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RaceCapture App

Next Gen version of the RaceCapture App.


  • Python 2.7.x
  • Kivy 1.8.x
  • Pyserial 2.6.x
  • Pygame
  • Included in package right now but ultimately shouldn't be:
    • Graph (via kivy-garden via python-pip)
    • NavigationDrawer (via kivy-garden)
    • ModernMenu (via kivy-garden)
    • asl_f4_loader (in dependencies folder)
    • ihexpy (manual install from )

dev installation (OS X)

  1. download Kivy (current is 1.8.0)
  2. follow Kivy install instructions
  • Chris Rae: I found step 3 a bit easier installing pip (sudo easy_install pip) and then virtualenv (sudo pip install virtualenv). But I don't know about Macs so I'm not actually editing the instructions. :)
  1. install virtualenv
  2. create a virtual environment (perhaps in this directory): virtualenv _ve
  3. activate the virtualenv: . _ve/bin/activate
  4. install pip requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt (you may be required to upgrade your version of setuptools via the provided command)
  5. install asl_f4_loader in dependencies folder: pip install asl_f4_loader-X.X.X.tar.gz
  6. install pygame ( - use correct package for your OSX+Python version)

running (OS X)


Preparing to build installers (OSX)

  1. activate the virtualenv: _ve/bin/activate
  2. Install [PYInstaller] ( pip install pyinstaller
  3. Try pyinstaller --version - should return "2.1" or similar
  4. Open /Applications/ and add a line "from pygments.lexers.agile import PythonLexer" near the top. Yes, I know this is bad form. It's to fix an error ("AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'PythonLexer'") where PyInstaller failed to find an import and I couldn't work out how to force it. -CLR 2014-05-29

Creating installer for current version (OSX)

  1. activate the virtualenv: _ve/bin/activate
  2. cd install 1../
  3. The install builder creates a .dmg file in the dist folder that is intended to be the app for distribution. However, it doesn't work right now ("Application damaged or incomplete") and I'm not sure why. -CLR 2014-05-29

installation (Win7)

  1. download Kivy (current is 1.8.0) - remember to get the py2.7 version
  2. follow Kivy install instructions
  3. my_kivy_install_folder\kivy.bat (sets path variables for current shell)
  4. install [virtualenv]: pip install virtualenv
  5. create a virtual environment (perhaps in this directory): virtualenv _ve
  6. activate the virtualenv: _ve\Scripts\activate
  7. install pip requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt (if this crashes you installed the py3.3 version of Kivy, doughball)

running (Win7)

Note: If you get an error doing this ("cannot find text provider") then you might be like me and be unable to run RaceCapture inside a virtualenv for some reason. Try performing the above steps without the virtual env part.

dev installation (Eclipse on Win7, but probably applies to Eclipse on any platform)

  1. Do the "installation" instructions above
  2. download [Eclipse] (
  3. Install [PyDev for Eclipse] ( and use auto-config
  4. In Window..Preferences..PyDev..Interpreter..Python Interpreter..Environment, add a variable "PATH" with value c:\kivy;c:\kivy\Python;c:\kivy\gstreamer\bin;c:\kivy\MinGW\bin;%PATH%
  5. In Window..Preferences..PyDev..Interpreter..Python Interpreter..Forced Builtins, add "kivy" to the list
  6. Make a new project in Eclipse, select "PyDev project" and specify the folder with Racecapture in it
  7. Right-click the project...Properties...pyDev-PYTHONPATH...External Libraries - Add source folder, add my_kivy_install_folder\kivy
  8. Run the project

Preparing to build installers (Win7)

  1. kivy (to get paths set up)
  2. activate the virtualenv: _ve\Scripts\activate
  3. Install [PYInstaller] ( pip install pyinstaller
  4. Install [PyWin32] ( pip install pywin
  5. Try pyinstaller --version - should return "2.1" or similar
  6. Install [nullsoft scriptable install system] ( stable version (currently 2.46)
  7. Open (from your Kivy folder) \Python27\Lib\site-packages\pygments\lexers\ and add a line "from pygments.lexers.agile import PythonLexer" near the top. Yes, I know this is bad form. It's to fix an error ("AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'PythonLexer'") where PyInstaller failed to find an import and I couldn't work out how to force it. You would think that this could be forced by creating a file with hiddenimports = ['agile'] in it, but you'd be wrong as this file already exists in the default PyInstaller hooks and it doesn't fix this problem. -CLR 2014-05-29

Creating installer for current version (Win7)

  1. Go into RaceCapture_App folder
  2. activate the virtualenv: _ve\Scripts\activate
  3. kivy (to get paths set up)
  4. cd install
  5. buildwininstall.bat - deletes old build folders, builds installer and tries to run the package (to run manually use dist\racecapture\racecapture)

dev installation (Linux - Ubuntu)

  1. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kivy-team/kivy
  2. sudo apt-get update
  3. sudo apt-get install python-kivy
  4. install [virtualenv]: sudo pip install virtualenv
  5. create a virtual environment (perhaps in this directory): virtualenv _ve
  6. activate the virtualenv: . _ve/bin/activate
  7. install pip requirements: sudo pip install -r requirements.txt (you may be required to upgrade your version of setuptools via the provided command)
  8. install asl_f4_loader in dependencies folder: pip install asl_f4_loader-X.X.X.tar.gz

running (Linux - Ubuntu)


Buildozer android APK build/install (Linux only)

  1. install buildozer from
  2. from the root RaceCapture app directory, run ./ . buildozer will download files as necessary and build the apk
  3. if buildozer fails with a cython error, install cython from your package manager
  4. if buildozer fails with an Android SDK error, enter the ~/.buildozer directoy and run android update sdk -u from the android tools directory.

Launch android apk

  1. Ensure your android device is in developer mode and plug it in via usb
  2. install / launch the app using ./
  3. Console / debug output will appear on screen as app is downloaded, installed and run


Next Generation version of the RaceCapture App







No packages published


  • Python 99.9%
  • Shell 0.1%