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Unifies compute/networking fabric end-to-end

Thanks to its plugin architecture can manage near everything

See inside docs for some design documentation

Inside plugins there are some plugins for entity

Inside examples you can find some example/demo


You should have Cyclone DDS installed, Python Cyclone DDS API Bindings and the DStore API

config dependencies:

  • user should be able to use sudo without password asking (echo "username ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" >> /etc/sudoers)


    $ ./configure
    $ make
    $ make install

How to run:

Using the fos command

$ fos start -p <path_to_plugins> [-v to get verbose output, -d to run as a daemon]

Or opening from Python 3 interpeter

    >>> from fog05.fosagent import FosAgent
    >>> a = FosAgent()
    >>> a.stop()

You can pass to the constructor the plugins directory FosAgent(plugins_path="/path/to/plugins") or debug=False to have logging on file

Interact with the nodes

To interact with the nodes deployed you can use the fos cli interface

$ fos -h [ to get the help]
usage: fos [-h] {start,node,network,entity,manifest} ...

 Fog05 | The Fog-Computing IaaS

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit

List all nodes:

$ fos node list

List all entities:

$ fos entitity list

List all networks:

$ fos network list

Adding a plugin to a node:

$ fos node -u <node uuid> -a -p -m <path to plugin manifest>

Information about a node:

$ fos node -u <node uuid> [-i detailed information | -p information about plugins]

Add a network to a node

$ fos network -u <node uuid> -a -m <network manifest>

Simple lifecycle of an atomic entity:

$ fos entity -u <node_uuid> --define -m <atomic entity manifest>
$ fos entity -u <node uuid> -eu <atomic entity uuid> --configure -iu <instance_uuid>
$ fos entity -u <node uuid> -eu <atomic entity uuid> --run -iu <instance_uuid>
$ fos entity -u <node uuid> -eu <atomic entity uuid> --stop -iu <instance_uuid>
$ fos entity -u <node uuid> -eu <atomic entity uuid> --clean -iu <instance_uuid>
$ fos entity -u <node uuid> -eu <atomic entity uuid> --undefine

Migration of an atomic entity

fos entity -u <current node uuid> -eu <entity uuid> -du <destination node uuid>  -iu <instance_uuid> --migrate

Static Onboard entity (DAG of Atomic Entities)

$ fos entity --add -m <entity manifest>

Only static and simple resource managment is available at the moment, you can find an example of a DAG Entity in this example

CLI utils

With fos-get you can explore the distributed store

fos-get -u <URI>

There is also available a logger to see the evolution of the distributed store and all information coming from nodes.

f05log <store root>

NG Command Line

There is also a NG cli interface

    # fos-ng 
        fog05 | The Fog-Computing IaaS

        fos SUBCOMMAND

        === subcommands ===

        entity    Entity/Atomic Entity interaction
        manifest  Check manifests
        network   Network related commands
        node      Getting information about nodes
        start     Agent control
        version   print version information
        help      explain a given subcommand (perhaps recursively)

The old one will be removed soon, this new one is faster and safer.

fog05 WebSocket Store server

The store server providing websocket api can be started by:

$ f05ws    

fog05 Web Client

The web client can be operated interactively by starting it as:

$ f05wc

Otherwise you can submit commamnds using a file as in:

$ cat ./examples/scripts/cmd.fosw | f05wc
$ printf get 1 fos://root/home/cn0 | python3 f05wc