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Knowledge base workflow management for Yara rules and C2 artifacts (IP, DNS, SSL) (ALPHA STATE AT THE MOMENT)


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Setup and run ThreatKB


Tested on Ubuntu Linux 14.04 -> 16.04

  1. Install system dependencies and libraries:
    • sudo apt-get install git screen libffi-dev libssl-dev libsqlite3-dev libmysqlclient-dev
  2. Install Python and associated packages:
    • sudo apt-get install python2.7 python-pip python-dev libpython-dev
  3. Install Python virtualenv library:
    • pip install virtualenv
  4. Install databases:
    • sudo apt-get install mysql-server redis-server
  5. Install front-end packages:
    • sudo apt-get install nodejs npm && npm install -g bower
    • On some systems, nodejs is installed as either /usr/bin/node or /usr/bin/nodejs, if it is installed as /usr/bin/nodejs simply run the command sudo cp /usr/bin/nodejs node for the npm install command to work properly

Note: If you are running on CentOS, install these dependencies: yum install MySQL-python libffi-devel mysql mysql-devel mysql-lib

System Prep

  1. Create system user: sudo useradd -d /opt/ThreatKB -s /bin/bash -m -U threatkb
  2. Clone repo: sudo git clone -b master /opt/ThreatKB/install
  3. Fix permissions of /opt/ThreatKB if needed: sudo chown -R threatkb:threatkb /opt/ThreatKB
  4. Create MySQL database: mysql -u root -p{your password} create database threatkb;
    • If you wish to create a ThreatKB specific MySQL user, feel free to do so
  5. Update SQL config in /opt/ThreatKB/ parameters:
    • SQL_HOST

Application Install

Note: These steps and the execution of ThreatKB should be ran under the threatkb local user you created earlier

  1. Run ./
    • Setups a Python virtual environment in the directory /opt/ThreatKB/flask
    • Installs required node libraries for front-end

By default Flask will listen on, if you want to change this modify the command inside /opt/ThreatKB/

Running ThreatKB

It's best to run the application and it's Python virtualenv within a screen session to ensure ThreatKB continues to run.

Note: Within screen, Ctrl+a+d will dettach your session and return you to your normal shell. To return to the screen session, run screen -list and look for the "Inquest_ThreatKB" entry followed by its PID then use screen -r InQuest_ThreatKB.<PID> to reattach.

  1. Start a screen session for the application to run within:
    • screen -t InQuest_ThreatKB
    • Make sure you are inside of the /opt/ThreatKB directory within screen
  2. Inside of screen, start the virtualenv:
    • source flask/bin/activate
  3. Start the celery workers:
    • celery -A app.celeryapp.celery work -E
    • This is required in order for testing against your clean corpus of files
  4. Build the database tables and columns:
    • flask/bin/python db upgrade
  5. Run the application:
    • flask/bin/python
    • Follow the instructions below on creating your first Admin user before continuing to next step
  6. Open your browser to!/login and get started using ThreatKB!

Admin User Creation

  1. Hash your password for MySQL kb_users table:
    • flask/bin/python yourSecretPassword
  2. Connect to MySQL instance and insert your admin user (replace values below as needed):
    • sql INSERT INTO kb_users (email, password, admin) VALUES ("", "<hashed password>, 1, 1);

Docker Installation

  1. Edit docker-compose.yml if you change to change defaults such as ports or credentials
  2. Build the Docker image: docker build -t threatkb .
  3. Execute docker-compuse: docker-compose up
  4. Open your browser to htp://!/login

Example output:

$ docker-compose up
-Starting inquestkb_db_1 ... 	
-Starting inquestkb_db_1 ... done	
-Recreating inquestkb_threatkb_1 ... 	
-Recreating inquestkb_threatkb_1 ... done	
-Attaching to inquestkb_db_1, inquestkb_threatkb_1	
-threatkb_1  |  * Debugger is active!	
-threatkb_1  |  * Debugger PIN: 212-674-856


Please see ThreatKB/migrations/README documentation

Release Logic

Releases are controlled by artifact states. States are configurable in the States admin section. There are 4 kinds of states:

  1. Release state - This is the state artifacts go into when you want to release them.
  2. Staging state - This is the state artifacts go into when they are being prepped for release. Any signature that is in the release state and is modified automatically get put into the staging state by the system. Only relevant for signatures.
  3. Retired state - This excludes a previously released artifact from future releases. Only relevant for signatures.
  4. Any other state - Any other state has no significance on releases. These will not be included in releases.

The Release, Staging, and Retired states must be configured in the admin section before you can generate a release. If they are not, the system will error out.

When a release is created, the system first pulls all signatures that are in the release state. Then, it gathers all signatures that are in the staging state and checks their revision history for the most recently released revision that is in the release state. If it finds it, it will include it in the release. If it does not find any previously released revisions, it will skip the signature.

Thank You

ThreatKB utilizes Plyara to parse yara rules into python dictionaries. A huge thank you to the Plyara team! Links to the project are below:


Knowledge base workflow management for Yara rules and C2 artifacts (IP, DNS, SSL) (ALPHA STATE AT THE MOMENT)







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