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LSFM Pipeline

This is a pipeline for aligning 3D point clouds and generate LSFM models. For more details, please check Optimal Step Nonrigid ICP Algorithms for Surface Registration.


1 How to use our Pipeline

1.1 Programming environment

1.2 Basic usage

1.3 Default hyper-parameters

1.4 Customize pipeline

2 Tutorial: Dive into our Pipeline

2.1 Mesh cloud loader:

how to load mesh clouds and transform them into the same size

2.2 Equation solver:

how to make it run 10x times faster

2.3 Non-ICP algorithm:

what is the core algorithm to align mesh clouds from different point-of-view

2.4 Integrate all:

how we build up the whole pipeline

1 How to use our Pipeline

1.1 Programming Environment

Use menpo. For details, please check Menpo.

1.2 Basic usage

p = Pipeline(base_model_path)
lsfm, logs =

// to use LSFM model, use lsfm
// to have a look at training logs, take logs

A basic preview of the running pipeline

LSFM will run for many epochs. Each epoch will run for many iterations. Weights for each epoch and other hyper-parameters are already handled in config.ini.

1.3 Default hyper-parameters

The config.ini is as follows:


  • DEFAULT_OUTPUT_PATH = ./output save models and intermediate data into that directory.
  • DEFAULT_STIFFNESS_WEIGHTS = [50, 20, 5, 2, 0.8, 0.5, 0.35, 0.2] stiffness weights for each epoch
  • VAR = [85, 300, 220] mesh cloud variance in 3 dimensions
  • CENTER = [0, 0, 0] mesh cloud center
  • SOLVER = umfpack mathematical solver, 'umfpack' or 'naive'
  • MAX_ITER = 10 max number of iterations for each epoch
  • EPS = 1e-3 epsilon
  • MAX_NUM_POINTS = 2000 max number of points retained for each mesh cloud
  • N_COMPONENTS = 0.997 number of components (mesh clouds) retained, if it's within $(0,1)$, then k largest components are retained to reach the variance of N_COMPONENTS; otherwise N_COMPONENTS largest components are remained.
  • MESH_FILE_EXTENSIONS = [OBJ,] which kind of files are mesh files containing point clouds to be aligned
  • SAVING_FREQUENCY = 50 for every SAVING_FREQUENCY mesh files processed, we should save the current pipeline into output_path as backup
  • IS_PREEMPTIVE = True whether to resume from previously results, if true, try to load the most updated pipeline model saved from output_path and re-run the pipeline from that point
  • VERBOSE = True

1.4 Customized pipeline

Also, you can customize the above parameters and use them to construct your Pipeline model with the construtor function. In particular, a constructor parameter data_weights should be of the same length as that of stiffness_weights. In general, you can take it as None and ignore it.

2. Tutorial: Dive into our Pipeline

For the details about implementing and testing different parts of our pipeline, please check LSFM notebook.


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