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web-client is an erlang library including HTTP and WebSocket client.

The HTTP client is a wrapper of hackney library.

The WebSocket client is a modification of websocket_client.

User Guide

Add web-client as arebar dependency:

{deps, [
    {web_client, "1.0.1", {git, "", {tag, "1.0.1"}}}

Do not forget to add web_client to dependencies in your app.src file so that it is started before your application.

Using HTTP client:

% Simplest GET
http_client:request(get, <<"">>).

% With headers
http_client:request(get, <<"">>, [{<<"content-type">>, <<"application/json">>}]).

% With headers and body
http_client:request(get, <<"">>, [{<<"content-type">>, <<"application/json">>}], <<"Request body">>).

% With headers, body and options (see http_client.erl for all possible options)
http_client:request(get, <<"">>, [{<<"content-type">>, <<"application/json">>}], <<"Request body">>, [insecure]).

% Convenience functions

Using WebSocket client:

% Start WebSocket connection 
{ok, Pid} = websocket_client:start_link("ws://", my_ws_handler, [], []).

% Start secure WebSocket connection 
{ok, Pid} = websocket_client:start_link("wss://", my_ws_handler, [], []).

% =====================
% my_ws_handler.erl

% Module that handles incoming messages

init([], _ConnState) ->
    {ok, undefined}.
websocket_handle(Msg, _ConnState, State) ->
    io:format("Message: ~p~n", [Msg]),
    {ok, State}.
websocket_info(Info, _ConnState, State) ->
    io:format("Info: ~p~n", [Info]),
    {ok, State}.

websocket_terminate(_Reason, _ConnState, _State) ->


HTTP client API (http_client.erl):

  • get/1, get/2, get/3, get/4
  • post/1, post/2, post/3, post/4
  • put/1, put/2, put/3, put/4
  • delete/1, delete/2, delete/3, delete/4
  • request/1, request/2, request/3, request/4, request/5
  • request_return_stream/5

The functions with different arities can be used when you don't want to pass headers, body or options, just use default (or empty) value.

WebSocket client API (websocket_client.erl):

  • start_link/4
  • cast/2
  • send/2
  • ws_client_init/7

WebSocket client handler behaviour API (websocket_client_handler_behaviour.erl):

  • init/2
  • websocket_handle/3
  • websocket_info/3
  • websocket_terminate/3

web-client in Onedata

web_client is used in onedata in all projects for unified HTTP and WebSocket client API.