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Slow Combinatorics in Python (slowcomb)

A Mounaiban mini-project

What is Slowcomb?

Slowcomb is a mini-library of combinatorics classes for the Python programming language and platform, implementing two of the most common combinatorics operations: permutations and combinations.

Slowcomb implements its classes as sequences (called Combinatorial Units, or CUs), allowing the results of these operations to be recalled instantly with integer indices.

Why Use It?

The expected benefits of using Slowcomb for combinatorial operations include reproducibility of results and significantly reduced memory requirements when working with very large sets of combinatorial terms.

Slowcomb works best in situations where a very small but random and unpredicatble subsample of a very large set of terms are needed at any given time.

The Slowcomb project was mainly motivated by the lack of random access to terms when using Python's extremely fast combinatorial classes from the itertools module. An unpublished game engine that made heavy use of combinatorics was found to be using excessive amounts of memory, due to the use of large combinatorial term dumps.

Things You Can Do

Here is a basic example of recalling a single term from a Permutation CU:

>>> source = ('A', 'B', 'C', 'D')
>>> perm_abcd = Permutation(source, r=4)
>>> perm_abcd[11]
('B', 'D', 'C', 'A')

The 12th (or first+11'th) possible way of rearranging the letters A, B, C, D is B, D, C, A, when using the canoncial method of permutation seen in school mathematics textbooks, that is, considering all possible ways of switching the letters in order, from right to left.

Slicing on combinatorial units is also supported:

>>> perm_abcd[5:9]
(('A', 'D', 'C', 'B'), ('B', 'A', 'C', 'D'), ('B', 'A', 'D', 'C'),
('B', 'C', 'A', 'D'))

Only the sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth permutations are returned

PROTIP: first index of a sequence is 0.

You can find out the number of permutations using the len() function:

>>> len(perm_abcd)

As indicated, there are twenty-four possible ways four elements may be arranged.

The index of a combinatorial result can be recalled:

>>> perm_abcd.index( ('D','C','B','A') )

Remember to split the elements of the terms in the exact form they supplied to the CU, especially when working on strings.

Index reverse lookups are only supported when the source sequence supports reverse lookups through a method named index(). Using sources that do not fulfill this requirement will disable reverse lookup.

As expected, D, C, B, A is reported to be the twenty-fourth and last permutation of A, B, C, D.

PROTIP: Recall from maths class that the final permutation of a sequence is the sequence in reverse order.

All combinatorial operations in Slowcomb are 'lazy'; results are only evaluated when requested.

Slowcomb's combinatorial operations work only with container types in which elements are addressable with integer indices, such as tuples and lists.

How Do I Get Started Using It?

Please see the INSTALL.rst file in the repository root directory.

Also check out the demos folder for usage examples and performance benchmarks. To start the Introductory Demo, run

python -m slowcomb.demos.demo

from a command line while in the same directory as this file.

Slowcomb is free software, licensed to you under the Terms of the GNU General Public License, Version 3 or later. Please view the LICENSE file for full terms and conditions.

Also, I Am Not A Mathematician.

Known Strengths and Weaknesses


Slowcomb makes it practical to work on small parts of a very large combinatorial set (in maths jargon, large-n, small-p problems) with reduced memory usage and instant access to specific terms and the ability to identify specific terms with a single number. It finds use where it is not feasible or necessary to unpack the entire range of combinatorial terms.

Example situations where Slowcomb is expected to be of use include:

  1. Software testing. Test configurations may be difficult to express in their literal forms. When the range of configurations is expressed as a CU, configurations can be easily identified with numerical indices.
  2. Graphic or product design. The range of variations on a design can be expressed as a CU, and each specific design can be identified with a numerical index.
  3. Procedural synthesis in games or multimedia arts. The range of possible configurations of a synthesis can be expressed as a CU, allowing specific results to be recalled and identified with a numerical index.

In the above situations, there is no need to store a large number of results, as they can be quickly or at least predictably and deterministically repeated with the use of the index.


Slowcomb also has several identified weaknesses, mostly due to its slow rate of generating successive results (hence its name) and inability to work on so-called non-subscriptable sources whose elements cannot be individually addressed (such as generators, iterators and some data streams).

Here are some situations where there is no expected benefit using Slowcomb:

  1. Password recovery. Most password recovery operations tend to use large numbers of successive combinatorial results, making other means such as Python's itertools more useful due to their performance advantage in such operations. Also, passwords are often most conveniently identified by their literal form, making the repeatability of results by using numerical indices irrelevant.
  2. Brand name surveys. When conducting research in order to pick the best variation of a brand name, it is usually best to narrow down the range of brands. Thus, the number of combinatorial terms is highly likely to be too small for Slowcomb to be of any benefit.
  3. Any situation where combinatorial operations must be performed on a source in which data is not individually and randomly addressable.

Other solutions, such as Python's itertools may be superior or necessary under these circumstances.


The documentation in the code, and this introduction has not been thoroughly proof-read, and may contain errors.

Please report all errors by filing issues. As usual, please be specific about bugs, and include detailed steps to reproduce the bug. Unit tests would also be nice. For errors in the documentation, please quote the line number (and column number if possible) as well as the file where you found the error.


Slowcomb is largely a labour of love, and very much a learning journal of Python programming (and using GTK via PyGObject for the demos). The possibility that this library might be useful enough to be used in other projects is being explored. Here are some ideas:

Not-so-specific Ideas (toward 2.0)

These are just ideas which are not specific enough to have a deadline:

Code and Documentation Quality

  • Further reduce word count and increase clarity in docstrings to the point it becomes a good example for teaching programming to (tenth?) grade school students.
  • Improve dependency injection use patterns to make unit testing easier.
  • Spin off lengthy docstrings into separate documents, leaving only an executive summary and essential information (e.g. arguments, exceptions).


More demos to illustrate Slowcomb's potential use cases would be nice to have.

  • Combinatorial Test Suite - an extended test suite for the Slowcomb library which would take too long to write manually.
  • Combinatorial Text Editor - a tool that incorporates combinatorics in generating text documents, such as configuration files or experimental writing works.
  • Demo App Improvements
    • Implement the GTK Application API in the demo app. This allows Ctrl-key shortcuts to be used. The current demo app has nigh exhausted all available Alt-key shortcuts.
    • Implement a more intuitive Editor. The current tabular tree view is somewhat serviceable, but was found to be hard to read at times.
  • Test Planner - a user-friendly app that would generate a list of unit tests to be performed, and even keep track of them and generate template code.

Features and Additional CUs

  • ChainSequence, addressable version of itertools.chain.
    • The __add__() and __sub__() (if feasible) methods for runtime modification of ChainSequences
  • CombinationWithExclusion, which is basically Combinations, but with the ability to exclude specific elements (e.g. Drug A and Drug C should never appear in the same prescription)
  • Exception memory to help isolate and diagnose problems in compound CUs. The unused _exceptions property in CombinatorialUnit is reserved for this feature.
  • Extended unit and integration tests:
    • Detailed unit tests, to account for edge cases, corner cases and circular recursion errors.
    • Detailed performance tests based on access patterns to investigate potential optimisations to reduce the time needed to generate terms.
    • Exception handling tests, to ensure users get the right error messages, and appropriate fallback paths are available.
  • FilteredSNOBSequence, a sequence of numbers with a fixed length and number of active bits, but with the ability to set specific bits to stay on or off.
  • Management features to help with consolidating or expanding CUs:
    • The __contains__() method, which finds out if a CU contains all the terms of another.
    • A method to find out the indices of terms of one CU A in another B, if B has some or all of A's terms.
    • A method to find out which terms are present in two CUs.

Performance Optimisations

  • DequeCacheableSequence, a cache that keeps a fixed number of the most recent results.
  • Memory usage profiling.
    • A method to accurately measure the memory footprint of a CU when it is not in use, through __sizeof__().
  • Optimised codepaths for the following types of situations:
    • Permutations where the terms are just minor variations of the source sequence. Memory access and usage can be minimised by performing as much of the combinatorial process as possible in-place.
    • High-likelihood repetitions of elements in combinations and permutations.
    • Small-n, big-r applications of CUs with repeating elements.
  • Optimisations for potential uses in highly-parallel workflows, especially as a work dispatch system.


  • Easter eggs??