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NOTE: Deprecated

This package does not work with the most up-to-date Kimera and at this point is only intended as an example of how to implement a ROS wrapper for the LCD module of Kimera.


This is a ROS wrapper for testing the LoopClosureDetector tools for Kimera-VIO. It allows testing the LoopClosureDetector without running the entire VIO pipeline.

While not recommended, it is possible to run this node in parallel with other VIO ROS modules as a standalone loop-closure-detector module. This can be done by adding to other VIO libraries the ability to publish LcdInputPayload structures to the input topic of this node. This is not recommended because it will not be as fast as adding the LoopClosureDetector directly in VIO pipelines (as Kimera-VIO does) owing to the networking overhead of ROS.

The package requires Kimera-VIO, which in turn has several other dependencies including gtsam, OpenCV, and OpenGV.


Install Kimera-VIO and all its dependencies by following the install instructions found in that repo.


Clone this repo into a catkin ws:

cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone

If you have Kimera-VIO and all its dependencies, you can build the workspace now. Otherwise, use the provided rosinstall files to automatically download them:

wstool init
wstool merge Kimera-LCD-ROS/install/kimera_lcd_ros_http.rosinstall
# wstool merge Kimera-LCD-ROS/install/kimera_lcd_ros_ssh.rosinstall  # Use this if you don't have ssh keys.
wstool update

catkin build kimera_lcd_ros


  • The kimera_lcd_ros_node node is the main node that spins the LoopClosureDetector pipeline. It expects LcdInputPayloads published to an input topic, which is handled externally. It will store these images in a local database and detect loop closures between similar images.

  • The node outputs an image including both frames involved in the loop closure as well as the feature correspondences drawn between the frames. All features are visualized as blue circles, while the correspondences selected to perform pose recovery have lines drawn between them.

  • The node also outputs a Closure message containing information regarding the loop closure detection, including the calculated relative pose.

  • The closure_visualizer_node node is used to visualize the loop closure results in RVIZ. The node outputs the error in the calculated relative pose as compared to ground truth, which is published to the tf tree by the transform_converter_node.

  • The node also outputs a geometry_msgs::PoseArray and visualization_msgs::MarkerArray type message that can be visualized in RVIZ if ground truth pose information is available. The ground-truth reference frame pose for each loop closure is sent to RVIZ, along with the relative pose of the current frame for each loop closure and the ground-truth pose of that current frame. These pose are all visualized as yellow arrows.

  • The MarkerArray includes green arrows showing the connection between the reference frame and the computed current frame pose. The red arrows connect that computed current frame pose with the ground-truth current frame, as a quick means to visualize error. In general, large red arrows means high error in the pose recovery.

LoopClosureDetector requires a custom input payload on an input rostopic of the form LcdInputPayload. This includes a StereoFrame (which has two images and other parameters) as well as a VIO guess on the pose of that frame in the world reference frame. In Kimera, this is provided via the VIO module. Because this repo is VIO-agnostic, you need something to provide these VIO poses to the pose graph.

This can be done internally with the ros_lcd_data_provider node, which parses rosbag input from arbitrary stereo datasets and creates the LcdInputPayload structure. It provides an empty pose-estimate, but this can easily be modified to provide any kind of guess.


To run with one of the EuRoC datasets, simply run

roslaunch kimera_lcd_ros lcd_ros_euroc.launch

and then run the rosbag once the vocabulary completely loads. (A message will be printed to console when this is finished; it will take around 10 seconds).

Note that this quick setup works out-of-the-box with EuRoC rosbags recorded from their Vicon MoCap room only.

For other datasets some additional setup is required. Start by making a launch file suitable with all of the required topic remapping. In particular, make sure that the topics for the camera images are remapped properly.

In order to visualize and calculate error properly, ground truth transforms are required. Many datasets will send this straight to the /tf tree. Change the body_frame_id argument accordingly. However, for datasets like EuRoC which send the transform to a normal rostopic instead, change the gnd_truth_topic and include the transform_converter_node as in the example launch file. This node simply publishes the transforms from the topic to the /tf tree.

In addition, parameters for the camera must be defined. Make a new folder in /param entitled with the name of your dataset and include a calibration.yaml file detailing the camera parameters.

You can then change the dataset name in your launch file and the redirection will be done automatically. In this parameter folder, you can also define custom parameters for the LoopClosureDetector module.

ROS Launch Arguments

  • bool log_output is sent to LoopClosureDetector for sending output to a log file
  • float cache_time is sent to the closure visualizer node. It represents the length of the cache for the transform listener buffer. This should be set to the length of the rosbag dataset
  • bool visualize is for starting and publishing to RVIZ


  • Support for offline rosbag parsing
  • Speed up image transport for LcdInputPayloads
  • Streamline visualization features


ROS wrapper for the LoopClosureDetector module of Kimera







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