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Zendesk Search


The application is completed as a task following the brief.


The application was developed using python version 3.7.3 on a windows 10 machine using Visual Studio Code for coding and GitBash for running commands.

To check the version on your machine run the below command:

$ python --version

Cloning the project and setting up the environment:

Clone the project from github:

$ git clone

Change into the project directory 'zendesk-search':

$ cd zendesk-search

Setup a virtual environment for the application using virtualenv tool:

virtualenv is a tool to create isolated Python environments. virtualenv creates a folder which contains all the necessary executables to use the packages that a Python application would need.

On windows (GitBash Terminal):

    $ pip install virtualenv
    $ python -m venv zendesk_venv
    $ source ./zendesk_venv/Scripts/activate

On Linux systems (Bash Terminal):

    $ pip install --user virtualenv
    $ python -m venv zendesk_venv
    $ source ./zendesk_venv/bin/activate

To verify that the virtual environment is activated, run the below command and 
check that the source for pip (python package manager) is the vitual environment i.e 'zendek_venv':

    $ pip -V

After the virtual environment is created, use the package manager 'pip' to install requirements for the application.

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Creating tables and loading data for search:

The project uses Django framework to create table in a default SQLite Database. Django ORM is used to load data from json files.

Create tables by running the migrate command at the project directory:

    $ python migrate

Place the files(organizations.json, users.json, tickets.json) in the project directory 
and load data for search using the django management command:

    $ python load_data

Searching data:

After the data is loaded successfully by using the load_data command, run the below django management command at the project directory to search for data:

$ python search

The search supports below:

  1. Full matching search
  2. Case insensitive search (E.g. searching for 'megacorp' will display both 'megacorp' and 'Megacorp')
  3. Substring search (E.g. searching for 'mega' will display 'mega', 'megacorp' and 'Megacorp')


$ python search

Welcome to Zendesk Search

Select from the below options. Type 'quit' to exit the application, 'menu' to display the main menu at any time.

Search options:
        * Enter 1 to search Zendesk.
        * Enter 2 to view a list of searchable fields.
        * Enter 'quit' to exit application.
        * Enter 'menu' to display menu.

Enter your choice:

Select 1) Users or 2) Tickets or 3) Organizations

Enter search term:

Enter search value:

Searching organizations for _id with a value of 112

_id                           112
external_id                   32e979ff-47b4-43b9-8b74-eea1227905d9
name                          Quilk
domain_names                  ['', '', '', '']
created_at                    2016-01-10T03:21:25 -11:00
details                       MegaCorp
shared_tickets                False
tags                          ['Hall', 'Dorsey', 'Shepard', 'Carter']
user_id                       28
user_name                     Terri Mcmahon
ticket_id                     0533df4e-488f-45dd-b4b8-e238be0690ed
ticket_subject                A Drama in Bulgaria

Unit Tests

Running unit tests

Run the below commands at the project directory to run tests with code coverage.

$  pytest --cov=search --cov-report=term --cov-report=html --cov-fail-under=75 --no-cov-on-fail --junitxml=unittest-report/xml/results.xml


Command line application to load json data, search the data and return the results in a human readable format.







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