Note: the initial search may take some time to load (the backend must load the graph into memory), but all subsequent pages should load much quicker.

If you have any problems with this installations, please submit a ticket at

Optional Dependency: Scipy

Some of metacademy's ancillary functions currently depend on scipy. Scipy can be tricky to install (pip install scipy won't work unless you have all of the systems-level dependencies) so we have made it an optional dependency. Once you have scipy installed on your machine (google will help here...), link it's site-packages folder to to your virtual environment's lib/python2.7/site-packages/ folder. On my machine, this command was:

    ln -s /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy lib/python2.7/site-packages/

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