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Katie Adams, Kevin Allen, Nate Black, and Malini Mittal

This project explores different methods of large-scale image classification. The first method uses the Apache Spark framework while the second uses deep learning on GPUs with Python's Theano library.

##General Dataset Information The following is a brief description of the dataset. Sample images and labels can be found in the sample directory.

We ran into some issues using wget to download the data - you need to be a registered user to download the data. Therefore, you must copy your local cookies into a text file and pass that to the wget call (or do some other workaround). Commands below.

[root@test ~]# mkdir data
[root@test ~]# cd data
[root@test data]# nano cookies.txt
[root@test data]# wget -x --load-cookies cookies.txt{1..5}

Download took an hour with network=1000 on the VM.

FINISHED --2015-06-15 19:04:53--
Downloaded: 5 files, 33G in 1h 1m 28s (9.05 MB/s)

###How Big is Unzipped Training Data?
The training files are pieces of a single archive so they were combined and then unzipped. Deleted the individual zip components to save space. Unzip took ~30 minutes.

[root@test download]# cat* >
[root@test download]# unzip

Sample image: The sample directory has some more example image files.

35,126 images - 33 GB zipped, 36GB unzipped

[root@test download]# ls
[root@test download]# ls -1 train | wc -l
[root@test download]# du -sh *
36G	train

The distribution of the training data is highly skewed.

Cases     Level			Proportion

25810  0 - No DR             73%
 2443  1 - Mild               7%
 5292  2 - Moderate          15%
  873  3 - Severe             2%
  708  4 - Proliferative DR   2%
35126  Total

##Single Machine Attempt single_machine_attempt was an exploratory analysis and provided evidence that the problem was too large for a single machine. The single_machine_attempt/ outlines some of the key findings and shows sample output from the analysis.

##Scala Logistic Regression
scala_logistic_regression outlines the development of the logistic regression classifier used for Spark. The classifier was developed using the local file system and then augmented to run on HDFS after the code was functional. Note the code in this directory is not the final code used for either the pre-processor or the classifier but was left in the repo for informational purposes.

##Spark The Spark aspect of the project can be accessed by first going through the instructions in the ansible or salt directories to launch a cluster. After going through the ansible/ the user will have a running SoftLayer cluster with both Hadoop and Spark running. sp1 will be the master node.

Relevant URLS

  • https://<MASTER IP>:8080 Spark Cluster
  • https://<MASTER IP>:4040 Spark Job
  • https://<MASTER IP>:50070 HDFS

The logistic regression classification can be run as hadoop user in /home/hadoop.

The user must build the project with SBT.

su - hadoop
sbt assembly

After the project is built, use spark-submit to run the process.

$SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-submit --class "w251.project.logisticregression.LogisticRegression" --master spark://sp1:7077 --num-executors 8 --executor-memory 9g --executor-cores 7 /home/hadoop/target/scala-2.10/LogisticRegression-assembly-1.0.jar hdfs://sp1:9000/logisticregression/train_64.csv hdfs://sp1:9000/logisticregression/test_64.csv /home/hadoop/out_64.txt 

After the process runs, an output file will be in the /home/hadoop/ directory. This file is in the needed format for a Kaggle submission.

Some diagnostics regarding the prediction:

Precision = 0.7372774428711623
F1 = 0.7372774428711623
Recall = 0.7372774428711623

===Confusion Matrix ===
5254.0  1.0  16.0  0.0  3.0
477.0   0.0  3.0   0.0  1.0
1069.0  1.0  5.0   0.0  0.0
163.0   0.0  1.0   0.0  0.0
135.0   0.0  3.0   1.0  0.0

A graphical display of the results can be found at

Test results from the Spark runs can be found in the spark_data directory.

##Deep Learning
Deep learning was another aspect of the project that was conducted using Theano and GPU programming. The in the convolutional_neural_net directory outlines the setup and various packages used for deep learning.


W251 Final Project






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