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Project Structure


    Project settings.

  • api/

    Definitions for the models used in this project. Note: Project level models are not a good idea in general. Also, it tends to mess up Celery's task names. If you need to use models in another app, import as follows:

      from api.models import User, Video

    high-level url routing (i.e. routing of '/api/...' urls gets handed off to the 'api' app's url manager, all other urls get handed off to the 'webapp' app's url manager).


    the standard utility. (see

  • api/

    Implementation of the json web service component of this project.

  • webapp/

    Implementation of the browser-based frontend for this project.
  • static/

    The static resources for this project. Pointed to by the STATIC_URL variable in For instance, if you wanted to reference a static resource from a template, you could pass the settings module through to it and the resource path would be:

      "{{ settings.STATIC_URL }}path_to_resource_in_static_dir"
  • doc/

    Project documentation (right now, though, only our db spec).
  • scripts/

    Any batch-processing scripts can be placed here. Right now, in the 'test' subdirectory, you'll find and, which, respectively, populate the database with fake data for testing and clear it out.

  • dependencies/

    All project dependencies (see below).


  • Framework: This project is being developed using django 1.3 (and leverages certain features not available in earlier versions) and Python 2.6. Configure your environment accordingly.

  • DBMS: The production server is running MySQL 5, though provided you only touch the database through Django's ORM layer, you can use any database management system you please for testing.


Dependencies are specified using a pip requirements file. See for more information.

To install all required dependencies, run the following command

pip install -r requirements.txt

Working on this app

If you will be using a local test database for development, set the active_database var in to the key of the corresponding nested config dict in the database_configurations dict a few lines down.


active_db = 'local'

database_configurations = {
    'dev': {
      'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql',
      'NAME': 'kikinvideo',
      'USER': 'webapp',
      'PASSWORD': 'savemore',
      'HOST': '',
      'PORT': '',
      'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql',
      'NAME': 'kikinvideo',
      'USER': 'webapp',
      'PASSWORD': 'savemore',
      'HOST': '/Applications/MAMP/tmp/mysql/mysql.sock',
      'PORT': '',

DATABASES = { 'default': database_configurations[active_db] }

Before you can get to work, you will need to run

python syncdb

from the top level project directory to create the database schema.

finally, to start your local development server, run

python runserver [port or addr:port]

the default addr/port is, if you want your development server to be externally accessible, you could set the address to (firewall/network config permitting).

Object-relational API

Example usage of the models defined in api/

>>>  from api.models import *
>>>  v_thumb_1 = Thumbnail()
>>>  v_thumb_1.width = 480
>>>  v_thumb_1.height = 360
>>>  v_thumb_1.url = ''
>>>  v_source_1 = VideoSource()
>>>  v_source_1.domain = ''
>>>  v_source_1.favicon_url = ''
>>>  v_1 = Video()
>>>  v_1.url = ""
>>>  v_1.title='Can I Kick It?'
>>>  v_1.description = "An awesome music video!"
>>>  v_1.thumbnails.add(v_thumb_1)
>>>  v_1.source = v_source_1
>>>  v_1.last_updated =
>>>  user_1 = User()
>>> = "Steve Williams"
>>> = ""
>>>  user_1_likes_v1 = UserLikedVideo(user=user_1, video=v_1)
>>>  user_1_saved_v1 = UserSavedVideo(user=user_1, video=v_1)
>>>  user_1_watched_v1 = UserWatchedVideo(user=user_1, video=v_1)
>>>  liked = user_1.liked_videos.all()[0]
>>>  print liked.title
u'Can I Kick It?'
>>>  liked_info = UserLikedVideo.objects.filter(user__exact=user_1, video__exact=liked)
>>>  print liked_info[0].video.title
u'Can I Kick It?'
>>>  print liked_info[0].date
2011-05-28 16:01:35

Fetching Video Metadata

Fetching video metadata is done in the background using a Celery task queue. You need to spawn the Celery worker server as follows:

python celeryd -l info

Note that this runs the server in the foreground. More information about Celery can be found at


Utilizes standard Django test framework. Doctests are preferred. More information can be found at


python test api.User.like_video


On development and production environments, the project will be deployed behind Apache running mod_wsgi. Apache site configuration file is apache/ and associated WSGI script is apache/django.wsgi.

Pushing Changes to Development Server

Assuming you have the SSH permissions on, the following steps illustrate pushing changes to the development server.

Setup: git remote add dev ssh://

Push procedure: git push dev ssh /root/bin/updog

Database Migration

We will be using South to handle database migrations.

Initial run (make sure that your schema and models are up-to-date before you run this):

python migrate api 0001 --fake

In case you change the model:

python schemamigration api --auto

Remember to add the created file (api/migrations/<seq#>auto<change_description>.py to git.

Applying migrations:

python migrate api

Git Workflow

For a complete description see this blog post. You can also use gitflow to make your life easier.

To summarize:

  • All development should eventually end up on the develop branch.

  • Every new feature that you are participating in should ideally be on a separate feature branch.

      $ git checkout -b myfeature develop  # branch off from develop branch
      $ git push origin myfeature  # optional: if there are other people working on this feature
      $ # hack on myfeature branch
      $ git checkout develop
      $ git merge --no-ff myfeature  # note the --no-ff option
      $ git push origin develop
  • Release branches support preparation of a new production release.

    • Creating release branches

        $ git checkout -b release-1.4 develop
        $ git push origin release-1.4
    • Finishing a release branch

        $ git checkout master
        $ git merge --no-ff release-1.4
        $ git tag -a 1.4
    • Merging back changes in release branch to development

        $ git checkout develop
        $ git merge --no-ff release-1.4
  • Hotfix branches allow you to act immediately upon an undesired state of a live production version.

    • Create a hotfix branch

        $ git checkout -b hotfix-1.4.1 master
        $ git push origin hotfix-1.4.1
    • Fix issue

         $ git commit -m "Fixed severe production problem"
    • Finish up

        $ git checkout master
        $ git merge --no-ff hotfix-1.4.1
        $ git tag -a 1.4.1
    • Include fix in development

        $ git checkout develop
        $ git merge --no-ff hotfix-1.4.1