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if you are installing on a 64 bit Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install libjpeg-dev libpng12-dev libfreetype6-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev solr-common apache2 nodejs npm postgresql-server-dev-all

sudo apt-get install python-dev

sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node sudo npm install stylus -g

pip install -r app/requirements/local.txt


pip install -r app/requirements/production.txt runserver --settings=app.settings.local

or runserver --settings=app.settings.production

Adapting default lists - fixtures:


FIXTURE_DIR set in base settings

To load data into db:

  • python loaddata $(fixture) --settings=app.settings.local

Fixture file names should be unique otherwise django will not know what to run. Fixture models are built based on the db models. Run dumpdata $(app) for a textual view of the db model.


To load nationalities list into database run

  • python loaddata users_nationalityfixtures --settings=app.settings.local

Configure Social SignIn

Configure site object for domain by going to admin>Sites>Sites. In development should be localhost:8000

To configure social app, goto admin>social account>socialapps and create entries for Facebook, Google and Twitter

Client ID and Secret can be found in settings>

On dev mode you can just use make dev-social

Widget Tweaks Reference

Configure search

If you are using Ubuntu you can install apache2 , tomcat6 and solr-common with apt-get and start apache service. If solr is installed correctly http://localhost:8080/solr/ should show the solr welcome page. Do a "pip install -r requirements/base.txt" too. Make a backup of /etc/solr/conf/schema.xml and copy ahr/app/schema.xml over it. You may need to copy ahr/app/stopwords_en.txt /etc/solr/conf/stopwords_en.txt

to restart tomcat sudo service tomcat6 restart

to rebuild index python rebuild_index --setting=app.settings.local

##Config notifications pip install celery (already in the requirements) sudo apt-get install rabbitmq-server celery -A celerytasks worker


After you applied south migration 0018 on user app run the below command to copy the existing valnues to the english column: ./ update_translation_fields

Substitude -l no with -l ###Creating po files for javascripts ./ makemessages -d djangojs -e js -l nn --setting=app.settings.local ###Creating po files for templates and django apps makemessages -l nn --setting=app.settings.local

Dont forget to create a new migration for user app to translate countries issues and skills (make sm app=users)

#Staging release proccess

1- ssh ahr@ and do a git pull in /opt/ahr/ahr

1.1 - You might need to add your remote to pull from your own repo

2- ssh root@ and restart apache (ahr is not a sudoer)

3- You can start celery from /opt/ahr/ahr/app/tasks by issueing "nohup celery -A celeryworker worker&". (dont forget to kill the previous celery if its running)


  • No stylus is setup on staging server (digital ocean). So you need to set: ASSETS_DEBUG = False In your local settings on your dev mahine and restart django and visit the market so the packed.css file gets created. After that you need to overwrite the /opt/ahr/ahr/app/static/css/packed.css with your local file.

  • In order to use Stylus @import and global variables I upgraded webassets to 0.9. But its ignorant of any changes in the imported files. You need to increase the dummy counter in site.styl file every time you change something on one of the other stylus files :( (Untill you find a way to tell the webassets to watch the other styl files. It might be possible with the extra argument parameter in the settings file that I commented out)


Crowdsourcing human rights






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  • Python 74.6%
  • JavaScript 11.1%
  • HTML 10.9%
  • CSS 3.3%
  • Makefile 0.1%