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What is Kolibri?

Kolibri is a Learning Management System / Learning App designed to run on low-power devices, targeting the needs of learners and teachers in contexts with limited infrastructure. A user can install Kolibri and serve the app on a local network, without an internet connection. Kolibri installations can be linked to one another, so that user data and content can be shared. Users can create content for Kolibri and share it when there is network access to another Kolibri installation or the internet.

At its core, Kolibri is about serving educational content. A typical user (called a Learner) will log in to Kolibri to consume educational content (videos, documents, other multimedia) and test their understanding of the content by completing exercises and quizzes, with immediate feedback. A user’s activity will be tracked to offer individualized insight (like "next lesson" recommendations), and to allow user data to be synced across different installations --thus a Kolibri learner can use his or her credentials on any linked Kolibri installation, for instance on different devices at a school.

How can I contribute?

Join the mailing list!

The project is just starting, but we want the entire development process, from conception to realization, to be carried out in the open. More will be added to this section in the very near future!

Running Kolibri

This is how we typically set up a development environment. Adjust according to your operating system or personal preferences.

  1. Check out the repository:

    $ git clone
    $ cd kolibri/
  2. Install a virtual environment for development (Python 2 or Python 3, you choose!):

    $ sudo pip install virtualenvwrapper
  3. Follow the instructions from You will need to source the file for the following commands to work:

    $ mkvirtualenv --python=python3 kolibri
    $ workon kolibri
  4. Ensure NodeJS is installed, using a platform-appropriate installer. We test on versions v0.12, v4, and v5. On Ubuntu, you may encounter issues building if you don't use NodeJS installed via [nvm](
  5. Install all NodeJS dependency packages for building the frontend code:

    $ npm install
  6. Install the other packages needed for development:

    $ sudo pip install -r requirements/dev.txt
  7. Install kolibri as an editable, meaning your installation will point to your git checkout:

    $ pip install -e .
  8. Run the migration script to create and initialize the database:

    $ kolibri manage migrate
  9. Run the development server:

    $ kolibri manage devserver --debug
  10. To run the development server and build frontend assets synchronously, use the following command:

    $ kolibri manage devserver --debug -- --webpack
  11. Install pre-commit hooks to ensure you commit good code:

    $ pre-commit install
  12. To build frontend assets for production use the following:

    $ npm run build
  13. To build frontend assets in development mode with sourcemaps and watching:

    $ npm run watch


Kolibri comes with a Python test suite based on py.test. To run tests in your current environment:

$ python test  # alternatively, "make test" does the same

You can also use tox to setup a clean and disposable environment:

$ tox -e py3.4  # Runs tests with Python 3.4

To run Python tests for all environments, lint and documentation tests, use simply tox. This simulates what our CI also does.

To run linting tests (pep8 and static code analysis), use tox -e lint or make lint.

Note that tox, by default, reuses its environment when it is run again. If you add anything to the requirements, you will want to either delete the .tox directory, or run tox with the -r argument to recreate the environment.

We strive for 100% code coverage in Kolibri. When you open a Pull Request, code coverage (and your impact on coverage) will be reported. To test code coverage locally, so that you can work to improve it, you can run the following:

$ tox -e py3.4
$ coverage html

<open the generated ./htmlcov/index.html file in your browser>

Kolibri comes with a Javascript test suite based on mocha. To run all tests:

$ npm test

This includes tests of the bundling functions that are used in creating front end assets. To do continuous unit testing for code, and jshint running:

$ npm run test-karma:watch

Alternatively, this can be run as a subprocess in the development server with the following flag:

$ kolibri manage devserver --debug -- --karma

You can also run tests through Django's test management command, accessed through the kolibri command:

$ kolibri manage test

To run specific tests only, you can add --, followed by a label (consisting of the import path to the test(s) you want to run, possibly ending in some subset of a filename, classname, and method name). For example, the following will run only one test, named test_admin_can_delete_membership in the MembershipPermissionsTestCase class in kolibri/auth/test/

$ kolibri manage test -- kolibri.auth.test.test_permissions.MembershipPermissionsTestCase.test_admin_can_delete_membership

Current Features

This is a WIP. Architecture is new, and many things are mentioned with the predecessor KA Lite in mind.

Software architecture

  • Using py.test
  • Using tox to build py 2.7, 3.4, 3.5 and pypy
  • Automatic linting test (pep8)
  • Static code analysis check (pyflakes)
  • Travis CI (intention to replace with Circle)
  • Integration tests are separate from application code in test/
  • Unit tests live in kolibri/test and kolibri/plugins/core/plugin_name/tests
  • An example plugin is provided in kolibri/plugins/core/example


Usage and API features are taking shape in docs/ and are readable and online on Read The Docs

Development documentation is in our Google Drive, which you can view and comment on.

You may wish to start with the following documents:


This is where Kolibri shall be born, watch and participate!







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  • Python 78.3%
  • JavaScript 18.7%
  • Vue 1.8%
  • Other 1.2%