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Semantic Multimedia 2013 – Group 1

HPI Seminar on Semantic Multimedia, summer semester 2013

We are group 1 – Mandy Roick, Claudia Exeler, Tino Junge, and Nicolas Fricke

Our objective is to analyze Images on Flickr and build homogenous clusters of the results. Read more: [german]

Installation instructions on Debian 7

clone git repository

$ sudo apt-get install git # only if you do not have git already
$ git clone

install python packages

$ sudo apt-get install python-pip
$ sudo pip install flask
$ sudo pip install flask_assets
$ sudo pip install nltk
$ sudo pip install SimpleCV
$ sudo pip install Pycluster

$ sudo apt-get install python-scipy python-pygame python-opencv mcl

download wordnet for python

open a python console

$ python

and use nltk to download an offline instance of wordnet

>>> import nltk
	# opens download tool
	# enter d for download
	# enter wordnet for downloading wordnet
	# enter q for quit


$ cd semmul2013-group1/
$ cp config.cfg.template config.cfg
$ vim config.cfg
# adapt config: 
# 	1. data-dir: should be the path to the folder, where metadata and images can be found, for example .../semmul2013-group1/data/
#	2. metadata-dir: should be the path to the folder, where metadata jsons for Flickr-images can be found, for example .../semmul2013-group1/data/metadata
#		-> folder structure should be: metadata/10-19/10/100210.json
#	3. downloaded-images-dir: if Flickr-images are already downloaded, this is the path to the folder, where they can be found
#	4. preprocessed-data-dir: should be the path to the folder, where preprocessed data can be stored, for example .../semmul2013-group1/data/preprocessed_data
#	5. keywords-for-pictures-dir: should be the path to the folder, where the results of Synset detection can be stored, for example .../semmul2013-group1/data/preprocessed_data/keywords_for_pictures
#	-> all folders have to exist before usage

preprocessing and starting of program

$ cd src/

$ python clustering/semantic/ # can be processed in parallel by using parameter -d
$ python clustering/semantic/
$ python clustering/visual/ # can be processed in parallel by using parameter -d
$ python frontend/
# now start a browser (preferably google chrome) and browse to localhost:5000


HPI Seminar on Semantic Multimedia, summer semester 2013






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