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cxxtags is a tool to tag and index C/C++ source files based on clang. The major difference from ctags is C++ syntax(ex. class, namespace, template, etc.) support and capability of generating cross reference information.

Several IDEs(Visual Studio, Eclipse, Xcode, etc.) already have this tagging(indexing) feature though, those are tightly built-in and not portable. cxxtags aims to be light-weight and portable source code tagging system.


cxxtags is developped and tested on Ubuntu 14.04, python-2.7.6 and clang(LLVM)-3.4. But it is expected to be able to run on other Unix-like systems inluding cygwin.

How to build

  • Install the dependent libraries

  • Check out the repository

      $ git clone
  • Build the project using cmake

    • Run cmake and run build. Make sure that llvm-config is in your PATH.

    • You need to specify a variable LEVELDB_HOME if libleveldb is not under the default compiler search path.

        $ mkdir -p build && cd build
        $ cmake -DLEVELDB_HOME=/usr/local ../
        $ make
        $ make install
  • Install

    • Copy the contents of ${CXXTAGS_REPOSITORY_ROOT}/bin directory to your installation path
  • See for more information for cygwin.

How to use

Build the database

Generate a tag database by using cxxtags.

    $ cxxtags _db a.cpp

Run query to the database

To retrieve information from the database use cxxtags_query. For example, if you want to know where an item refered at line #30 and column #8 in file a.cpp is declared. invoke these command

    $ cxxtags_query def _db a.cpp 30 8

If a.cpp is like this

#include <iostream>
namespace NS0 {
    class C0 {
            void f0() { std::cout << "C0::f0\n"; }
            void f1() { std::cout << "C0::f1\n"; }
    class C1 {
            void f0() { std::cout << "C1::f0\n"; }
            void f1() { std::cout << "C1::f1\n"; }
namespace NS1 {
    class C0 {
            void f0() { std::cout << "C0::f0\n"; }
            void f1() { std::cout << "C0::f1\n"; }
    class C1 {
            void f0() { std::cout << "C1::f0\n"; }
            void f1() { std::cout << "C1::f1\n"; }

int main()
    NS1::C0 c0;
    return 0;

you will get output like this.

    f1|/home/user0/devel/cxxtags/src/build/a.cpp|18|18|            void f1() { std::cout << "C0::f1\n"; }

For vim users, the wrapper plugin of cxxtags_query cxxtags-vim is available.

Generate a tag database from CMakeLists.txt

cxxtags needs compile options such as "-I" "-D" to retrieve correct informations. If your project uses cmake, You can generate tag database by steps below.

  • Run cmake with -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=1 option and build as usual. This generate a file "compile_commands.json" which contains the list of built files and their build options and working directory.

  • Generate the tag database of the project to directory "_db" by cxxtags_run_proj

      $ cxxtags_run_proj _db compile_commands.json

Or you can also use Bear to generate the compialtion database.

For more information about the compilation database, see clang site



Generate tag database from a compilation database generated by cmake. This command runs cxxtags internally.

usage: cxxtags_run_proj [-J] [-j N] [-e exclude_list] database_dir file_name
  • -j N
    • Runs cxxtags on N threads.
  • -J
    • Detect the number of CPUs on system and use it as the number of cxxtags threads.
  • -e
    • Directories should be excluded from tagging. Directories are separated by ':' like "/usr/include:/usr/local/include".
  • database_dir
    • output directory
  • file_name
    • compilation database file name


Generates a database file.

usage: cxxtags [-e exclude_list] database_dir input_file [-- compiler_arguments]
  • -e
    • Directories should be excluded from tagging. Directories are separated by ':' like "/usr/include:/usr/local/include".
  • database_dir
    • output directory.
  • input_file
    • input file.
  • compiler_arguments
    • Compiler arguments needed to compile the input file.


perform a query to the database.

usage: cxxtags_query query_type[decl/def/ref/override] database_dir file_name line_no column_no
  • query_type: Specify the type of query. Listed below are acceptable.
    • decl: Run query about declarations of a specified item.
    • def: Run query about definitions of a specified item.
    • ref: Run query about references of a specified item.
    • override: Run query about overridings of a specified item.
  • database_dir: Database directory generated by cxxtags command. You can specify multiple database directory separated by ',' like "db0,db1,db2".
  • line_no: Specify the line number the item is located in.
  • column_no: Specify the column number the item is located in.


source code tagging tool for C/C++







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