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mypackage microservice

Getting Started

This service runs on Python 2.7 or 3.4+. You can execute it locally from a virtual environment.

Once your virtual env is created, install the required dependencies into it:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Next, make sure to locate the service in your PYTHONPATH:

$ python develop

View the command line arguments:

$ python mypackage/ --help

You can now execute the service as follow:

$ python mypackage/

By default, the service will listen on port 8080.

Log to syslog

You can send your application logs to a local or remote syslog as follows:

$ python mypackage/ --syslog IP:PORT

Where IP:PORT is the syslog endpoint address. Be aware that this only supports UDP.

Run through a Docker container

You can run the application through a Docker container. First you need to build the image:

$ docker build -t mypackage:0.0.1 .

Next, you can run it like this:

$ docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 -it mypackage:0.0.1

You can pass the same arguments as without running from a container.

Execute your tests

To run your tests, execute the following command:

$ cd tests
$ py.test --cov=mypackage --cov-report=html --flake8

This will generate a coverage report in the local htmlcov directory. In addition, this will also check for common style issues in your tests based on PEP-8.

The package ignores a set of rules that are a little too harsh generally speaking. See setup.cfg.

Validate your Python style

You can check your code matches PEP-8 guidelines by running the next command:

$ flake8 mypackage

Some defaults can be found in setup.cfg.


Originally created by Atomist on 2016-07-05.


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