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Utilbin is a collection of utilities to improve developer's lives.

The goal of utilbin is threefold:

  1. Be a central, welcoming community where everyone can collate and improve development tools together, all under a liberal license.

  2. Provide programmatic access to hosted utilities over a simple REST interface.

  3. Build in-browser (e.g. Javascript and/or WebAssembly) versions of every utility for local use, like with sensitive data that can't leave corporate firewalls.

Getting Started

To run Utilbin locally, first checkout Utilbin.

git clone

Next, install Utilbin's Python dependencies

pip install furl curio flask

Finally, install Utilbin's build dependencies: a C/C++ compiler toolchain, Emscripten (a toolchain that compiles C and C++ to Javascript), and browserify (a Javascript bundler).

On Debian machines, install the C/C++ compiler toolchain with

apt install build-essential

To install Emscripten, follow Emscripten's installation instructions here:

Installation of Emscripten on Linux and OS X will look similar to

$ wget
$ tar xf emsdk-portable.tar.gz
$ cd emsdk-portable/
$ ./emsdk update
$ ./emsdk install latest
$ ./emsdk activate latest
$ ln -s "$(find $(pwd) -type f -name 'emcc')" /somewhere/in/your/path/emcc

Install browserify with

npm install -g browserify

Build the Utilities

With Utilbin checked out and the build dependencies installed, it's time to build some utilities. Individual utilities can be built with

./utilbind build <utility> [web | native]

To build every utility, for both web and native, run

./utilbind build all

Run Utilbin

Individual utilities can be run via utilbind's Command Line Interface (CLI) with

./utilbind run <utility> <utility-args>

For example, to generate a random password, run

$ ./utilbind run password_generator --length=20

In addition to providing a CLI to build and run utilities, utilbind is also an HTTP daemon that can listen for, and serve, RESTrequests. To start the REST server in listen mode (non-daemonizedd server mode), run

Listening for requests on

And request away

$ curl "http://localhost:4337/password_generator?length=20"

Run Utilbin's Frontend Web Server

Once web versions of the utilities have been built (e.g. with ./utilbind build all web), start the frontend web server with

$ ./
 * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
 * Restarting with stat

and load in your browser.

Add a new Utility

To add a new utility to Utilbin, follow the Add Utility instructions and submit a pull request.


Utilities for Lizards






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