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API Details are mentioned in following section:

Technologies Used in Application:

  1. Docker
  2. Programming Language: Python using Flask Framework
  3. Backend Database: Postgres
  4. Redis for Authentication storage
  5. SQL Toolkit or ORM: SQLAlchemy
  6. Marshmallow for serialization
  7. Flake8 for maintaining code conventions
  8. Supervisor for process Management
  9. nose2 for test discovery

Setup instructions

  1. Prerequisites: You’ll need at least docker 1.10.

If you don’t already have it installed, follow the instructions for your OS:
a) On Mac OS X/Windows, you’ll need Docker Toolbox
b) On Linux, you’ll need docker-engine

  1. Create the Machine:
    a) docker-machine create --driver virtualbox default
    b) eval $(docker-machine env default) # replace default with name of your docker machine

  2. Build the Stack
    a) docker-compose -f dev.yml build

  3. Create Database Tables
    a) docker-compose -f dev.yml run flask python syncdb

  4. Copy CSV Data to postgres database:
    a) Run script scripts/ with parameters defined in script
    b) Usage: ./scripts/ ../flixbus_data/homework_segments.csv ../flixbus_data/homework_route_segments.csv ../flixbus_data/homework_rides.csv ../flixbus_data/homework_tickets.csv

  5. Run the server
    a) docker-compose -f dev.yml up

  6. Check the ip where the server is running:
    a) docker-machine ip default

TestCase Run Instructions

  1. docker-compose -f dev.yml run flask nose2 # runs all test cases
  2. docker-compose -f dev.yml run flask nose2 test_promise # runs all test cases in


Application API's is protected using the authentication decorator.
'AUTH_KEY' and 'ACCESS_TOKEN' are stored and checked in redis for authenticating the user.

APP_CLIENT is used to identify a system. Send this across in headers to authorize internal calls.

Segment API

Segment API is used to perform CRUD operations on segment resource:

  1. Fetch list of segments: Returns list of segments in the system based on the query parameters.
    API Endpoint: GET /segment?{query_parameters}
    Allowed query_parameters:
    get_pax Bool
    get_revenue Bool
    from_stop int
    destination_stop int
    distance int

Example usage


curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "AUTH_KEY: AUTH_KEY1" -H "ACCESS_TOKEN: ACCESS_TOKEN_1" -H "APP_CLIENT: flixbus_data_app"


"id": 1
"from_stop": 1,
"destination_stop": 10,
"distance": 5.3
"pax_count": 533
"revenue": 233
"currency": "EURO"
"id": 2
"from_stop": 1,
"destination_stop": 2,
"distance": 3.3
"pax_count": 53
"revenue": 234
"currency": "EURO"
  1. POST a new segment
    API Endpoint: POST /segment

Example usage:


curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "AUTH_KEY: AUTH_KEY1" -H "ACCESS_TOKEN: ACCESS_TOKEN_1" -H "APP_CLIENT: flixbus_data_app"  -d '{"from_stop":-11,"destination_stop":-2, "distance": 5.3}'
  1. Get a specific Segment
    API Endpoint: GET /segment/<segment_id>?{query_parameters}
    Allowed query_parameters:
    get_pax Bool
    get_revenue Bool
    from_stop int
    destination_stop int
    distance int

Example usage:


curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "AUTH_KEY: AUTH_KEY1" -H "ACCESS_TOKEN: ACCESS_TOKEN_1" -H "APP_CLIENT: flixbus_data_app"


"id": 1
"from_stop": 1,
"destination_stop": 10,
"distance": 5.3
"pax_count": 533
"revenue": 233
"currency": "EURO"
  1. UPDATE Existing segment
    API Endpoint: PUT /segment/<segment_id>

Example usage:


curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "AUTH_KEY: AUTH_KEY1" -H "ACCESS_TOKEN: ACCESS_TOKEN_1" -H "APP_CLIENT: flixbus_data_app"  -d '{"from_stop":-11,"destination_stop":-2, "distance": 5.3}'
  1. DELETE existing segment
    API Endpoint: DELETE /segment/<segment_id>

Example usage:


curl -X DELETE -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "AUTH_KEY: AUTH_KEY1" -H "ACCESS_TOKEN: ACCESS_TOKEN_1" -H "APP_CLIENT: flixbus_data_app"

Route API

Route API is used to perform CRUD operations on route resource:

  1. Fetch list of routes: Returns list of routes in the system based on the query parameters.
    API Endpoint: GET /route?{query_parameters}
    Allowed query_parameters:
    start int : offset
    limit int : no. of results to be returned from offset
    segment_id int: segment_id used for filtering

Example usage:


curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "AUTH_KEY: AUTH_KEY1" -H "ACCESS_TOKEN: ACCESS_TOKEN_1" -H "APP_CLIENT: flixbus_data_app"


"id": 1
"segments": [
                "segment_id": 1,
                "segment_sequence": 1
                "segment_id": 2,
                "segment_sequence": 2
"id": 2
"segments": [
                "segment_id": 3,
                "segment_sequence": 1
                "segment_id": 4,
                "segment_sequence": 2
  1. POST a new route
    API Endpoint: POST /route

  2. Get a specific Route
    API Endpoint: GET /route/<route_id>?{query_parameters}
    Allowed query_parameters:
    Allowed query_parameters:
    start int : offset
    limit int : no. of results to be returned from offset
    segment_id int: segment_id used for filtering

Example usage:


curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "AUTH_KEY: AUTH_KEY1" -H "ACCESS_TOKEN: ACCESS_TOKEN_1" -H "APP_CLIENT: flixbus_data_app"


"id": 1
"segments": [
                "segment_id": 1,
                "segment_sequence": 1
                "segment_id": 2,
                "segment_sequence": 2
  1. UPDATE Existing segment
    API Endpoint: PUT /segment/<segment_id>

  2. DELETE existing segment
    API Endpoint: DELETE /segment/<segment_id>

Example usage:


curl -X DELETE -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "AUTH_KEY: AUTH_KEY1" -H "ACCESS_TOKEN: ACCESS_TOKEN_1" -H "APP_CLIENT: flixbus_data_app"

Ride API

Ride API is used to perform CRUD operations on ride resource:

  1. Fetch list of Ride: Returns list of rides in the system based on the query parameters.
    API Endpoint: GET /route/<route_id>/ride?{query_parameters}
    Allowed query_parameters:
    from_stop int
    destination_stop int

Example usage:


curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "AUTH_KEY: AUTH_KEY1" -H "ACCESS_TOKEN: ACCESS_TOKEN_1" -H "APP_CLIENT: flixbus_data_app"
  1. POST a new ride
    API Endpoint: POST /route/<route_id>/ride

  2. Get a specific Ride
    API Endpoint: GET /route/<route_id>/ride/<ride_id>?{query_parameters}

  3. UPDATE Existing ride
    API Endpoint: PUT /route/<route_id>/ride/<ride_id>

Ticket API

Ticket API is used to perform CRUD operations on ticket resource:

  1. Fetch list of tickets: Returns list of tickets in the system based on the query parameters.
    API Endpoint: GET /ticket?{query_parameters}

  2. POST a new ticket
    API Endpoint: POST /ticket

  3. Get a specific ticket
    API Endpoint: GET /ticket/<ticket_id>?{query_parameters}

  4. UPDATE Existing ticket
    API Endpoint: PUT /ticket/<ticket_id>

  5. DELETE existing ticket
    API Endpoint: DELETE /ticket/<ticket_id>


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