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Initial Setup

  1. Install the project requirements using pip

    pip install -p -r requirements.txt

    Note: Make sure you are in the project directory

  2. Install other requirements from the appropriate sources

    • MySQL
    • Gitflow
  3. Login as the root user into MySQL client. (Use the password specified during setup)

    mysql -u root -p

  4. Create a database named 'newstrolley' and user named 'django'

    CREATE DATABASE newstrolley;
    GRANT ALL ON newstrolley.* TO django@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'newpassword';
  5. Create a file called '' in the same directory as '' and add the following:

    import sys
    #Change the following variables to your requirements
    PROJECT_ROOT_DIR = 'main/project/dir' #The directory that contains
    if 'test' in sys.argv or '' in sys.argv:
    	DB_NAME = PROJECT_ROOT_DIR + 'nt.db'
    	DB_USER = ''
    	DB_PASSWORD = ''
    	DB_ENGINE = 'sqlite3'
    	DB_NAME = 'newstrolley'
    	DB_USER = 'django'
    	DB_PASSWORD = 'newpassword'
    	DB_ENGINE = 'mysql'
    #Leave as-is during development. Only used while deploying to server. DO NOT CHANGE THE FOLLOWING
    DEBUG = True
    DB_HOST = ''
    STATIC_ROOT = ''
    EMAIL_HOST = 'localhost'

    Note: Do not make any changes to These are the only settings you must change

  6. Download MySQL Python Connector

  7. Sync the database

    python syncdb

  8. Load the database with sources


  9. Test to see if the project is working properly


    Note: Always use this to test the app. It tests the apps in a specified order.


The following will be our basic workflow:

  1. Create a new feature

    git flow feature start my-feature

    -- Work on the feature --

    NOTE: While working on the feature, follow normal git workflow like:

    git add .
    git commit -m "My commit message"
  2. Share it if collaboration is required (This will push the feature to Github)

    git flow feature publish my-feature

  3. Finish the feature if successful, or discard if unsuccessful

    git flow feature finish my-feature (Merges the feature branch with develop)


    git checkout develop
    git branch -D feature/my-feature (Deletes the feature branch)
  4. Push the changes to Github (This will be done only after you have finished the feature. Otherwise, just share the feature as in step 2)

    git push -u origin develop

  5. Repeat 1-4 until desired features are done

  6. Release the updates

    git flow release start release-name

    -- Make minor tweaks and changes --

    git flow release finish release-name

Please note that all work will be done on 'develop' branch. So, push the changes as follows: git push -u origin develop or pull the changes as follows: git pull origin develop

'master' branch will only change during release. During all other times we are only working on the 'develop' branch.

NOTE: Please make sure you adhere to the above workflow.