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Automatic Dynamic DNS Updates for Docker


Before using Groundcontrol, you should investigate SkyDNS and Skydock to determine if your use case is better served by those projects.

The Deets

Groundcontol listens to the Docker event stream and uses Dynamic DNS Updates to modify an existing zone. It allows gradually adding Docker hosted application to your existing DNS infrastucture.


While not strictly necessary, Groundcontrol is meant to be run in a container on the Docker host it is managing records for. After installing and configuring Docker to your liking pull the image from the Docker index:

docker pull jkoelker/groundcontrol

Ground control requires access to a TSIG key to sign Dynamic DNS Update requests. By default it will look for this file in /data/tsig.key. Generate a key using dnssec-keygen:

dnssec-keygen -a HMAC-MD5 -b 128 -r /dev/urandom -n USER DDNS_UPDATE

This generates a .key and a .private file. Read the manpage to find out more. cat out the .key file, it should look like:

DDNS_UPDATE. IN KEY 0 3 157 lVyOSdkNGXY8768NGoBxrA==

The last column is the key's secret. Edit your named.conf and add the key:

    algorithm HMAC-MD5.SIG-ALG.REG.INT;
    secret "lVyOSdkNGXY8768NGoBxrA==";

WARNING Make sure to use your own generated secret. Failure to do so will Allow anyone with the above secret to edit your zone file.

Then specify the key in the allow-update field of the zone definition:

zone "" {
    type master;
    allow-update { key DDNS_UPDATE; };
    file "";

Reload your bind configuration in the usual manner (e.g. rndc reload). Now create a Volume container to house the key (make sure to docker pull busybox if you don't have it already):

docker run -d -v /data --name tsig-volume busybox true

Then run a container to add the key into the volume:

docker run -t -i --volumes-from tsig-volume --name temp-tsig busybox /bin/sh -l
echo "DDNS_UPDATE. IN KEY 0 3 157 lVyOSdkNGXY8768NGoBxrA==" > /data/tsig.key

At this point you can clean up this temporary container:

docker rm -v temp-tsig

Finnaly run the Groundcontrol container:

docker run -d -e 'DNS_SKIP=true' --volumes-from tsig-volume -v /var/run/docker.sock:/docker.sock --name groundcontrol jkoelker/groundcontrol --nameserver <NAMESERVER_IP> --origin

Ground control should now be running. You can verify by checking the logs:

docker logs groundcontrol

You should see the logging output like Managing records in Try booting a test container:

docker run -d -t --name test busybox /bin/sh

The following records should be created (if not, then make sure bind has write access to the zone file location so it can create the dynamic zone file):                  30      IN      A            30      IN      SRV     10 10 0 30      IN      CNAME       30      IN      A       30      IN      SRV     10 10 0

The first record is the A record for this service. The service is determined by the last part of the image when split on '/'. That is all containers created using the image example/www will have an A record created for

Groundcontrol (by default) will use its own container name as a record store under the <name> hierarchy. If more than one Groundcontrol instance is workin on a given zone, then you must ensure this is unique per Groundcontrol instance, either by naming them differently or by forcing the identity of the instance using the -i or --identity option to Groundcontrol.

Every container will then get a SRV record at pointing to the container's short uuid. Currently the priority, weight, and port fields are the static values '10 10 0' as these records are intended for Groundcontrol's use.

A CNAME record is created for the container's uuid record to point to the name A record for that container.

The final record is a SRV record for the container pointing to the service it is participating in.


usage: [-h] -n NAMESERVER -o ORIGIN [-k TSIG_KEY]
                        [-i IDENTITY] [-t TTL] [--env-ip ENV_IP]
                        [--env-name ENV_NAME] [--env-service ENV_SERVICE]
                        [--env-skip ENV_SKIP]
                        [--update-timeout UPDATE_TIMEOUT]
                        [--resolver-timeout RESOLVER_TIMEOUT] [-q]
                        [-d DOCKER_URL] [--skip-image SKIP_IMAGE]
                        [--skip-service SKIP_SERVICE]

Monitor the docker event stream and create A records for containers

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -n NAMESERVER, --nameserver NAMESERVER
                        nameserver to update/query
  -o ORIGIN, --origin ORIGIN
                        origin domain to update
  -k TSIG_KEY, --tsig-key TSIG_KEY
                        path of tsig key file
  -i IDENTITY, --identity IDENTITY
                        identity of this groundcontrol instance
  -t TTL, --ttl TTL     ttl for records
  --env-ip ENV_IP       environment key for ip override. Default: DNS_IP
  --env-name ENV_NAME   environment key for name override. Default: DNS_NAME
  --env-service ENV_SERVICE
                        environment key for name override. Default:
  --env-skip ENV_SKIP   environment key to skip creation. Default: DNS_SKIP
  --update-timeout UPDATE_TIMEOUT
                        timeout for record updates
  --resolver-timeout RESOLVER_TIMEOUT
                        timeout for record checks
  -q, --quiet           disable logging output
  -d DOCKER_URL, --docker-url DOCKER_URL
                        http/unix url/socket to docker.
  --skip-image SKIP_IMAGE
                        skip adding records for containers built from image.
  --skip-service SKIP_SERVICE
                        skip adding records for containers of this service.

Groundcontrol allows many ways to override or skip creation of records. Earlier the Groundcontrol instance was started with the environment variable DNS_SKIP=true. This environment variable (if set to anything or existing at all) will prevent Groundcontrol from creating records for that container.

The --skip-image and --skip-service options can be specified multiple times to add an image (full image name) or service name to the exclusion list. For example to skip record creation of all busybox containers, you can specify --skip-image busybox.

Finally you can force a container's record values with the DNS_IP, DNS_NAME, and DNS_SERVICE environment variabes when booting that container. The --env-ip, --env-name, and --env-service options determine what environment variables will be inspected, so you can override them if needed.


Automatic Dynamic DNS Updates for Docker






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