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python monasca implementation

To install the python api implementation, git clone the source and run the following command::

sudo python install

If it installs successfully, you will need to make changes to the following two files to reflect your system settings, especially where kafka server is located::


If you setup monasca on a brand new machine, most likely some of the dependencies are not present. The typical ones are listed below:

python setuptools, python-dev, pip

To install setuptools, please reference to this page.

The typical process of installing setuptools is to download the tar.gz file then tar -xvf and run python install

To install python-dev and pip, run the following command:

apt-get install python-dev python-pip

Once the configurations are modified to match your environment, you can start up the server by following the following instructions.

To start the api server, run the following command:

Running the server in foreground mode
gunicorn -k eventlet --worker-connections=2000 --backlog=1000
         --paste /etc/monasca/monasca.ini

Running the server as daemons
gunicorn -k eventlet --worker-connections=2000 --backlog=1000
         --paste /etc/monasca/monasca.ini -D

To start a monasca micro service server, run the following command:

monasca-service --config-file /etc/monasca/monasca-xxxx.conf

where monasca-xxxx.conf should be a micro service specific
configuration file. For example, to start the ElasticSearch persister
micro service which read messages off of kafka queue and save the
messages onto ElasticSearch, run the following command:

monasca-service --config-file /etc/monasca/monasca-persister.conf

In the future, there might be other services such as threshold engine, anomaly detection, alarms etc. All these services should be able to take a specific configuration file to be launched. Here are the examples:

monasca-service --config-file /etc/monasca/monasca-alarms.conf
monasca-service --config-file /etc/monasca/monasca-anomaly.conf
monasca-service --config-file /etc/monasca/monasca-threshold.conf

To start the monasca ui server, run the following command

gunicorn -k eventlet --worker-connections=100 --backlogs=100
         --paste /etc/monasca/dashboard.conf

the ElasticSearch Kibana has been changed. This section needs some

To check if the code follows python coding style, run the following command from the root directory of this project

tox -e pep8

To run all the unit test cases, run the following command from the root directory of this project

tox -e py27   (or -e py26, -e py33)


the python implementation of monasca







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