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Cluster management

Basic actions


  • First start the btrfs volume plugin for docker separately:

    $ pushd buttervolume
    $ docker-compose up -d
  • overwrite command and environment variables in docker-compose.yml with a that may looks likes:

    version: '2.1'
        command: ["agent", "-server", "-retry-join=", "-retry-join=", "-retry-join=", "-ui"]
            CONSUL_LOCAL_CONFIG: '{
                "skip_leave_on_interrupt": true,
                "watches": [{
                    "type": "event",
                    "handler": "/"}]
            CONSUL_BIND_INTERFACE: eth1
  • Then start caddy, haproxy and consul:

    $ popd
    $ docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f up -d
  • buttervolume ssh configuration
  • caddy /srv maintenance page volume configuration
  • consul ssh configuration

Rebuild and restart


$ docker-compose up -d --build


Same in reverse order:

$ docker-compose down
$ cd buttervolume
$ docker-compose down

Consul web UI

The consul web UI runs on on the host, through the consul docker running in host network_driver mode. To access it from outside, create a ssh tunnel:

$ ssh -L 8500:localhost:8500
$ firefox localhost:8500

Deploy or move an app

connect on any node, then run this from the cluster/ directory:

docker-compose exec consul consul event -name=deploy '{"master": "<master_node>", "slave": "<slave_node>", "branch": "<branch_name>", "repo": "<repository_url>"}'

Example: deploy foobar on node1 and replicate on node2:

docker-compose exec consul consul event -name=deploy '{"master": "node1", "slave": "node2", "branch": "master", "repo": "ssh://"}

During deployment, volumes are automatically moved to the new master node.

Local development environment

All docker containers can be used partially (not with ssl website) on the developer host.


You can use a self signed certificate by adding tls self_signed in the CADDYFILE environment variable in the docker-compose service.

You need to edit and set the CONSUL_BIND_INTERFACE environment variable to define your local interface connected to your router/internet.

Make sure the docker group has access to:

  • /run/docker/plugins/ directory with read/execution (r-x)
  • /run/docker/plugins/btrfs.sock file with read/write (rw-)


$ pushd buttervolume
$ docker-compose up -d
$ popd
$ mkdir deploy
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f up -d --build

And you may have buttervolumeplugin/consul/caddy/haproxy on your personal host !

To deploy a website:

$ docker-compose exec consul consul event -name=deploy '{"master": "localhost.localdomain", "branch": "master", "repo": ""}'

Possibly replace localhost.localdomain with the hostname of your development machine.


Manually starting, stopping or building containers

If you need to manually manage compose projets on a cluster node, you should go to the ~/deploy folder and run compose commands as usually. The compose project name is already set in the .env file during deployment because the name of the folder contains the deployment date and does not correspond to the compose project name.

Duplicate btrfs/local volumes after a reboot

Sometimes after a reboot, docker volume ls shows some volume in both local and btrfs driver (docker volume ls). This should probably be fixed by letting buttervolume start before all other containers.

To repair the volume, just do that:

sudo -s cd /var/lib/docker/volumes/ for v in docker volume ls| awk '{print $2}'|sort|uniq -d; do mv $v $v.tmp && docker volume rm $v && mv $v.tmp $v; done

Caddyfile is wrong

Probably an error in the Caddyfile stored in the consul KV store.

Try to regenerate the Caddyfile or haproxy.cfg manually to detect the error:

$ ssh node1 -p 4022
$ cd cluster
$ docker-compose exec --user consul consul sh
$ cat /
$ /bin/consul-template -once -template="/consul/template/caddy/Caddyfile.ctmpl:/consul/template/caddy/Caddyfile:/"

Also try to open the web ui to quickly check the deployed parameters:

$ ssh -L 8500:localhost:8500 user@node1
$ firefox localhost:8500
- click on Key/Value → app
- You can change values, it should trigger the recompute of the Caddyfile and haproxy.cfg if something changed in the resulting file.
- WARNING if you make a syntax error the caddyfile won't be regenerated and you may block all future deployments, or even break all the cluster.

proxy protocol

[Proxy protocol]( let send real client IP from the first packet header even it's an encrypted connection (like https).


send-proxy and accept-proxy are already set in haproxy. When setting send-proxy on haproxy configuration, the backend (the Caddy server) have to understand and accept the proxy protocol. (note: but in Caddy conf file once configured to listen proxy protocole that works even it received proper http / https)

Cahier de recette

cas à tester: * avec tout les serveurs ont accès à internet: * l'actuel master n'a pas accès à git * le futur master n'a pas d'accès git * le send ou la remonté du volume plante

Projet vide (volume, snapshot, container, projet git) 1. démarrage d'un nouveau projet sur 1 master avec un réplicat * nothing -> master * nothing -> slave * nothing -> nothing

2. inverse master / réplicat * master -> slave * slave -> master * nothing -> nothing

3. relance la même commande (redéploie sur le meme service) * master -> master * slave -> slave * nothing -> nothing

4. on passe sur le troisieme noeud sans réplicat * master -> nothing * slave -> nothing * nothing -> master

Quoi vérifier:

  • purges présentes
  • service consul
  • k/v store
  • projet git présent/absent
  • container présent/absent
  • volumes docker présent/absent



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