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This is a prototype dashboard for TTS's bug bounty program with HackerOne.

dashboard screenshot


You'll need Python 3.6 and virtualenv.

Quick start

virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
cp .env.sample .env

Now edit .env as needed and run:


Then start the server with python runserver. When you visit http://localhost:8000 and are prompted for an email address, use:

  • to simulate an administrator logging in;
  • any other email to simulate a non-staff user logging in;
  • any other email to simulate a user who will be prevented from logging in.

Developing with Docker

cp .env.sample .env

Now edit .env as needed and run:

docker-compose run app bash
docker-compose up

Then visit localhost at the port defined by DOCKER_EXPOSED_PORT in your .env file.

Syncing with HackerOne

To sync the app's database with HackerOne, run:

python h1sync

Running the scheduler

To run h1sync and other necessary tasks at periodic intervals, run:

python runscheduler

Note that only one instance of this should ever be running at a time.

Environment variables

Unlike traditional Django settings, we use environment variables for configuration to be compliant with twelve-factor apps.

You can define environment variables using your environment, or (if you're developing locally) an .env file in the root directory of the repository.

Note: When an environment variable is described as representing a boolean value, if the variable exists with any value (even the empty string), the boolean is true; otherwise, it's false.

  • DEBUG is a boolean value that indicates whether debugging is enabled (this should always be false in production).

  • SECRET_KEY is a large random value corresponding to Django's SECRET_KEY setting. It is automatically set to a known, insecure value when DEBUG is true.

  • DATABASE_URL is the URL for the database, as per the DJ-Database-URL schema. When DEBUG is true, it defaults to a sqlite file in the root of the repository called db.sqlite3.

  • EMAIL_URL is the URL for the service to use when sending email, as per the dj-email-url schema. When DEBUG is true, this defaults to console:. If it is set to dummy: then no emails will be sent and messages about email notifications will not be shown to users. The setting can easily be manually tested via the sendtestemail command.

  • DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL is the email from-address to use in all system generated emails to users. It corresponds to Django's DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL setting. It defaults to noreply@localhost when DEBUG=True.

  • H1_PROGRAM_n, where n is an integer starting at 1, describes the configuration of the nth HackerOne program that you'd like the dashboard to track. Each configuration consists of the program handle, the API token identifier (aka API username), and API token value (aka API password), all delimited by colons.

    Thus for instance if you wanted to track two programs, tts and tts-private, each with their own separate API credentials, you might define H1_PROGRAM_1=tts:foo:bar and H1_PROGRAM_2=tts-private:baz:quux.

    For more details on the configuration parameters, see the HackerOne API Authentication docs.

  • UAA_CLIENT_ID is your Foundry UAA client ID. It defaults to bugbounty-dev.

  • UAA_CLIENT_SECRET is your Foundry UAA client secret. If this is undefined and DEBUG is true, then a built-in Fake UAA Provider will be used to "simulate" login.

Running tests

This project uses pytest/pytest-django for tests and flake8 for linting.

To run all tests with linting:

flake8 && pytest


Via Docker Machine

The following assumes you're deploying to the cloud via Amazon EC2.

docker-machine create aws-bugbounty --driver=amazonec2
eval $(docker-machine env aws-bugbounty)
cp docker-compose.override.yml

Now edit docker-compose.override.yml as needed and run:

docker-compose run app bash
docker-compose up


These instructions assume that you want to deploy to the GovCloud instance of

Most of the configuration is documented in the manifest.yml file at the root of the repository. Note that it mentions two applications:

  • bbdash-dev is the main web-facing app that handles incoming HTTP requests.

  • bbdash-scheduler is the worker that runs runscheduler.

Log in to and target a space

  1. If you haven't already, download the Cloud Foundry CLI according to the instructions.

  2. Login via the GovCloud api of using cf login -a --sso.

  3. Target the org and space you want to work with, e.g. cf target -o my-org -s my-space.

Create a database

Run the following:

cf create-service aws-rds shared-psql bbdash-db

Note that you may want to use a different AWS RDS plan than shared-psql if you actually have money.

Create a identity provider

Run the following:

cf create-service cloud-gov-identity-provider \
  oauth-client bbdash-uaa-client \
  -c '{"redirect_uri": [""]}'

Note that if your app doesn't get deployed to, you'll want to change that hostname.

Now create a service key to get the values you want to set UAA_CLIENT_ID and UAA_CLIENT_SECRET to when you configure your app (which you'll do very soon):

cf create-service-key bbdash-uaa-client bbdash-uaa-service-key -c '{"redirect_uri": [""]}'
cf service-key bbdash-uaa-client bbdash-uaa-service-key

Create a User Provided Service (UPS)

For deployments, this project makes use of a User Provided Service (UPS) to get its configuration variables, instead of using the local environment.

First, create a JSON file called credentials-dev.json with all the configuration values specified as per the environment variables documented in this README. DO NOT COMMIT THIS FILE.

    "SECRET_KEY": "{some random secret key}",
    "UAA_CLIENT_ID": "{client id from above}",
    "UAA_CLIENT_SECRET": "{client secret from above}",
    "EMAIL_URL": "{fixme: what should this be?}",
    "DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL": "{from email for nag notifications}"

Then enter the following commands to create the user-provided service:

cf cups bbdash-env -p credentials-dev.json

Push the app

At this point you should be ready to deploy the app to

You can do this by running:

cf push -f manifest.yml

At this point your app should be live, but if you ran into problems, see the troubleshooting section below.

Create an initial superuser

You will need to create a superuser account, after which you'll be able to login to the Django admin panel. The easiest way to create the initial superuser is to use cf ssh to get to the remote host and run python createsuperuser. You'll need to do some environment setup on the remote host, as described at Cloud Foundry's SSH docs.

Updating the User Provided Service (UPS)

If you need to, you can update the user-provided service with the following commands:

cf uups bbdash-env -p credentials-dev.json

Note that if you do this and the app is already running, you'll need to restage it with cf restage.


Logs in applications are generally viewable by running cf logs <APP_NAME> --recent.

Note that each application has a separate log, so you will need to look at each individually.


A prototype dashboard for the TTS bug bounty program.







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  • Python 88.5%
  • HTML 7.3%
  • Shell 2.8%
  • JavaScript 1.1%
  • CSS 0.3%