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DeepDive Lite

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#### as part of the [SIMPLEX]( program under contract number N66001-15-C-4043.


DDLite is intended to be a lightweight but powerful framework for prototyping & developing structured information extraction applications for domains in which large labeled training sets are not available or easy to obtain, using the data programming paradigm.

In the data programming approach to developing a machine learning system, the developer focuses on writing a set of labeling functions, which create a large but noisy training set. DDLite then learns a generative model of this noise—learning, essentially, which labeling functions are more accurate than others—and uses this to train a discriminative classifier.

At a high level, the idea is that developers can focus on writing labeling functions—which are just (Python) functions that provide a label for some subset of data points—and not think about algorithms or features!

DDLite is very much a work in progress, but some people have already begun developing applications with it, and initial feedback has been positive... let us know what you think, and how we can improve it, in the Issues section!

Installation / dependencies

First of all, make sure all git submodules have been downloaded.

git submodule update --init --recursive
git submodule update --recursive

DeepDive Lite requires a few python packages including:

We provide a simple way to install everything using virtualenv:

# set up a Python virtualenv
virtualenv .virtualenv
source .virtualenv/bin/activate

pip install --requirement python-package-requirement.txt

Note: if you have an issue with the matplotlib install related to the module freetype, see this post; if you have an issue installing ipython, try upgrading setuptools

Alternatively, they could be installed system-wide if sudo pip is used instead of pip in the last command without the virtualenv setup and activation.

In addition the Stanford CoreNLP parser jars need to be downloaded; this can be done using:


Finally, DeepDive Lite is built specifically with usage in Jupyter/IPython notebooks in mind. The jupyter command is installed as part of the above installation steps, so the following command within the virtualenv opens our demo notebook.

jupyter notebook examples/GeneTaggerExample_Extraction.ipynb

Learning how to use DeepDive Lite

The best way to learn how to use is to open up the demo notebooks in the examples folder. GeneTaggerExample_Extraction.ipynb walks through the candidate extraction workflow for an entity tagging task. GeneTaggerExample_Learning.ipynb picks up where the extraction notebook left off. The learning notebook demonstrates the labeling function iteration workflow and learning methods. For examples of extracting relations, see GenePhenRelationExample_Extraction.ipynb and GenePhenRelationExample_Learning.ipynb.

Best practices for labeling function iteration

The flowchart below illustrates the labeling function iteration workflow.

ddlite workflow

First, we generate candidates, a hold out set of candidates (using MindTagger or gold standard labels), and initial set of labeling functions L(0) for a CandidateModel. The next step is to examine the coverage and accuracy of labeling functions using CandidateModel.plot_lf_stats(), CandidateModel.top_conflict_lfs(), CandidateModel.lowest_coverage_lfs(), and CandidateModel.lowest_empirical_accuracy_lfs(). If coverage is the primary issue, we write a new candidate function and append it to L(0) to form L(1). If accuracy is the primary issue instead, we form L(1) by revising an existing labeling function which may be implemented incorrectly. This process continues until we are satisfied with the labeling function set. We then learn a model, and depending on the performance over the hold out set, revaluate our labeling function set as before.

Several parts of this workflow could result in overfitting, so tie your bootstraps with care:

  • Generating a sufficiently large and diverse hold out set before iterating on labeling functions is important for accurate evaluation.
  • A labeling function with low empirical accuracy on the hold out set could work well on the entire data set. This is not a reason to delete it (unless the implementation is incorrect).
  • Metrics obtained by altering learning parameters directly to maximize performance against the hold out set are upwards biased and not representative of general performance.

Best practices for using DeepDive Lite notebooks

Here are a few practical tips for working with DeepDive Lite:

  • Use autoreload
  • Keep working source code in another file
  • Pickle extractions often and with unique names
  • Entire objects (extractions and features) subclassed from Candidates can be pickled
  • Document past labeling functions either remotely or with the CandidateModel log


Class: Sentence

Member Notes
words Tokenized words
lemmas Tokenized lemmas
poses Tokenized parts-of-speech
dep_parents Dependency parent index for each token
dep_labels Dependency label for each token
sent_id Sentence ID
doc_id Document ID
text Raw sentence text
token_idxs Document character offsets for start of each sentence token
doc_name File name of document

Class: SentenceParser

Method Notes
__init__(tok_whitespace=False) Starts CoreNLPServer; if input is pretokenized and space separated, use tok_whitespace=True
parse(doc, doc_id=None) Parse document into Sentences

Class: HTMLReader

Method Notes
parse(f) Returns visible text in HTML file

Class: TextReader

Method Notes
parse(f) Returns all text in file

Class: DocParser

Method Notes
__init__(path, ftreader = TextReader()) path can be single file, a directory, or a glob expression
readDocs() Returns docs as parsed by ftreader
parseDocSentences() Returns Sentences from SentenceParser parsing of doc content

Update coming...

Class: Relation

Member Notes
All Sentence members
uid Unique candidate ID
xt XMLTree
root XMLTree root
tagged_sent Sentence text with matched tokens replaced by labels
e1_idxs Tokens matched by first matcher
e2_idxs Tokens matched by second matcher
e1_label First matcher label
e2_label Second matcher label
Method Notes
render Generates sentence dependency tree figure with matched tokens highlighted
mention1(attribute='words') Return list of attribute tokens in first mention
mention2(attribute='words') Return list of attribute tokens in second mention
`pre_window1(attribute='words', n=3) Return list of n attribute tokens before first mention
`pre_window2(attribute='words', n=3) Return list of n attribute tokens before second mention
`post_window1(attribute='words', n=3) Return list of n attribute tokens after first mention
`post_window2(attribute='words', n=3) Return list of n attribute tokens after second mention

Class: Relations

Member Notes
feats Feature matrix
feat_index Feature names
Method Notes
__init__(content, matcher1=None, matcher2=None) content is a list of Sentence objects, or a path to Pickled Relations object
[i] Access ith Relation
len() Number of relations
dump_candidates(f) Pickle object to file

Class: Entity

Member Notes
All Sentence members
uid Unique candidate ID
xt XMLTree
root XMLTree root
tagged_sent Sentence text with matched tokens replaced by label
idxs Tokens matched by matcher
label Matcher label
Method Notes
render() Generates sentence dependency tree figure with matched tokens highlighted
mention(attribute='words') Return list of attribute tokens in mention
`pre_window(attribute='words', n=3) Return list of n attribute tokens before mention
`post_window(attribute='words', n=3) Return list of n attribute tokens after mention

Class: Entities

Member Notes
feats Feature matrix
feat_index Feature names
Method Notes
__init__(content, matcher=None) content is a list of Sentence objects, or a path to Pickled Entities object
[i] Access ith Entity
len() Number of entities
dump_candidates(f) Pickle object to file

Class: DDLiteModel (CandidateModel)

Member Notes
C Candidates object
feats Feature matrix
logger ModelLogger object
lf_matrix Labeling function matrix
lf_names Labeling functions names
gt CandidateGT object
mindtagger_instance MindTaggerInstance object
model Last model type learned
Method Notes
gt_dictionary() Dictionary of ground truth labels indexed by candidate uid
holdout() Indices of holdout set (validation and test)
validation() Indices of validation set
test() Indices of test set
dev() Indices of dev set (subset of training with ground truth)
dev1() Indices of primary dev set (for accuracy scores)
dev2() Indices of secondary dev set (for generalization scores)
training() Indices of training set
set_holdout(idxs=None, validation_frac=0.5) Set holdout set to indices idxs or all candidates with ground truth (idxs=None); randomly split validation and test at fraction validation_frac
get_labeled_ground_truth(subset=None) Get indices and labels of candidates in subset with ground truth; subset can be 'training', 'validation', 'test', None (all), or an array of indices
update_gt(gt, idxs=None, uids=None) Update ground truth with labels in gt array, indexed by idxs or candidate uids
get_gt_dict() Return the dictionary of ground truth labels keyed by candidate uid
set_lf_matrix(lf_matrix, names, clear=False) Set a custom LF matrix with LF names names ; appends to or clears existing based on clear
apply_lfs(lfs_f, clear=False) Apply LFs in list lfs_f; appends to or clears existing based on clear
delete_lf(lf) Delete LF by index or name
`print_lf_stats(idxs=None) Print coverage, overlap, and conflict on the training set (idxs=None) or on candidates idxs
plot_lf_stats() Generates plots to examine coverage, overlap, and conflict
top_conflict_lfs(n=10) Show the top n conflict LFs
lowest_coverage_lfs(n=10) Show the n LFs with lowest coverage
lowest_empirical_accuracy_lfs(n=10) Show the n LFs with the lowest empirical accuracy against ground truth for candidates in the devset
lf_summary_table() Print a table with summary statistics for each LF
train_model(method="lr", lf_opts, model_opts) See Learning in DDLite below
get_predicted_marginals(subset=None) Get predicted marginal probabilities for all candidates (subset=None), an index subset (subset), test set (subset='test'), or validation set (subset='validation')
get_lf_predicted_marginals(subset=None) Get predicted marginal probabilities for all candidates (subset=None), an index subset (subset), test set (subset='test'), or validation set (subset='validation') using only LFs
get_predicted(subset=None) Get predicted response for all candidates (subset=None), an index subset (subset), test set (subset='test'), or validation set (subset='validation')
get_lf_predicted(subset=None) Get predicted response for all candidates (subset=None), an index subset (subset), test set (subset='test'), or validation set (subset='validation') using only LFs
get_classification_accuracy(subset=None) Get classification accuracy over subset against ground truth
plot_calibration() Show DeepDive calibration plots
open_mindtagger(num_sample=None, abstain=False, **kwargs) Open MindTagger portal for labeling; sample is either the last sample (num_sample=None) or a random sample of size num_sample; if abstain=True show only canidates which haven't been labeled by any LF
add_mindtagger_tags() Import tags from current MindTagger session
add_to_log(log_id=None, subset='test', show=True) Add current learning result to log; precision and recall computed from ground truth in subset
show_log(idx=None) Show all learning results (idx=None) or learning result idx

Learning in DDLite

DDLite provides a number of options for learning predictive models. The simplest option is to just DDLiteModel.train_model(), but this uses only default parameter values. DDLiteModel.train_model accepts the following arguments

Parameter Default value Type Notes
method "lr", logistic regression str DDLite currently only supports logistic regression
lf_opts dict() dict Options passed to DDLiteModel.learn_lf_accuracies
model_opts dict() dict Options passed to model training function (from method)

The following parameters can be passed to DDLiteModel.learn_lf_accuracies, which executes the first stage of the data programming learning pipeline.

Parameter Default value Type Notes
n_iter 500 int Number of gradient descent iterations
initial_mult 1 float Value by which to multiply the initial weights, which are all 1 by default
rate 0.01 float Learning rate
mu 1e-7, non-negative float Ridge regularization parameter
sample True bool Use mini-batch SGD or full gradient?
n_samples 100 int Number of samples in mini-batch
verbose True bool Print information during training?

For the logistic regression model (DDLiteModel.train_model(method="lr", ...)), the regularization parameter can be tuned automatically. This requires a validation set defined using DDLiteModel.set_holdout(validation_frac=p) with p > 0, and either multiple or no values passed as the regularization parameter. The rest of the parameters passed to the logistic regression model via model_opts are as follows:

Parameter Default value Type Notes
mu Set automatically if validation set,
or 1e-9 if no validation set
float or array-like, all non-negative Sequence of or single regularization parameter
to use when training with features
n_mu 5 int Number of mu values to fit if mu is None
mu_min_ratio 1e-6 float Ratio of smallest to largest mu values to fit if mu is None
bias False bool Include a bias term?
n_iter 500 int Number of gradient descent iterations
rate 0.01 float Learning rate
tol 1e-6 float Threshold of gradient-to-weights ratio to stop learning
alpha 0 float, in [0,1] Elastic-net mixing parameter (0 is ridge, 1 is lasso)
warm_starts False bool Use warm starts if multiple mu values?
sample True bool Use mini-batch SGD or full gradient?
n_samples 100 int Number of samples in mini-batch
verbose False bool Print information during training?
plot True bool If using validation set to tune, show a diagnostic plot?
log True bool Log the learning results?


A low calorie platform for developing information extraction systems using data programming






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  • Python 97.6%
  • JavaScript 2.2%
  • Shell 0.2%