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Part of eRegulations.

Parse Regulation XML to generate JSON for regulations-core to serve to regulations-site.

A full development envinronment to perform all of these tasks can be set up using regulations-bootstrap.


There are two types of RegML files:

  • regulation files which contain the full text of a regulation version
  • notice files which contain the changes necessary to transform the preceding version of a regulation into the next version

Generating RegML from eCFR

Scenario: You have a regulation and no RegML and you need to generate the entire RegML history for that regulation.

To generate RegML from an eCFR XML file using regulations-parser:

./ ecfr parse-all [CFR title number] [eCFR file]

This will generate the RegML regulation tree for the initial version and RegML notice trees with the necessary changeset for each subsequent version of the regulation based on notices published in the Federal Register.

Generating RegML from a single eCFR Notice

Scenario: You have a regulation and a body of RegML for its history, but a new final notice was published in the Federal Register.

To generate RegML from a single eCFR XML notice, you need to have a RegML regulation file for the immediately prior notice.

./ ecfr parse-notice [CFR title number] [CFR part number] [notice document number] --applies-to [prior notice document number]

This will generate the RegML notice changeset for the new notice. That changeset can then be applied as described below to generate the RegML regulation file.

Generating RegML from regulation + notice

To apply a notice file to a regulation file:

./ apply-notice [RegML regulation file] [RegML notice file]

This will create a new RegML file with the notice file's changes applied to the given regulation file.

The path to the RegML files can be relative to the XML_ROOT in your file. For example, if you have the RegML files in ../../regulations-stub/xml and your XML_ROOT="../../regulations-stub/xml", you can use:

./ apply-notice 1111/1234-56789.xml 1111/1234-67890.xml

Validating RegML

To validate a RegML file against regulations-schema:

./ validate [RegML regulation or notice file]

RegML Sanitization

Some utilities to sanitize RegML are also included

Term Finder

The term finder prompts the user to place references to defined terms wherever they may be found. These corrections can then be writen back to the original RegML file.

./ check-terms [RegML regulation file]

check-terms also takes an optional label, which will cause it to only operate on that particular part of the regulation (useful for large regulations). For example:

./ check-terms 1026/2011-31715 --label 1026-1
You appear to have used the term "Credit" in 1026-1-a without referencing it:
<content xmlns="eregs">...</content>

Would you like the automatically fix this reference in the source?
(y)es/(n)o/(i)gnore this term/(a)lways correct:

Generating JSON from RegML

To generate JSON from RegML for use with regulations-core:

./ json [RegML regulation file] []RegML regulation file] ...

If more than one RegML file is given, the JSON files that are created will include diff files that contain the changes between each version provided.

As with the other RegML commands above, the path to the RegML files can be relative to the XML_ROOT in your file. For example, if you have the RegML files in ../../regulations-stub/xml and your XML_ROOT="../../regulations-stub/xml", you can use:

./ json 1111/1234-56789.xml

Additionally, to generate JSON for all RegML files in a particular regulation's directory in the XML_ROOT, you can simple use the regulation directory name (usually the part number):

./ json 1111


Make web-ready JSON from regulations XML







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  • Python 99.1%
  • XSLT 0.9%