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WECS stands for World, Entities, Components, Systems, and is an implementation of an ECS system. Its goal is to put usability first, and not let performance optimizations compromise it.

Beyond the core, WECS' goal is to accumulate enough game mechanics, so that the time between imagining a game and getting to the point where you actually work on your specific game mechanics is a matter of a few minutes of setting up boilerplate code. In particular, a modue for Panda3D is provided.

What is an ECS?

ECS, also called EC, Component system, and probably several other names, is an architecture aimed at simplifying the development and maintenance of video games. The central ideas are that

  • state should be separated from the logic working on it
  • state objects should be extended by using composition instead of classical patterns of inheritance, and be extendable and restrictable at runtime
  • logic processes those objects to which it is applicable, determined by the presence of a fitting set of components.
  • logic is applied in a round-robin fashion; In the context of games that likely means "each piece of logic is applied once per frame, in a predetermined order."

To distinguish state objects and logic, state objects are called Components, while logic objects are called Systems. Entities are collections of Components.

WECS' ECS definition

Since this is a specific implementation of the more general ECS architecture, these specific definitions are applicable only to WECS, and they correspond to the classes provided in wecs.core.

  • World
    • has a set of Entities
    • has a set of Systems
    • causes Systems to process their relevant Entities in an appropriate running order
  • Entities
    • have a set of Components
    • are, with regard to how they are processed, type- and stateless
  • Components
    • are the state of an Entity
    • have a type
  • Systems
    • have filters which have
      • a name identifying them
      • a function testing for the presence of component types
    • process Entities when
      • a Component is added to the entity so that it now satisfies a filter. The System's init_entity(filter_name, entity) is called. This allows for setup, i.e. loading models into Panda3D's scene graph.
      • a Component is removed, so that the entity now does not satisfy a filter anymore. destroy_entity(filter_name, entity, components_by_type) is called. This allows for necessary breakdown. Do note that the components that have been removed are already not on the entity anymore, which is why they are passed as an extra argument.
      • the System is added to or removed from the World. This calls init_entity() or destroy_entity() respectively.
      • the System's game logic is being run, caused by
        • World.update()
        • a task that is created when the System is added to the World

To summarize, you create a game by

  • Creating Entitys in the World, and giving them the Components that describe their properties.
  • Adding a list of Systems which describe how components' states should change over time; This is the content of your main loop.

Now when running the main loop, each System will now fetch all Entitys that have sufficient Components to satisfy one or more of its filters, then update them. This may involve updating Components that aren't on any of the System's filters, and which may even be on any Entity in the World.


NOTE: wecs/examples/minimal/ offers another overview that also includes references, but doesn't incorporate the syntactic sugar mentioned below yet.

Create a World, an Entity, a Component, a System, and tie it all together:

from wecs.core import World, Component, System

class Foo:
  counter: int = 0

class Bar(System):
    entity_filters = {'filter': and_filter([Foo])}

    def init_entity(filter_name, entity):
        print("Initializing an entity newly in filter {}".format(filter_name))

    def update(self, entities_by_filter):
        for entity in entities_by_filter['filter']:
            print("Processing entity.")

    def destroy_entity(filter_name, entity):
        print("Tearing down entity for filter {filter_name} after components of types [{}] were removed".format(
	    ', '.join(components_by_type),

world = World()
entity = world.create_entity(Foo())

The last line of that could be broken down further like this:

entity = world.create_entity()
foo_component = Foo()

Getting and removing components, and checking for their presence:

entity[Foo] = foo_component
is_present = Foo in entity
foo_component = entity[Foo]
del entity[Foo]

The same without syntactic sugar:

is_present = entity.has_component(Foo)
foo_component = entity.get_component(Foo)

The Foo in entity[Foo] = foo_component is something that doesn't have to be given to entity.add_component(foo_component), since its type is known. It's needed here merely because entity[] = foo_component isn't syntactically valid Python.

Deferred Component addition / removal

Do note that additions / removals of components are deferred, and only take effect once world.flush_component_updates() is called, which happens automatically when (before) a System is being run. Thus you can let a System process one entity, let that processing cause the removal of a component of another entity, then let the System go on to do the same the other way around, even if the system depends on the presence of the now "removed" component. That way, when processing each Entity, the system is presented with the state (of component presence) from when the system is started.

However, if you add components, on one hand, they won't e added to any filter immediately, just like they won't be removed by dropping a component (since those updates are deferred). But you can still access them through ComponentType in entity and entity[ComponentType], as those functions use the sets of both existing and newly added components.

Do also note that none of this magic holds true for the values of state; You're on your own in that regard. If a System processes an Entity and changes some state, then processes another Entity, that process will not see the original state, only the current state.

Splitting systems into "This can be done", "This is being done", and "Now we're cleaning up weird states that could have come about" seems to be a workable pattern.

Undocumented features

  • Aspects
  • References to entities in component values

Design questions and arguments

Implementational detail: Optimizing type filtering performance

NOTE: I implemented prefiltering, but not quite like written down here.

As the number of Entities grows through expanding the game world or getting more players, and the number of Systems grows due to new features in the game, the complexity to filter the entities by a system's type list increases with O(m*n). To prevent that from happening each frame, I propose to use mappings of

  • A = {Entity: [Systems]}

  • B = {System: [Components]} that is modified when an Component or System is added or removed from or to the World.

  • Adding a Component to an Entity

    • Each System's type list is tested against the Entity's Components. If it matches, the System will from now on process this Component that is on this Entity (adding A and B mappings), and the System's init_components() will be called for the Component.
  • Removing a Component from an Entity.

    • For each System from mapping A, we match its type list against the Entity. If it does not match anymore, we need to
      • remove the system from A
      • run the System's destroy_component() on he Component
      • remove the component from B
  • Adding a System to the World

    • Its type list is tested against any Entity in the World. For each match, A and B mappings are added, and the System's init_components() is called with the matching Components.
  • Removing a System from the World

    • All Components from B are used to determine the set of Entities that they are on, to remove the System from A.
    • On each Component from B, the System's destroy_component() is run
    • The System is removed from B.
  • Running game logic

    • This step now requires merely one lookup per system in B to have the set of Components readily available.

There is an edge case where this approach runs into an issue with overselection. Assume there's a system that processes the components of two sets of entities, X and Y. It processes Y only if processing X has yielded a certain result. In timesteps where that result does not come about, Y does not need to be processed, thus not be filtered for in the first place. In an "everything happens in RAM" situation, this is not a problem; references to the Y set are available, whether they are needed or not, without any penalty incurred. If the data is stored in a DB or over a network, however, the transfer of data that makes it available to the system, however, should be avoided, since this data transfer is a slow operation.

An upshot of eshewing dynamic querying for Components is that Systems have to be upfront about what Component types they process, leading to a clear and programmatically extractable understanding of System-Component dependencies.

Components referencing each other

NOTE: This has been implemented using the "Unique values" approach described below, with the references referring to Entities.

In a world, there is a thing, and it has the property of being a room:

entity = world.create_entity()

In the world, there is another thing, and it's Bob:

bob = world.create_entity()

Bob has the property of being in a room:


And at "..." the problem starts.

Observer pattern

If I just use a reference


that's bad, because there's no cleanup mechanism if entity gets removed from the world. We could use the observer pattern to do that. Now Room has a list of references, observers. RoomPresence(room=room) adds itself to that list. When entity.destroy() is called, it destroys its components, calling Room.destroy(), which calls all the observers. Thing is, now we experience the problem in reverse. So RoomPresence.destroy() now must take care to clean up the observer lists of all components that it is observing. You see how this tends to get complicated?

On the upside, we now have a bus over which we can also send more general events, though this will bring complications of its own. But like spells that affect every affectable entity in the room could be implemented that way.

However, this upside is actually a downside. When we introduce inter-component messaging, we now have components processing data, and have broken the fundamental paradigm of ECS:

  • Components are data
  • Systems are processing
  • System-System interaction should happen by manipulating data

So, what can we do instead?

Unique values

If we use unique values


then we have I have to make sure that those UIDs are in fact unique. That isn't too difficult:


The Room._uid is generated automatically during add_component(), and then the component is registered with the World. Now when a System CastSpellOnRoom` runs and sees that Bob does indeed cast a spell on the room that he is in, so it tries

room_uid = RoomPresence(room=room.get_component(Room)._uid
room = world.get_component(_uid)

to do something with the room, but if the room has already been destroyed, world.get_component() will raise a KeyError("No such component"). It's now up to the system how to deal with that, and how to bring Bob's RoomPresence component back into a consistent state.

However, it's not this system's job to clean up after RoomPresences, it is to cast a spell. What it can do, or what should ideally happen automatically, is that Bob gets marked as needing cleanup (e.g. bob.add_component(CleanUpRoom)), and that a dedicated system deals with what consistency means in the game (e.g. just removing the component, or setting the referenced room to an empty void for the player to enjoy). This in turn leads to possible race conditions; when does that transition happen during a frame? On the other hand, since all systems that can't work properly anymore due to this inconsistent situation should deal predictably and fail-safe (mark and proceed with other entities) with it, this should be of preventable impact.

Implementational detail: Size of GUIDs (TL;DR: 64 bit is the right answer)

NOTE: Theoretical for now, there are no GUIDs being used yet.

Entities act as nothing more than a label, and are usually implemented as a simple integer as a globally unique identifier (GUID). The question arises: How many of those do we need?

Assume a game of five million concurrent players, and a thousand Entities in the game world per player. Thus we arrive at five billion Entities in the game world. This is just above 2**32 numbers (4.29 billion). 64 bit offers over 18 quintillion IDs, which should be enough for even the largest player base with a staggering amount of per-player content of the game world.

Implementational detail: Systems threading

CURRENT STATE: When a system is added, an int is provided. world.update() will run the task in order of ascending numbers.

One advantage of ECSes seems to be parallelization. Systems can run in parallel as they are independent of each other. I think that that's Snake Oil, and I won't buy it that easily.

  • There is time. The basic time unit of a game is usually a frame on the client's side, and a tick on the server side. A system may run as fast and as often as it pleases if all that is does is triggered by state changes on components, and thus effectively does event-driven processing on them. However, if that is not the case for a given system, then it will likely need to run once per frame/tick. Thus, a synchronization point between systems is needed.
  • There are cause-and-effect dependencies. Consider input, physics, and rendering. In any given frame, these need to happen in a defined sequence, so that the player is presented with a consistent game state.
  • There is no time. Every now and then, a System may need to perform a time-costly operation, like loading a model from disk or, even worse, over the network. This would bring the advantages of parallelity to the forefront, as only this specific system would stall, and all others would keep running and pick up on the results of the operation once it is available. This, however, can only happen if there are no synchronization points between those other systems and the stalling one.

I have no idea how to square these with each other elegantly, though within Panda3D, the task manager can solve this. Long-running systems into separate task chains to run asynchronous, while "every frame" tasks are put into the default task chain.

Note: Component Inheritance Considered Dangerous

One basic design feature of an ECS is the separation of data from the code that processes it. One could now get the idea "Excellent, then I can have a class hierarchy of Components, and the Systems will process those Components that subclass their component types." The perceived upshot here is that as gameplay is iterated on, Components can be enriched with new functionality (implemented in Systems) that add to existing behavior, while old behavior runs on unaltered for those components that are still of the base component's type. This is unnecessary and potentially dangerous. The alternative is to just add a new component type, and a system that runs on entities where both components are present. This leads to easy management of the system:

  • Old items should be individually upgraded, or need to be upgraded for the new rollout? Just add the new component, no upgrade mechanism necessary.
  • The feature wasn't fun after all? Remove the new Components from the game. No need to have a downgrade mechanism for components of the new type. Systems that fall into disuse can be identified automatically.
  • You end up with two Systems anyway.
  • If you're doing hierarchical inheritance on the component types, you incur the penalties outlined above. If you're doing compositional inheritance, you're just replicating what ECS does anyway when you add a new component type to an entity.

Composing templates for generic entities

Note: I've implemented Aspects with slightly different API; no MetaAspects until I actually need them.

To set up entities individually, giving them their components and the starting values of those, is repetitive and inefficient. Even writing a factory function for each type of entity in your game is repetitive, because in all likelihood, some kinds of entities will be very similar to each other.

Thus we need factory functions that create entities from sets of building blocks, and allow for overriding the given default values on a per-entity basis. The question is: How are those building blocks put together?

Two approaches offer themselves:

  • Archetypes: Just use Python's inheritance system. Conflicts due to diamond inheritance should be resolved by the usual linearization rules. Frankly I have not thought too deeply about this approach.
    • Pros: People who know Python know how this works
    • Cons: Didn't we just get rid of OOP inheritance for reasons?
  • Aspects: We'll do EC-like composition again on a higher level.
    • An aspect is a set of component types (and values diverging from the defaults) and parent aspects. When you create an entity from a set of aspects, all component types get pooled. Unlike to Archetypes, each type must be provided only once. This disallows diamond inheritance and forces a pure tree inheritance.
      • This can already be checked on aspect creation
      • It also allows for testing at runtime whether an entity still fulfills an archetype.
      • This in turn allows for removing and adding aspects at runtime while insuring that aspects lower down in the hierarchy still match. An entity can be given several different instances of an archetype, only one of which can be active at any given time, but can be swapped out for another one.
    • API draft:
      * Aspect(aspects_or_components, overrides=None)
        Creates an aspect.
        Calling an aspect returns a set of new component instances.
        `overrides` provides default values to use instead of the ones on the
        provided aspects.
        Calling an aspect with overrides does not invalidate, but possibly
        override, an aspect's overrides.
        moveset = [WalkingMovement, InertialMovement, BumpingMovement, FallingMovement]
        walker = Aspect(moveset)
        slider = Aspect(moveset, {InertialMovement: dict(acceleration=5.0)})
        world.create_entity(slider())  # A walker with acceleration of 5.0
        world.create_entity(slider({InertialMovement: dict(rotated_inertia=1.0)})))  # Acceleration is still 5.0
      * add_aspect(entity, components)
        Just a bit of syntactic sugar, and may perform a check whether component
        clashes would occur before adding any component.
      * MetaAspect(list_of_aspects)
        A MetaAspect is a list of aspects. Components can not be created from a
        MetaAspect. Its purpose is to serve as a flexible filter when removing
        aspects from an entity. Instead of of one aspect, it is given a list of
        them, which is matched in order against the entity. The first one to
        match is then removed from the entity.
      * remove_aspect(entity, aspect_or_metaaspect)
        Returns the set of removed components.
    • Use case:
      # For readability, default values are omitted, and the
      # The minimum that a character can be is a disembodied character...
      character = Aspect([Clock, Position, Scene, CharacterController])
      # ...until it gets a body.
      avatar = Aspect([character, Model, WalkingMovement, Stamina])
      spectator = Aspect([character, Model, FloatingMovement])
      # A player has a camera with which to see into the world.
      first_person = Aspect([FirstPersonCamera])
      third_person = Aspect([ThirdPersonCamera])
      camera = MetaAspect([first_person, third_person])
      # Most characters have logic that controls their actions.
      input = Aspect([Input])
      ai = Aspect([ConstantCharacterAI])
      control = MetaAspect([input, ai])
      # To make our lives easier, a high-level abstractions...
      # (This is the one case that makes MetaAspects necessary.)
      mind = MetaAspect([Aspect([control, camera]), control])
      # ...and templates.
      player_character = Aspect([avatar, input, first_person])
      non_player_character = Aspect([avatar, ai])
      # Now let's create some entities!
      player_entity = world.create_entity(player_character())
      npc_entity = world.create_entity(npc_character())
      # What if "minds" that control characters could swap bodies?
      def swap_minds(entity_a, entity_b):
          mind_a = remove_aspect(entity_a, mind)
          mind_b = remove_aspect(entity_b, mind)
          add_aspect(entity_a, mind_b)
          add_aspect(entity_b, mind_a)
      swap_minds(player_entity, npc_entity) # This will get confusing...
      swap_minds(player_entity, npc_entity) # Much better.
      # Now let's force a 3rd Person camera on the player.
      remove_aspect(npc_entity, camera)
      add_aspect(npc_entity, third_person())
    • Pros:
      • Looks like it might work; Further research is warranted.
    • Cons:
      • Does this actually reduce complexity?
      • What kind of type-theoretical implications does it have?



Hot Topics

  • Pinned tasks
    • Update PyPI package
  • panda3d
    • Check the task_mgr for tasks already existing at a given sort
    • If that's not possible, Systemify existing Panda3D tasks
    • character.Walking
      • Decreased control while in the air
      • Null input should have zero effect, not effect towards zero movement
    • character.Jumping
      • Multijump
  • mechanics
    • Move equipment, inventory, and rooms here
  • Character animation


  • wecs.console
    • The current version basically only shows that functionally, it exists.
    • It needs to look prettier
    • There needs to be insight into current component values
    • Entities should be pinnable, going to the top of the list
    • The list should be sortable / filterable by component presence and values
    • Components, and sets of them, should be drag-and-dropable from entity to entity
    • There should be entity / component creation, and a "shelf" to put (sets of) unattached components on
    • A waste bin that destroys entities / components dragged onto it
    • Adding / removing aspects
    • There should also be a column set for system membership
  • pman create


  • Bugs
    • CharacterController:
      • Bumping: Go into an edge. You will find yourself sticking to it instead of gliding off to one side.
      • Bumping: Go through a thin wall.
      • Bumping: Walk into a wall at a near-perpendicular angle, drifting towards a corner. When the corner is reached, the character will take a sudden side step. Easy to see when walking into a tree. Probably the result not taking inertia into account.
      • Falling: Stand on a mountain ridge. You will jitter up and down.
      • example: Break Map / LoadMapsAndActors out of
    • CollideCamerasWithTerrain
      • With the head stuck against a wall (e.g. in the tunnel), this places the camera into the wall, allowing to see through it.
      • If the angle camera-wall and camera-character is small, the wall gets culled, probably due to the near plane being in the wall.
      • Changes in camera distance after startup do not get respected.
  • Tests
    • Tests for get_component_dependencies() / get_system_component_dependencies()
    • Is there proper component cleanup when an entity is removed?
    • Does removing entities affect the currently running system?
    • Coverage is... lacking.
  • Documentation
    • Well, docstrings!
    • Sphinx
    • doctests
  • Development pipeline
    • tox
  • core
    • API improvements
      • entity = world[entity_uid]
      • entity = other_entity.get_component(Reference).uid
    • Unique Components; Only one per type in the world at any given time, to be tested between removing old and adding new components?
    • De-/serialize world state
  • boilerplate
    • Dump Aspects into graphviz
  • graphviz
    • Inheritance diagrams of Aspects
  • panda3d
    • character
      • Bumpers bumping against each other, distributing the push between them.
      • climbing
    • ai
      • Turn towards entity
      • Move towards entity
      • Perceive entity
    • Debug console
  • mechanics
    • Meter systems: i.e. Health, Mana
  • ai
    • Hierarchical Finite State Machine
    • Behavior Trees
  • All code
    • Change filtered_entities to entities_by_filter
    • system.destroy_entity() now gets components_by_type argument.
    • system.destroy_entity() is a horrible name. Change to destroy_components.
    • system.init_entity() is also misleading. Maybe change it to system.init_components(), and give it a components_by_type argument too?
    • I've been really bad about implementing system.destroy_entity()s...
    • clock.timestep is deprecated. Replace with .wall_time, .frame_time, or .game_time.
  • examples: Minimalistic implementations of different genres, acting as guideposts for system / component development.
    • Walking simulator
      • documents / audio logs
      • triggering changes in the world
    • Platformer
      • 2D or 3D? Make sure that it doesn't matter.
      • Minimal NPC AI
    • Twin stick shooter
      • Tactical NPC AI
    • Creed-like climber
    • Stealth game
    • First-person shooter: "Five Minutes of Violence"
    • Driving game: "Friction: Zero"
    • Abstract puzzle game: "sixxis"
      • Candidate for list culling: Probably provides no reusable mechanics
    • Match 3
    • Rhythm game
      • Candidate for list culling: Just a specific subgenre of abstract puzzle games. Then again, it is a specific mechanic that defines a (sub)genre...
    • Environmental puzzle game
    • Turn-based strategy
      • Strategic AI
    • Real-time strategy
      • Strategic AI
    • Point and click
    • Role-playing game
      • Character sheet and randomized skill tests
      • Talking
    • Adventure
    • Flight simulator
    • City / tycoon / business / farming / life simulation
    • Rail shooter / Shooting gallery
    • Brawler
    • Bullet Hell
    • Submarine simulator


A Python ECS (Entity Component System)







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