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Government of Canada CKAN Extension - Extension à CKAN du Gouvernement du Canada

Team: Ian Ward, Ross Thompson, Peder Jakobsen, Denis Zgonjanin


  • Forms and Validation for GoC Metadata Schema
    • complete, but planning to migrate to ckanext-scheming once it is ready
  • Batch import of data
    • merged into ckanapi, will be removed from here shortly


  • Use open-data fork of CKAN, branch canada-v2.1

From a clean database you must run:

paster canada create-vocabularies
ckanapi load organizations -I transitional_orgs.jsonl

Once to create the tag vocabularies and organizations this extension requires before loading any data.



dataset forms for metadata schema


base and public facing templates (requires canada_forms and wet_theme from ckanext-wet-boew )


templates for internal site and registration (requires canada_forms and canada_public)


package processing between CKAN and Solr


Related projects, repositories, branches and CKAN plugins
Project Github group/repo Branch Plugins
CKAN open-data/ckan canada-v2.1
  • stats extension open-data/ckanext-canada master
  • canada_forms
  • canada_internal
  • canada_public
  • canada_package
WET-BOEW theme open-data/ckanext-wet-boew master
  • wet_theme
WET-BOEW open-data/wet-boew master N/A
ckanapi ckan/ckanapi master N/A
ckanext-googleanalytics ofkn/ckanext-googleanalytics master googleanalytics
Recombinant tables extension open-data/ckanext-recombinant master
  • recombinant

Configuration: development.ini or production.ini

The CKAN ini file needs the following plugins for the registry server:

ckan.plugins = stats googleanalytics canada_forms canada_internal canada_public canada_package wet_theme datastore recombinant

For the public server use only:

ckan.plugins = stats googleanalytics canada_forms canada_public canada_package wet_theme

CKAN also needs to be able to find the licenses file for the license list to be correctly populated:

licenses_group_url = http://<ckan instance>/static/licenses.json

Users that don't belong to an Organization should not be allowed to create datasets, without this setting the form will be presented but fail during validation:

ckan.auth.create_dataset_if_not_in_organization = false

We aren't using notification emails, so they need to be disabled:

ckan.activity_streams_email_notifications = false

Additionally, we want to limit the search results page to 10 results per page:

ckan.datasets_per_page = 10

To integrate Google Analytics: = UA-1010101-1 (your analytics account id)
googleanalytics.account = Account name (i.e., see top level item at

For the public server, also set the Drupal portal URL:

canada.portal_url =

For the registry server set up recombinant configuration for ATI summaries:

recombinant.tables = ckanext.canada:recombinant_tables.json

Configuration: Solr

This extension uses a custom Solr schema based on the ckan 2.1 schema. You can find the schema in the root directory of the project. Overwrite the default CKAN Solr schema with this one in order to enable search faceting over custom metadata fields.

You will need to rebuild your search index using:

paster --plugin ckan search-index rebuild

Working with the API

To view a raw dataset using the api, use the ckanapi command line tool, e.g.:

ckanapi package_show id=0007a010-556d-4f83-bb8e-6e22dcc62e84


The GoC Metadata Schema is available within the plugin by importing:

from ckanext.canada.metadata_schema import schema_description

It is also available within the jinja2 templates as the variable schema_description.

The schema_description object contains attributes:


an ordered list of descriptions of fields available in a dataset


an ordered list of descriptions of fields available in each resource in a dataset


a list of dataset fields grouped into sections, dicts with 'name' and 'fields' keys, currently used to separate fields across the dataset creation pages and group the geo fields together


a dict mapping dataset field ids to their descriptions


a dict mapping resource field ids to their descriptions

dataset_field_iter(include_existing=True, section=None)

returns a generator of (field id, language, field description) tuples where field ids generated includes *_fra fields. both French and English versions of a field point use the same field description. language is 'eng', 'fra' or None for fields without separate language versions. include_existing=False would exclude standard CKAN fields and section may be used to limith the fields to the passed dataset section.


returns a generator of (field id, language, field description) tuples where field ids generated includes *_fra fields. both French and English versions of a field point use the same field description. language is 'eng', 'fra' or None for fields without separate language versions. include_existing=False would exclude standard CKAN fields.


['eng', 'fra'], useful for keeping literal eng and fra strings out of the source code


a dict mapping CKAN tag vocabulary ids to their corresponding dataset field ids

Field Descriptions

Dataset and resource field descriptions are dicts containing the following:


the CKAN internal name for this field, e.g. "notes", "title", ... ; note that these do not include French versions of fields such as "notes_fra"; if you need both language versions use the dataset_field_iter or resource_field_iter methods above


{'eng': English field label, 'fra': French field label}


{'eng': English field description, 'fra': French field description}


{'eng': English example value, 'fra': French example value}


True if this field exists in the default CKAN schema in at least one language, used by dataset_field_iter and resource_field_iter to filter English fields when passed include_existing=False


True if there are two separate versions of this field, one for English and one for French with "_fra" appended to the 'id', False for fields that contain no language component or have both languages stored together in one field, e.g. choice fields


"all" if always required, "geo" if required for geo datasets, "raw" if required for raw datasets, None if not required


if this key exists then the user must select one of the choices in this list; the list contains dicts with the following:


English text for this choice to display to English users


French text for this choice to display to French users


valid field value


an id for this choice from the proposed choices list, if available


correspongind UUID for this choice when importing pilot data


topic_category choices only: this field contains a list of ids from the subject choices list that correspond to this topic_category choice


if 'choices' exists then this will be a dict mapping pilot UUIDs to the choices dicts above


one of the following values:


the id field


select one of the 'choices' list above


value determined by code in CKAN or this plugin, not for user-entry


fixed value for all datasets, all datasets will use 'example' value above


text suitable for use as part of a URL: lowercase Unicode characters and hyphens


free-form text


allow selection of 0 or more values from 'choices' list above


free-form keywords in a string separated with commas; Unicode letter characters, hyphen (-) and single spaces between words are allowed


iso8601 date: YYYY-MM-DD


True or False (not strings, but strings are accepted when setting)


fully qualified URL


integer value in base 10


fully qualified URL to an image file (gif, png or jpg)


if present a list containing strings such as 'disabled' or 'hidden' which affect the form presented to users entering datasets

Compiling the updated French localization strings

Each time you install or update this extension you need to install the updated translations by running:


This script overwrites the ckan French translations by combining it with ours.

Linking with Drupal (Optional) uses the Drupal web content management system to provide much of its content and to provide a means for users to comment on and rate the data-sets found in the CKAN catalog. If using with Drupal, provide the database connection string for the Drupal database in the CKAN configuration file:

ckan.drupal.url =  postgresql://db_user:user_password/drupal_database

If this value is not defined, then the extension will not attempt to read from the Drupal database.

The installed Drupal site must have the opendata_package module enabled. In additional, 3 views are used by the Drupal. Run the following SQL commands to create the necessary views in the Drupal database:

create or replace view opendata_package_v as  select to_char(to_timestamp(c.changed::double precision),
    'YYYY-MM-DD'::text) AS changed,, c.thread, f.comment_body_value, c.language, o.pkg_id FROM comment c
    JOIN field_data_comment_body f ON c.cid = f.entity_id
    JOIN opendata_package o ON (c.nid IN ( SELECT n.nid
    FROM node n
    WHERE n.nid = o.pkg_node_id and c.status = 1));

create view opendata_package_rating_v as select avg(v.value)/25+1 as rating, p.pkg_id from opendata_package p
             inner join votingapi_vote v on p.pkg_node_id = v.entity_id group by p.pkg_id;

create or replace view opendata_package_count_v as select count(c.*), o.pkg_id from comment c
    inner join opendata_package o
    on o.pkg_node_id = c.nid and c.status = 1 group by o.pkg_id;

alter view public.opendata_package_v owner to <db_user>;
alter view public.opendata_package_rating_v owner to <db_user>;
alter view public.opendata_package_count_v owner to <db_user>;

Substitute <db_user> with the appropriate SQL user account.

Automating ATI and PD Dataset Promotion from Registry to Portal (Optional)

This section outlines the process of automating the promotion of ATI and PD datasets from the Registry to the Portal through the invocation of the bin/ and bin/ scripts.

The Registry

On the registry, the bin/ script pushes specified datasets to the registry's CKAN installation. It takes the following parameters:


The path to the configuration file of the CKAN registry installation


The URL of the CKAN public portal


The API key to use in invoking the CKAN API to propagate ATI and PD datasets to the portal


One or more space-separated and colon-delimited mappings (e.g. ati:00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000) between target datasets and their respective names or identifiers on the portal


If present, the root directory of the python virtual environment to activate, under which the script will operate

First, the execution of the script activates the virtual environment if specified.

Then, it uses ckanext-recombinant to parse all target datasets from its (JSON) recombinant tables file. For each such target dataset mapped on the command line, the execution queries ckanext-recombinant for its respective dataset types (e.g.; ati-none, ati-summaries). The script calls ckanext-recombinant to combine CKAN content for each of these dataset types into a temporary .csv file for promotion.

The script then calls, for each target dataset mapped on the command line, the bin\ script, specifying: * the CKAN configuration file * the URL for the portal * the API key * the mapped identifier for the target dataset * all paths to temporary combined .csv files germane to the target dataset

The bin\ script invokes the CKAN API to patch the package by its specified identifier, clearing out existing resources and uploading the combined .csv files to the portal in their stead.

Finally, the bin\ script cleans up the temporary files it created in its operations.

For the registry host, a sample crontab entry automating daily ATI and PD propagation (specifying names for the datasets on the registry, to a portal on host devubu3) follows:

0 2 * * * /opt/open-data/ckanext-canada/bin/ /opt/open-data/ckanext-canada/development.ini http://devubu3:5000 141d4974-7d48-47b9-a003-b09d5f8e7c3a ati:ati pd:pd /opt/venvs/env-ckan-2.1 >> /var/log/reg2portal.log 2>&1

The Portal

On the portal, the bin/ script rebuilds the configured local solr core with the content of specified datasets from the local CKAN installation. It takes the following parameters:


The path to the configuration file of the CKAN portal installation


One or more space-separated and colon-delimited mappings (e.g. pd:11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111) between target datasets and their respective names or identifiers on the portal


If present, the root directory of the python virtual environment to activate, under which the script will operate

First, the execution of the script activates the virtual environment if specified.

Then, uses ckanext-recombinant to parse all target datasets from its (JSON) recombinant tables file. For each such target dataset mapped on the command line, the script calls ckanext-canada to locate its associated resources on the portal. The operation downloads these resources and uses them to rebuild the target dataset from them via ckanext-canada.

Finally, the script cleans up the temporary files it created in its operations.

For the portal host, a sample crontab entry automating daily ATI and PD solr core rebuild (specifying identifiers for the datasets on the portal) follows:

0 2 * * * /opt/open-data/ckanext-canada/bin/ /opt/open-data/ckanext-canada/development.ini ati:636893c9-e4b4-451c-b652-571f2f1349dd pd:ca8f5f4b-b5d8-4884-a8d5-4a87dca4f6f6 /opt/venvs/env-ckan-2.3 >> /var/log/csv2solr.log 2>&1


Government of Canada CKAN Extension - Extension à CKAN du Gouvernement du Canada







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