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A general purpose "static site" generator.

Doxter is really a mashup of ideas, most notably joDoc, Jekyll and Tomdoc.


  • Light Weight (~450 LOC)
  • Ultra Fast (as of now processes around 60 (~20kb/file) files / second)
  • Fully Extensible and Customizable Output


Running Doxter on your machine is easier than making coffee.


Getting Started

Before we go any further check out the examples directory inside the Doxter source tree.


The raison d'être of Doxter is to extract pieces of Markdown from source code, glue them together, run a bunch of processors on the top and write out the mixture to a file.

Therefore the documentation example is very simple and straightforward and it requires no special magic in order to generate beautiful documentation with minimal effort.


This example illustrates a couple of more advanced things which can be achieved by writing plugins.

Basically, it will glue all the files producing a single file.


This is the most advanced example and it implements Jekyll like functionality, in fact you'll be able to use your existing posts written for Jekyll.

Please refer to the Plugins section for more information and usage patterns concering plugins.

If you want to see an "example" in action, feel free to check out my blog.


The Doxterfile is a YAML file and contains the various configuration options picked up by Doxter and the various processors.

  • template_dir - template directory (default: _templates)
  • template - default template (default: default, which translates to default.tpl.html)
  • output_dir - output site directory (default: _site)
  • plugin_dir - plugin directory (default: _plugins)
  • extra_files - files or directories to be copied as-is to the output_dir (optional)
  • files - files or directories to be processed and written to the output_dir (required)

The plugin_dir is provided for convenience and changing its value has no effect whatsoever because it is ignored.

You can add any number of user defined variables here and they will be made available inside templates as site, for example defining title: hello world will be accessible inside a template as site.title; processors can make use of the doxter.get_config('title') to do the same.

Note: all default directories are relative to the location of the Doxterfile.


Plugins should be placed in the _plugins directory, relative to the location of the Doxterfile.

These plugins allow you to customize the generation pipeline by adding new processors, template filters, you name it.


Doxter is all about so called Processors which take a piece of content modify it and then pass it over to other processors to do the same.

There are a number of built-in processors; with these it is possible to generate content out of the box, including generate documentation from source code.

(registered and boostrapped in this particular order!)

  1. Page
  2. Source
  3. Css
  4. Pygments
  5. Markdown
  6. Auto Links
  7. TOC (Table of Contents)
  8. Template
  9. Output

Each piece of content will pass through these, unless you alter the process via Plugins.

The base processor has three basic methods as shown in the code snippet below.

class Processor(Struct):
	def priority(self):

	def teardown(self):

	def process(self, root, ext, content):
		return content

Let's say that we want to add support for Textile, we can write a very basic processor in a matter of minutes.

import textile
import doxter
class TextileProcessor(doxter.Processor):
	def __init__(self):
		self.file_count = 0 = doxter.get_config('page')

	def priority(self):
		return -5 # before the Markdown processor

	def teardown(self):
		print('processed %d Textile files' % self.file_count)
		self.file_count = 0

	def process(self, root, ext, content):
		if not ext in ['.textile']:
			return content
		self.file_count += 1'is_textile', True)
		return textile.textile(content)

Now let's see what is going on in the code snippet above.

First of all we inherit the doxter.Processor class, then in the constructor we setup a counter and get the reference to the page structure which contains information about the current page (file).

In the priority function we return -5 which means that our processor will get registered just before the Markdown processor. (check out the list of built-in processors above)

In the teardown method we print out the number of Textile files we processed and reset the counter.

In the process function, first we check if the piece of content (file) has the .textile extension, if not, then we are not interested in it.

Down the line, we increment the counter, set a custom property for the current page (which can be used in other processors or the template) and finally return the Textilized piece of content.

Check out the book and blog examples for more information and advanced usage patterns; the example above is just the tip of the iceberg.


Todo: change layouts to templates in order to be more consistent and avoid naming confusions which may arrise from this matter.

Doxter uses the excellent Jinja2 for templates, which means that you'll be able to do fairly advanced templates in a matter of minutes.

The default template is called default.tpl.html and should be placed in the _template directory, relative to the location of the Doxterfile.

An alternate default template as well as a template directory can be specified in order to override this; see the Doxterfile section for more information related to this.

In each template you can make use of three variables:

  • page
  • site
  • content

The page refers to the current page and the site variable contains all the properties specified in the Doxterfile.

The content variable is just an alias for page.content and it is provided for convenicence reasons.

Note: the content is not run through Jinja so you cannot have dynamic stuff inside a certain page; however this can be achieved by writing Plugins.


Doxter comes with a small built-in 'HTTP' server which can be used to serve the generated files from the output directory.

You can start it via:

doxter --server

By default it will start on port 4000, you can specify an alternate port at your own discretion via:

doxter --server --port 3500

Note: The usage of this server in a production environment is highly discouraged.

You can use or Localtunnel to share localhost over the web.


  • better and more extensive documentation (a.k.a document itself for what is worth)
  • unit tests


  • Fork the project.
  • Make your feature addition or bug fix.
  • Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.
  • Do not bump the version number.


Copyright (c) 2011-2017, Mihail Szabolcs

Doxter is provided as-is under the MIT license. For more information see LICENSE.


A general purpose "static site" generator.







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